Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Little Great Grands

 I get to see the Great Grands and three of the Grands on the nights that we clean at the Air B & B.  It is a great cleaning crew.   Since I clean the kitchen the two Great Grands sit by the counter in the kitchen and have snacks.  Snacks are not allowed elsewhere in the house.  They are getting used to my rules.  ( When they run out of snacks a spoonful of peanut butter keeps them busy.)

One night when they were visiting here, I had them in the kitchen sitting by the counter eating bananas and fruit snacks ...and chocolate milk.   

Hey Mikey wanted to leave the kitchen with his snack...I told him "NO" he asked "Why can't I go?"  I replied "Because I have rules and I am a mean old Grandma" ....he agreed and stayed to finish his snack.  He proceeded to tell Far Guy that I had too many rules and was a mean Grandma...and Far Guy said "Well I love her!"  Hey Mikey said "WHY?" 

Both of the Great Grands are getting used to me and call me Grandma now.  It has been fun to see them nearly every week. 

Cee Cee is almost potty trained now!  They are both growing like weeds. 

Big brother helping little sister open her birthday gifts. 

Far Side



  1. Grammas are allowed to have their own rules--LOL!
    Happy birthday to CeeCee. So glad you get to see them often! :)

  2. I can hardly believe they are so grown up. It seems like yesterday that little Hey Mikey was born! Thanks for the grand update. :-)

  3. You sound like me and I sound like my Grandmother! The table is made for eating food. Our grandchildren's parents finally discovered the wisdom of that after ten years.

  4. Some of these little guys learn to challenge the rules when they are very young.

  5. They are such cuties, and very well behaved as well. At least as well behaved as little ones can be. I'm a mean grandma too, and require snacks be eaten in the kitchen here as well. Grandpa is the one taking his food into the family room, and usually the youngest kid asks why grandpa gets to eat in front of the TV. LOL

  6. Being a teacher all my life I don't hesitate to direct the grand kids. No comes pretty quickly and they have been raised with bargaining parents. The kids do look at me with shock when they hear grandpa correct them.

  7. Yep, Grandma rules. The best of us have them.
    I hope FG had a good answer for his "Why" question. :-)

  8. I told Eli once, "my house, my rules" and he turned around and said it back to me. These kids are so smart and question everything. There are times when the latter is not the smartes thing to do.

  9. So precious! My grandchildren and I have a tradition when we turn down my road. I say "Where does the mean old crazy lady live" and when I turn in my driveway, they say "HERE".

    I had no trouble being the meanest mother on the street and sometimes, it turns out, I am the meanest gramma on the street. But they get enough treats, they tolerate me, LOL.

  10. That WHY? sure brought a smile to my face. Happy Birthday to CeeCee.

  11. I have rules too and am not always popular with Grands although admittedly, only one lives around me now. It seems most kids don't understand what no means.
    Those two little ones are growing up so fast. I'm so glad you get to spend time with them in the winter.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12.'ll have to let Mikey see the fun side of you sometime.

  13. Hah hah! I have the same rule here, even though we have a tiny tiny home, no food in the rest of the house.

    One of my grands did say I was mean because I made him pick up after himself once. Oh well, when the kids visit, they all understand the rules.

    Good Grandma!

  14. Those babies have grown so quickly. Rules ar3 good🥰

  15. Great- Grandchildren are the highlight of life!

  16. Glad you get to see them more now. And you gotta love some of the things kids come out with. LOL!


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