Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Italian Dessert

 Andy  grilled one evening.  Steaks, salad with cheese, strawberries and blueberries, gluten free popovers, roasted carrots and wine.  Then an Italian Dessert...Tiramisu, that we had much later in the evening. 

It is Andy's favorite dessert. A sliver was just about right for me as it is a very rich dessert. 

We made the trip back to our home in the woods yesterday. We got the car unloaded but not everything is put away yet. Far Guy is doing so so, just the change from one house to another is a breathing adjustment for him. 

Far Side


  1. I love steak. My daughter Laura is living a vegetaian life. 100 grams of protein a day is her goal. I could never do it.

  2. Glad you got home safe and sound. Try not to over do it you 2!

  3. Tiramisu is so good! Hoping all goes well for you in the woods.

  4. Welcome Home! Rest, rest! Hope to see you out and about sometime soon!

  5. I imagine it feels good to be home again, although I'm sure you miss the dogs already. Hopefully FG will continue to improve every day.

  6. I will eat just about anything put in front of me from chicken feet to tripe. However, I've never developed a liking for coffee and that extends to tiramisu.

  7. Glad to hear you are back at home. It's wonderful you have a place to winter close to the care Far Guy needs, but being in your own home I'm sure feels good.

    I love tiramasu as well but I only get it when I'm on a cruise. :)

  8. Never heard of that dessert. Does look rich...and yummy!
    I hope you settle in and FarGuy adjusts quickly. Got to be nice to be back home. :)

  9. Tiramisu is one of my favourite desserts too ❤
    It must be nice to be back home again. I hope Far Guy adjusts quickly.

  10. I LOVE tiramisu. I would love to have a piece. I'm sorry it's so difficult for Far Guy to adjust. There will be plenty of time to put things away. Prayers for you both.

  11. The food sounds great.
    Welcome back to your little house on the woods. Be careful. Be well.

  12. I do not like tiramisu, can't stand the taste of coffee

  13. I'm glad you made it home! One step at a time. No rush

  14. I like dessert... any kind of dessert.

  15. Oh wow.....you're back home. Are you getting any of this awful winter storm we're getting? I hope it missed you guys. Hope you can relax and settle in and that far guy feels better soon. You too! Take good care. Welcome home.

  16. Such a special meal! Everything sounds so delicious!
    Moving home, one step at a time. Both of you need time to rest and work up to things. Unpacking will be there until you get to it.


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