Thursday, April 11, 2024

Idle Hands

 There are no idle hands around here. 

The blanket is my tv watching project. 

I  sorted cards last Mom kept cards from their 25th Wedding Anniversary that was 48 years ago.   I found a few interesting letters some that connect the dots with family history and a few family related of my Aunt's funeral service on a cassette tape. I found a number of obituaries, that Mom said she had but couldn't recall where she put them. Guest books from Silver and Golden Wedding celebrations....I have no idea what to do with them. I have three file totes upstairs that are going to my siblings...mainly filled with photos...they might get a few surprises. 

My Mother was not only a fabric hoarder but a card hoarder.  She has new cards for every season and reason.  Ready to send out at a moments notice. I used to give her cards that I made thinking that she wouldn't have to go out to buy cards...boy was I wrong. 

The big sort continues. 

Oh yes the Idle Mother used to say "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."

Far Side


  1. Oh my goodness. I used to make cards for my Mom. I would use scraps of fabric and iron them onto the cardstock (she wanted hearts). She sent birthday cards that she always made sure arrived on our birthdays. Until the end, then she stopped sending cards to anyone. I too, have a crochet project while watching TV. I have one for any long drive time when my husband is driving as well. Come visit my blog sometime.

  2. Keeping stuff wasn't in my immediate family unless it was clothes for wearing only for *Good*. My mom has been a declutter person all of her life which I am grateful for.
    I wonder if your mom's card collection was something she just did like some folks collect or have a hobby with something that fascinates them?

    My husband collected pieces of metal to be reused. I seem to have collected little toys for photography.
    My dad collected books.

    I dislike being idle, I like to move and do things.

    I heard that saying about Idle hands while growing up!

  3. It's a slow process but you are being diligent.

  4. I like your last comment. It takes an incredible amount of time to sort through somebody else's stuff.

  5. You are blessed that you have two beautiful homes where you reside throughout the year. Very very thankful for Jen and Andy and very very thankful you are able to be in your home during the warmer seasons. I can tell you are enjoying it even though you are quite busy with projects. We who have faced major health issues appreciate the days we have energy to accomplish even the simple things.

  6. I agree with your mom. Actually, work makes me feel, well, good.

  7. You are making me realize that I will need to sort and dispose of some of my treasures before I pass on, rather than pass them on to my kids.

  8. The decisions to keep or not keep those things of our parents is so difficult. My dad was a contractor/home builder, and he collected all sorts of OLD tools. While they are neat to look at, the question remains....what do we do with them. I remember when my mom passed, it took a good while to sort through her personal things, but we learned a lot about what was dear to her. I am not good with idle hands.

  9. I have been trying to clear out here. My kids don't have much interest in much of our stuff.
    It does tell a great deal about people!

  10. It does take some thinking to decide what to do with all the old 'stuff'. Where do you draw the line between 'get rid of' and 'family treasures"?

  11. An idle mind is a devil's workshop and I am prone to renting out my mind to the first bidder.

  12. It's a huge chore but you are finding out things about your mom--lol! Makes me glad I have been downsizing. I always remembered my aunt and uncle when his mother went into a nursing home. She had been an actual hoarder and it took them forever to empty her house. My aunt went through her entire home after that--lol! I'm a proponent of the Swedish Death Cleaning that you do before you die. But even so--there is always much stuff to go through. People keep what is important to them. :)

  13. My hands move too much to be
    That said I do like to keep busy

  14. A friend once told me there are "pitchers" and "keepers". She is a "pitcher" and lives an uncluttered life. I come from generations of "keepers".

  15. I'm working on getting rid of lots of stuff around here. Mainly my many collections.
    Growing up I heard that Idle Hands comment too.

  16. Good job with the continued sorting project. God bless your Mom....she sounds like my kind of person!

  17. I had to laugh when you said she still went out and bought cards! LOL! I'm still working on Prism which is almost done. I have to have some easy /mindless crochet project in the evenings so I can watch t.v.


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