Monday, March 6, 2023

Cardboard Box

 See what damage a Golden Retriever can do to a cardboard box while everyone else is watching the Hockey game.

She sure had fun.  She is something else!

Far Side


  1. Paper products are pretty much the only thing Bea still destroys any chance she gets.

  2. SAdie is like a preschooler - - - a box is as much or more entertainment than a toy.

  3. Oh my, she certainly did a number on the box. Hope no one had plans for it. At least it wasn't the couch. :)

  4. Oh my - worse than a toddler. I bet she had fun though!!!!

  5. No need to buy expensive toys just give her boxes, cardboard tubes and crunchy plastic drink bottles!

  6. I sure hope that box wasn't being saved for something important. She sure destroyed it!

  7. Like having a toddler in the house. - Sara

  8. Ha! She and Lemmy are a pair! No coarboard or paper is safe with Mr. Destructor around. I keep having to get Relic a new box, because Lemmy keeps wrecking them!

  9. Sadie likes to keep herself busy!! LOL!

  10. Oh my! At least she let you watch the hockey game in peace! Have a great week!

  11. thank goodness it was just a cardboard box! Have you seen that commercial with dog after everyone leaves the house? He makes a real mess so they get a crate for him but when they open it up out comes a little dog to be his companion so he won't get lonely when everyone leaves for the day. It is such a cute commercial I'm not even sure what they're advertising! LOL!

  12. Now if it was a cat, she would be curled up in it, taking a nap.

  13. Years ago we had a Lab that liked to destroy empty milk jugs. They got so beat up that the edges would cut her lips. That's when we'd take them away and give her a new one.

  14. Oh yea. We're in puppy mode so we know EXACTLY how fast stuff can be destroyed while we're off watching something else. She sure is pretty though.

  15. Our poodle when young took off with a check for $3,000 and we had to chase fast. He did mouth it but we were able to deposit it.


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