Monday, May 4, 2020

Sunday Happenings

Our Great Granddaughter Cee Cee made it home from the hospital yesterday!  Maddie says she is a fighter!   We are happy they are home and all together again.   Thank you for all the prayers!!

We had a quiet day. We watched the church service online.  The music was much better this week.

We worked in Far Guy's garage for a short time, the wind was real cool.  Nephew Josh and Great Nephew Mason came over and took down a dead tree for us.  They will haul off the wood for their campfire ring.

I prepared menus for the next ten days as groceries will be ordered for pick up later in the week.  There is not much room for off the cuff cooking... everything must be planned.

In the evening we met with my parents, my other baby brother and his wife and my sister and her husband up at my brothers shop...staying six feet ++ apart. We enjoyed Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen.  Everyone is doing fine.  No one is sick.

Far Side


  1. I just told The Mister that from now on we have to plan menus before we make a delivery order. I am at a loss at how to turn everything into a meal.
    I am so happy the baby is home. That must have been a scary time. My middle son was in the hospital for 10 days when he was a baby with pneumonia. It was something I would never want to go through again. Araignee

  2. I am so happy CeeCee is home and well. I finally mowed the lawn yesterday; today I get to "weed-wack". I have been planning menus for years. It has been a real tool in making up a shopping list - less emergency runs to the store for something I forgot. Glad you are staying healthy and no one is sick.

  3. So glad that precious baby is home! How great you could visit "six feet apart" with family. We do it on Skype or Facetime since one family is 400 miles in one direction and the other is over a thousand miles in the other!

  4. I am also very glad to hear she's home and doing just fine. She certainly has a large cheering squad, of which I am one. :-)

  5. So happy to hear the good news about Baby CeeCee! I actually scratched menus for the next 31 days because I pay delivery and handling to get groceries delivered to my front porch. Someday we may be adding more shelves in my utility room to hold additional canned goods. This week we are enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables. We will be into canned by the end of the month. Our state is starting to open, but we have more cases every day. So fortunate that we are retired and do not have to leave the house.

  6. So wonderful to hear CeeCee is at home and your family is all healthy! Is that a real butterfly in your picture? It is looks too good to be true! LOL!
    Yes, no more running to the store for a quick ingredient I forgot! I need to plan another run for the end of this week so I can have a feast for Mother's Day! Dilly bars? Oh, how wonderful....yes ice cream season is here! Yum! I love the flower you made in your garden too. Stay well!

  7. Good news! We've been busy here at the farm getting summer stuff done. Sigh. No visitors at all other than Allie the other day. But hubby seems to like it.

  8. A good news post! So happy you are all doing well. Now bring on that healing sunshine!

  9. What a wonderful happy post! We are having a tad bit cooler weather here...back to jackets. Sigh.

  10. Glad to hear everyone is doing well, especially that sweet baby.

  11. Glad to hear CeeCee is home and all are doing well.

  12. I am so glad CeeCee is home!! Nice to hear some uplifting news today. :) :)
    And you had a little socializing at a distance--nice!!
    Have a great week. :)

  13. Great to hear CeeCee is home. Hope you all continue to stay healthy.

  14. I'm so glad that little Cee Cee is home and doing better. I'll continue to pray for her. It sounds like you had a good weekend with church and even some family visits. Who would have thought we would all be so happy just to stand/sit many feet apart and be happy about it?

  15. PTL that CeeCee is home! Thrilled to hear your family was able to gather for a visit and a treat. One of my neighbors dropped by on Saturday for a social distancing visit.

  16. I am so very happy for you, the family, and little CeeCee! Your shawls are lovely and I wish I had some of your energy! 💖

  17. Thank goodness CeeCee is home and improving. It's good you got to see some of the family and they are well too. I always make up menus before I buy groceries but it is a job I hate!

  18. Glad no one is sick and that CeeCee got to come home! I am feeling worn out from planning meals. I really don't usually try to be that organized, and now I have to be and I am struggling with it. Tonight I have no idea what I'm making but I know I need to use up some of the meat I bought last week. Sigh. I'd rather skip it.

  19. Glad you are all doing well. Our days are pretty quiet too.

  20. So happy that baby is home and you and the family are all keeping well.
    I've made numerous menu plans over the years - the trouble I have is sticking to them!
    Have a great week :)

  21. Good news about CeeCee!
    And good for you for getting family together to enjoy each other's company, no hugging allowed.

  22. The baby is home, you were able to have a get-together, and no one is unwell....Wonderful news.

  23. Grocery shopping and menus gets to be a problem. Little kids seem to get sick quickly and recover just as fast.

  24. That is great news about Cee Cee going home and is doing so well, I am so haappy with this news.

  25. Hooray.... Cee Cee is out of the hospital! That's great news. Glad you had a little get together with your folks and siblings too. Dilly of my old time favorites. I used to love the butterscotch Dillys the most! Buster Bars are also a big fave of mine from the DQ. Since we moved, we don't have a DQ close by anymore. So glad everybody is well. Praying you can all stay that way!

  26. What wonderful news to hear baby CeeCee and her mom and dad are home again. What a relief for everyone, I am sure!

  27. I'm so glad to read that CeeCee is well enough to go home! That must have been VERY scary for her parents and the rest of her family.

  28. I bought ice cream cones at ACE yesterday while buying voles poison or repellent. I had not eaten one of those for years. They were the chocolate/vanilla kind with nuts on the top all wrapped up in heavy paper to take home and eat.


  30. Sounds like a nice Sunday. Glad to hear she's home from the hospital, and everyone's still not sick over there.

  31. Glad CeeCee got to go home. Glad that you had what sounds like a pleasant day. Sure will be nice when the virus is truly on its way out. Sounds like it will be a while.


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