Wednesday, October 19, 2022

New Old Project

 I have two totes of old photographs to scan.  The photos belong to my parents.  I finally got my new printer /scanner to talk to Far Guy's lap top and got it all set up.  It is upstairs so I can work on it when I get a chance and leave everything out.   

My Mom had some photos stuffed inside manila envelopes, I will double check them and scan if necessary...eventually all the folder type wedding, graduation, school and baby photos should be returned to family. 

I started a facebook page for my Dad's family and many have enjoyed the photos I shared there and I will do the same thing for my Mom's all takes time! 

I ordered a few special photo labeling pencils so I can mark the backs of some of the photos with the who, where and when if possible. There are a wide variety of pencils out there that can be used.  Creative Memories is where I purchased mine. 

Far Side


  1. Hopefully your scanner has a mode like mine that allows me to throw pictures willy nilly onto the bed and it scans, straightens and crops them into separate files that I can then save. That really speeds up the process.

    I have scanned more GB's of old photos than I ever want to think about redoing if they were lost so my advice to you would be to have an excellent backup system that isn't just another device within your same house. I pay for a yearly backup service that backs up everything automatically behind the scenes to a server at some remote site. I don't have to think about it and with my login info, I can access it from any computer in the world connected to the internet.

  2. Always a project emerges when you put your mind to it! :-)

  3. You are such a busy lady. We need to do the samw with family photos. Dennis is looking forward to doing that this winter when we're inside more.
    I looked at some mosaic patterns online last night when I couldn't shut my brain off for sleep. They look incredibly difficult. I think I'll watch some youtube videos when things calm down here and see if I can figure it out.

  4. My brother-in-law dropped off 3 large boxes of old photos last spring for me to scan, but like some quilting projects - I've procrastinated on even starting the process. I had scanned 100s of old photos from their mom's albums when she passed away 11 years ago. It really was fun to go through the pictures.

  5. Scanning and organizing old photos is tedious and time-consuming.I did it several years ago and shared the scans with all family members. Your family will appreciate your efforts.

  6. I have a project that I tried to pawn onto my daughter - to take the old photos from the photo albums of my mom and grandmother, add them to new inserts for the albums and label them. Someone (cough, cough, my sister) went through the albums and tore out the photos she wanted after mom died. The books are a mess and my daughter returned them to me so I guess it's a me project. I hadn't thought about scanning them, but that's probably a good idea.

    Have fun with your family project.

  7. You are wise to preserve and document family history.

  8. That's a lot of photos! I don't think about preserving for future generations, probably because after my son there aren't any. My family line comes to an end. You are the family historian.

  9. After my mother died, my sister scanned her old family photos, which included a bunch of pictures from her childhood in NYC as well as all our old school pictures and the like, organized them into folders, then copied them onto thumb drives and gave a drive to each of us siblings and the nieces and nephews (all married and with children of their own). They are hugely appreciated.

  10. I have photos to go thru and scan too but my printer is stubbornly refusing to work with my laptop. Also, the job seems overwhelming!Good luck with your project.

  11. I really must scan in some old photos. I didn't know you could get a photo pen though, must look into that!

  12. This is a great service. You can share these photos with family just by making a disk.

  13. I need to get back to my family history photos. The piles are in need of organization. You families are lucky to have your sites.

  14. Scanning photos is a great project and very important.

  15. Good luck with all your scanning. It can be so much fun going through old photos, but it does take a long time to do them all doesn't it? I like your idea of the Facebook pages just for family photos :)

  16. Sounds like a mighty big project, but I'm sure you'll get it all done. You are soooo good at completing projects! Enjoy the memories as you scan those photos.

  17. That job is on my list, too. I just really need to set up a work station and do it.

  18. I had no idea that special pens/pencils existed for writing on the back of old photos. I've been using a normal ballpoint pen.

  19. Sounds like a big job but so worthy. It's wonderful that you share with your family.


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