Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Our oldest daughter, Trica is 52 today.  It has been 16 months since we last saw her.  She came for her Grandfathers Funeral but not for her Grandmothers. 

Here she is with my Mother about two years ago. 

Trica has a life of her own, with very little contact with family members. It is the way she wants it.

We love her daughters and grandchildren very much, of course we cannot fill her shoes but we can hug them all and tell them that they are loved. 

Happy Birthday Trica, we all love you!



  1. Happy birthday to Trica. I'm sure you must miss seeing her frequently.

  2. Happy Birthday to Tricia.

    It can be difficult to let someone we love go on their own journey, but that can be what is needed to bring them back to us.

  3. My son yesterday, your daughter today! It happens in families but it sounds like you have her children and grandchildren in your life. That is worth a lot.

  4. I can relate. Hugs to you and Far Guy.

  5. Hoping all will work out for the children. Continue to love and maybe it will.

  6. How do Our kids ever get to be this old. I have one who has little contact . It's tough but they have their own life to live and if they are happy is the main thing.

  7. Happy birthday to Tricia.
    I hope you get to see her sometime soon.

  8. There is pain underlying this post. That happens in families. We just hug those we have harder.

  9. Happy Birthday to your daughter Tricia. She is a beautiful lady. I know you miss her and those granddaughters. I hope she has a wonderful day of celebrations.

  10. I feel your pain. It is their decision. You are a great mom/grandmother!!

  11. One of mine is off on a journey of her own too. I wish I knew my grands.

  12. I hope she had a good birthday, I wouldn't like not seeing my child in such a long time

  13. We're in the same boat. Our middle son has little contact with our entire family as per his wife's request. It happened overnight and none of us including him know why. We see him once a year as we drive through Montana on our way to Spokane. It's the one time per year we see our grandkids. We're happy the kids now have cell phones so we can keep in touch. Life is definitely hard sometimes.
    Blessings and love,

  14. She is so very beautiful, too - - just like her girls! Very thankful she was with your for your dad's funeral. Thankful for the times you are together.

  15. She is a beautiful daughter and I know you miss her. That's a great picture of her with your Mom.


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