Thursday, September 7, 2023

Oh deer, deer, deer, deer

 A doe and three fawns visited our yard aka snack bar yesterday. 

I noticed movement out the living room window. 

The doe was turning a real dark color.

The fawns were in three different stages...some spots, fading spots and almost no spots.   I wonder if the doe had triplets?  One fawn seemed larger than the others...perhaps it was an adoption.  They love the acorns.

Checking out the bird bath.  

They wandered in the yard about twenty minutes and then disappeared off into the woods. 

Far Side


  1. Our salad bar also gets visited twice daily.

  2. You got great pictures. they are beautiful. So thankful they are helping to clean the acorns out of the yard.

  3. Your visitors are beautiful creatures. We haven't seen our doe or her twins in the last week or so. But our turkeys are still hanging around.

  4. The deer here are putting on their winter coat.

  5. The more acorns they eat, the less work for you! Such pretty creatures.

  6. They come through our yard every evening, but no fawns. I would love to see fawns.

  7. They are helping eat up the acorns, at least. :)

  8. What a treat to see the deer. I'm sure they aren't appreciated when they are eating up the gardens but good of them to clean up the acorns.

  9. It's good that you opted not to plant flowers so now you can just enjoy your deer visitors

  10. I love your blue glassware! They are so pretty.

  11. I haven't seen a fawn this year! Thanks for sharing yours!

  12. I guess you need to get a livestock tank or and automatic waterer. It is a good thing to see them and I know its a bad thing of what they eat. It is interesting to watch the development. A fawn maybe though it would be nice to join the twins.

  13. The deer are beautiful. I didn't know they ate acorns.

  14. The deer are dear to see. Love the blue glass too.

  15. Random Deer encounters are always so much fun. So peaceful

  16. Wow....lots of deer and lots of pretty blue in your house!!!

  17. those deer get around! Hmmm there has been two does...

  18. We will start seeing the deer late this fall and mid winter. They usually don't come into our yard.
    Now I can see why it is so hard to have any garden at all!

  19. We see deer occasionally, but usually in the back field, which is almost too far away to get photos. I love the white dove in the window- beautiful!

  20. I wonder if she had 3 or if she adopted one. We had 3 fawns with no mom last summer. Even when they were young there wasn't a mom around. THey hung together all summer, then in early fall one got hit by a car (we guess) and after a little bit we didn't see the other two either. We were all sad. We had named them the three amigos.

  21. The deer occasional visit our community garden plot aka salad bar from time to time. I hope they enjoyed our fall planting of green beans because we never had a chance to. Nevertheless, I enjoyed your photos and also your blue themed window.

  22. Beautiful shots. Would love to know their stories.

  23. So sweet! Ours are turning color here too. Look at your fallen leaves! That means that Fall will be coming our way eventually! We have some color changes but not is cooler...80's now.


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