Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Oh yes it snowed on Friday morning, off and on all day, huge honking snowflakes in the air, mostly it melted, then it snowed again overnight on Friday night/Saturday morning.

Even Ranger Blue had snow.

Saturday was a quiet day, we went to recycle and to the transfer station with garbage.  We were both tired so we had long afternoon naps after putting ribs in the crockpot.  

We use our oven sparingly after the idiot repairman didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  The cooling circulating fan inside the oven worked just fine until he repaired the oven ($400), the next time he came back two months later he said it didn't need to work.  Jenn-Air says "The cooling fan runs to help keep the range itself and its critical parts from overheating. The cooling fan is often sold as an assembly. If the fan does not turn freely or has power to it but won't run, it will need to be replaced." 

I ordered a new stove after much research. It is not here yet. Our stove is 26 years it is probably time.  The stove top works perfectly. 

Such is life at our home.

Far Side


  1. Well, my word! I guess things wear out but it's so strange when they do. We love using our things we are familiar with. I guess that applies to our bodies, too, haha. As we age we do get some surprises along the way as things fail to work as they once did. Hope the new range becomes beloved in a very short period of time.

  2. I'm glad we don't have snow, but we did have a frost warning. Brr! Sounds like your stove lasted a good long time. I've had to replace burners on our electric one a few times due to canning with it, but we'd really like to switch it to gas when we do have to replace ours.

  3. No snow down here. A warmup starts today. It's too bad you have to replace a stove that should have been properly fixed.

  4. Maybe that explains why the repairman didn't know his ass from his elbow, he was probably younger than the stove.

    Our snow has disappeared except in very shady areas. With a high of 14C(57F), I suspect the rest will be gone today.

  5. We are going through that here with my washing machine. GRRR

  6. It's too bad that a good life has to be bothered by appliances that don't work.

  7. 26 years is a bargain these days. We had to buy a new stove when the hinge on the oven door broke and couldn't be fixed. Agrivating.

  8. We got a few flakes and some frosty rooftops, but nothing more.

  9. We didn't have snow but it did get COLD. Brrrr. It's still only in the low 50's but I do have the balcony door open a bit.
    We had a JennAire stove in Spokane. It was my last purchase before I left my job. And yes, the oven fan is supposed to run when the oven is on. That repairman doesn't know squat does he?
    I hope you enjoy your Sunday afternoon. Naps may be in order.

  10. Oh, no, snow! I can’t imagine! Here I’m whining about cool 60 degree weather. I think it’s had to get parts for older stuff! We waste and replace but what else to do as no one has brains to repair things anymore!

  11. Snow, you can keep, we got a new oven when the kitchen was renivated but have only used it twice. We prefer the small toaster oven/air fryer

  12. I saw a few flakes on Friday floating about, but nothing that remained on the ground. And now it is in the 60s.

    I hope you love your new stove. How awful to pay $400 and not having your old one repaired!!

    I've been napping this past week, too. Not sure why--just exhausted. :)

  13. LD having trouble on commenting but do read in the middle of the night.

  14. My Jenn-Air is about 50 years old. there's one burner that won't work as the metal that holds the know broke off...I would need a welder to fix it. I only have the stove top. My oven and frig are also that old but still work! The oven is Whirlpool and the frig is Frigidaire. Now they build everything so it doesn't last as long so they can make more money.


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