Friday, May 22, 2020

Noah : 21

Ah ...Noah our oldest grandson turns 21 today!  Such a magic number...we all remember when we were 21.

Photo taken one week shy of his 21st birthday.

It seems like we turned around once and blinked and he grew up just like that!

Noah's Mama took this photo 20 years ago in April of 2000. 

Happy Birthday Noah!  You are so special and loved always!

He is our first grandchild to complete College with a four year degree.  I asked him if he planned to continue his education...he said with a smile "Not right now."

Far Side/Grandma


  1. I love the photos. Congrats and best wishes to Noah!

  2. Awesome. I can't imagine how finishing or going to college is going to work right at the moment.

  3. A very Happy 21st Birthday to Noah.

  4. Congrats!!!! They do grow up fast. Too fast. Araignee

  5. It seems impossible to believe that the year 2000 is now two decades ago. Congratulations to Noah! :-)

  6. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Noah!!

  7. Congrats and happy birthday to Noah! Those grandkids grow up way too fast don't they. I was the first grandchild on both sides of my family to get a 4 year degree.

  8. It does go fast! What a cutie he was and still is! Congratulations Noah!

  9. Happy Birthday Noah! Enjoy your day & Be safe!

  10. Congratulations. Good Luck to Noah in his future endeavors!

  11. Congratulations to Noah! He's just 21 and finished a four year degree..I am impressed. With his obvious work ethic, I've no doubt he'll do well.

  12. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Noah! It's hard to imagine Y2K was 20 years ago. I remember all the hysteria very well. He is a handsome young man.

  13. Happy Birthday and Congratulations to Noah! I don't have to tell you how fast our children grow. The thing I did not know at the time was that our grandchildren grow twice as fast as our children did!

  14. OMGosh! How quickly they grow!!
    Happy birthday Noah. :)

  15. Twenty-one is a milestone. Happy Birthday to Noah.

  16. Twenty one is a good start for a young man ready to hit the streets running. He has grown up fast. I am glad he graduated and is looking good in his cap and gown.

  17. Happy birthday to Noah and all the best for the future.

  18. He has grown into a handsome young men, hope he had a great birthday

  19. Congratulations Noah on turning 21. Quite exciting times for your Noah lately. Good for him. Glad you have so many nice things to celebrate in your family. Hope you're both still doing well and feeling well too!

  20. This was the most difficult year ever to complete college - good job Noah. I work at a university and I know first hand the obstacles the class of 2020 had to face to graduate. But believe it or not employers are still looking for good people and don't be discouraged. Some sectors are begging for young people.

  21. Happy Birthday Noah! They grow up too fast. Gosh! and already four years of college! Our Madison graduated college too this May, four years. Doesn't seem possible.

  22. Belated happy 21st birthday to Noah!


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