Thursday, March 9, 2023

Good Roads?

 The roads were great on the way down to our place in the woods.  Lots of snow there, June our snowbank is huge.  It began to snow during the night and the next morning the roads were a sloppy slick mess.  We visited our accountant for our taxes and went to the bank.  Stopped by to visit with my Mom and we all went out to lunch with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first. 

Good to see family.  Mom is adjusting to life without my Dad, it is hard for her.  It was afternoon before we left. 

The roads were wet but good until we got 20 miles from our winter home...then it was slow going. 

The space between the two fronts was blue sky! 

We made it back safe and sound.  We were thankful that the whole drive was not icy. 

Sadie and Little Elvis were happy to see us...Andy and Jen were busy in the kitchen cooking something Oriental ... a salad...with a sauce...rice with bacon and corn...and meat, ginger, red peppers, water was quite good! 

Far Side


Sara said...

I'm sure it was good to visit "home" and family, even for just the day. Most likely our roads here are slick this morning as we got a little snow early this morning. And it's snowing again now.

Lynda said...

That sky is so beautiful. Very thankful you got to have a visit with more of your loved ones and you made it back safely! What a delightful welcoming committee waiting with wagging tails and food on the table.

Alana said...

That would be a scary journey for me. I'm glad our winter hasn't been severe in New York State, but I think Nature is about to give us payback for our mild January.

Miss Merry said...

I love that you caught a photo of the blue ribbon of clear sky! We have not had any snow since the blizzard in late December. They are thinking we might get a whooping two inches in the next few days, but I am not holding my breath. My sweet husband gassed up the snow blower in late October so he could do the sidewalks in the neighborhood and the darned thing hasn't moved. I wonder if the gas has evaporated by now . . .

Wanderingcatstudio said...

As much as I want spring - all the snow is pretty!

Red said...

Winter is not giving up just because it's March.

Betsy said...

I'm so glad you had a safe journey both directions. We were supposed to wake up to 5-7 inches of snow this morning but it must have fallen as rain because there is nowthing out there. Once in a great while I see a snowflake fall from the sky, but certainly not inches worth! What a strange winter here so far.

Sandra said...

That is a beautiful photo! It is surprising how different landscape can be in one state. It's so flat! I have never been NW in MN.

Rita said...

Glad you had a safe trip, got the taxes taken care of, and had a quick family visit. You picked a good day. The weather has been unpredictable so I am glad you had no icy roads! :)

Maebeme said...

I'm glad you had a safe trip to and from home. My heart goes out to your mom, I'm sure it is difficult to be without your Dad.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Glad you got there and back safely. I feel for your mother, Mxx

Latane Barton said...

I loved your 'our little place in the woods'. It sounds so inviting, so comfy, so cozy. Home wherever we are is where our heart is.

Linda Reeder said...

It makes me happy that you had a chance to visit with your mom and brother and wife. Oh, and June! Sounds like she will be around for a while, like maybe June?

Granny Marigold said...

Interesting photo of the blue sky between two banks of cloud.
Your Mom must have been so glad to see you again. Good to know she's adjusting to the loss of your Dad.

Victoria Zigler said...

Glad you got to visit with family, and that you made it home safely.

L. D. said...

That was a big contrast in coming and going back. I am glad you got to see Mom and family surrounded her for lunch. We got snow today and the roads with snow are melting.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...


DJan said...

So glad you made it back safely and had a good visit with family. I find it quite scary to even be a passenger in a car when it's slippery. Hugs to Sadie and Little Elvis.

diane in northern wis said...

Lucky get back to your winter home just in time for a delicious dinner! So glad you made it on those icy roads. Been thinking of your mom and praying for her! Glad you got to see her and your brother and the robin lady! Take good care up there!

Bonnie said...

I'm sure it felt good to check on things at home. I bet June was really big after all your snow this winter! I'm so glad you had a safe trip. Driving on snowy roads makes me nervous! I love your final picture with that blue strip of sky between the clouds.

Terry and Linda said...

We are having cold nasty rain. But better than snow!

The Great Ethan Allen said...

Those roads look bad! I have traveled on Minnesota roads like that before... not fun!