Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 I could spit as much as it rained yesterday.   We are so dry.  The grass is dry and crunchy, leaves are littering the ground and acorns are everywhere. 

Yes that is our lawn.

The deer have been in our yard every night eating acorns...I will have to rake some of them up as it is hard to walk on the acorns that roll under your feet. 

I ran all kind of errands in town and managed to get the beige Dobby yarn for Ree's Halloween Hat. Stopped and saw my Mom for a bit.  She and a friend were working on a puzzle.  One of the old neighborhood guys stopped by the puzzle room to update us on his 88 year old brother who has been put on hospice.  It is a sad time for their family.

Far Side 


  1. You took the words right out of my mouth. - Meatloaf

    We got 0.02" of rain according to my digital rain gauge. According to the weather people, we are in the worst drought in over 10 years. I think my mowing days are done for this year, at least mowing grass. I will probably mow a couple times to mulch the leaves up.

  2. That is sad.
    I didn't accomplish much Tuesday. It was 43 C. and way too hot.

  3. Oh my goodness, you certainly need some rain. I hope you get some soon. The deer are obviously having to search out food.

    Sounds like your mom is settling in nicely.

  4. It sounds like your mom is doing better than she was after being sick. You have mentioned her sewing, puzzling with a friend, and even leaving the facility with family members. This is very good news.

  5. The predicted cold front arrived yesterday. We got a meager 1/10th of an inch of rain. We need lots more too. It's only 60 degrees right now and that is up about 10 degrees from earlier this morning. Brrr!

  6. Rain? You can have some of ours! We drove through a downpour last night for about 30 miles. Everything is still green here and farmers are trying hard to get the crops put up between rain storms.
    The deer here are going for the sunflowers. They ate most of the neighbour's nicely planted rows that grace their property corner. I have fence around mine but they managed to knock over one that was blooming nicely. Sadly it broke at the base. Little rotters!

  7. I'm glad your Mom had a friend and they were doing something. This time in families lives are hard, hard, hard.

  8. We lucked out here and got some steady rain off and on. Even greened up the grass. I thought for sure some would head your way, but it still missed you. Scattered showers are truly scattered.
    The cooler weather is such a blessing!
    Sounds like your mom is doing well. That was good to hear.
    I need a hard-soled shoe to walk on acorns--lol!

  9. Your lawn is certainly crunchy, for the deer too.
    Your mom seems to be doing alright. I'm glad.

  10. Yeah, suddenly very hot and dry here in London. I ordered some new plants for my garden but it’s far too hot to plant them. And we have a horrible infestation of little wasps that fly around at ankle height. Which tbh give me the heebie jeebies so I don’t want to be out in the garden when they are around. Which is all day. Oh joy. I don’t think it will rain this week. Weather eh?

    Hope your mum will keep doing ok x

  11. We got about that much rain this morning as well. The third of an inch we got last week was hardly noticeable and it's bone dry once again.

  12. We've had some showers but it's still very, very dry.

  13. So glad you got to see your mom! Sorry you didn't get any rain. Hope it will be raining your way soon. So glad the heat has gone and now it is cool. Hope it's cool for you too.

  14. We have been really dry, too, but it looks like if it was a contest, you would win. Glad to hear your mom is doing pretty well, considering.

  15. Acorns are great for protein source. If there was grass they would be harder for them to find. You should have lots of chipmunks coming from miles around.

  16. Wow, you are sure dry. I hate that. Glad your mom sounds like she's doing better :-).

  17. Amy said they need rain too but surprise , surprise....we have gotten quite a bit this summer...unusual for us!


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