Sunday, April 14, 2024


 The yard is in early Spring mode.  We need rain badly. 

We put out the bird feeders again and have our usual Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and Chickadees.  The Junco's are here on and off flying far they have not brought us snow.   Far Guy saw a Robin in town, my baby brother had a Robin at his house.  As far as I can tell we have one bunny rabbit. 

See that patch of tall grass/wildflowers past the trees in the yard...I will mow that in the next few days so it can green up if it rains. 

Such is life here in the woods.  Yesterday it was 72 F or 23 C eh! It was a very nice day!

I am still muddling through the big sort and Far Guy felt good enough to go out to his garage and transfer tools to his new tool box.

Far Side


  1. We went from 43 on Thursday to 70's today. And we have your rain. It rained non stop for days, one day was over 2". All the rivers and creeks are climbing up the shores and this sunshine will grow grass we can't cut because of so much standing water. I have a feeling my enemies the mosquitos will be plentiful this season!

  2. We haven't done anything in the yard yet. It was 84 down here yesterday. Low 70s today. I'm happy to know FG is improving daily.

  3. Your yard looks a lot like ours. Only we bring the bird feeders in, only have them out in winter. Gotta encourage the birds to eat all the bugs possible! Last year we were overrun by box elder beetles aka maple bugs.
    Rain would definitely be helpful!
    Yay Far Guy!

  4. One step at a time is showing gradual improvements YAY

  5. Spring brings many chores to get your place cleaned up after winter.

  6. Oh, I hope you get that rain. It must be hard to have to wait so long for it to green up.

  7. We've had 5 days of rain. Happy to share!

  8. Yes! 78 in Fargo yesterday and 70 today so far. Feels like summer and it's not even properly green yet--lol! Yes, we need a good soaking of rain. :)

  9. It does look dry, here's hoping you get decent rain fall soon

  10. We've had some days of 80 some degrees! Too hot already. I have work to do outside and I prefer 60's for! We're going on our 2nd mowing tomorrow and the lilacs are getting ready to bloom...I can't wait!

  11. It sounds like a perfect day! Big hooray for FG! Great news.

  12. Sounds like you two are doing well. Hooray for nice weather. We need the rain too. Hope we all get some soon.

  13. We were 84 yesterday, today and supposed to be there again tomorrow before it cools off a little. They mowed the property last Thursday for the first time this year. It must mean spring is here. The trees either have buds or a haze of green on them depending on the type of tree.
    So glad Far Guy is feeling like being in his garage. That's definitely a big step for a guy. Back with his tools!


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