Saturday, May 2, 2020


Maddie reports that Cee Cee tested negative for Covid -19.   Thank you for all your prayers!

Maddies 8 PM Friday night report was the baby was getting sassy and bratty and hopefully that meant she was on the mend!  Maddie was going to try and get some sleep in the room tonight they are on the Peds floor.

Cee Cee has her Mama's hair:)   This is a photo Maddie put up on facebook.

We pray that she has turned the corner and will improve with every hour!

It was very sad to miss out on May Day Baskets this year.  Far Guy said I could make him a basket if I promised not to run real fast so he could grab me for a kiss! This is the first May Day that I have missed in a very long time.

The Living Room is almost spring cleaned..I need to vacuum the area rug really good ...roll it up and scrub the floor, scrub under the last couch and clean the light fixture.

This week the grocery delivery was short of Ammonia, Chicken, Lysol Wipes  (for my Mom) and Outshine Fruit Bars..the Lime ones taste just like a Margarita without the te kill ya  (tequila.)

Far Side


  1. I missed your post on Cee Cee yesterday and jumped to this one to see how she was doing. Whew...sounds like she is bouncing back from what ailed her!
    I'm heading to the store in a little bit. Not sure what I will find but thankfully I have farm sources and a local butcher who still have plenty of meat. I'll be picking up my purchases from them on Monday.

  2. I pray the "sassiness" means she is on the usually does. She's so cute even when she's sick...poor baby. It hurts to see the iv in her arm. She looks long...she's going to be a tall gal from the looks of it! I will continue to pray for her and the family.
    I thought of you yesterday and I too felt bad as I know you do the May baskets every year. Was Far Guy able to catch you? LOL! Happy May Day even though I have no basket for you.

  3. Yours was the first blog I read this morning - as soon as I saw the baby picture I opened to see your good news.
    Today I make another run to pick up groceries at 1:00. We'll see what we get.

  4. That's great news! Hope she'll be completely better and able to go home soon.

  5. YAY!!! That is just wonderful news. She is such a cutie! Araignee

  6. Praying that little Miss Sassy will continue to get better.

  7. She looks to be on the mend, for sure. I am so glad to hear it. She is a beautiful baby!

  8. Hope your little angel is home and well soon.

  9. Well, thank goodness for that!

  10. Remembering with great fondness elementary school where we had a May Day festival on the playground. Dancing, games, a May pole. I hope that a urologist will check the baby to make sure her urinary tract system is "normal." A friend's grandbaby had a weird arrangement of ureters etc that made her prone to UTIs.

  11. So very thankful about the baby. xo Mildred

  12. Sassy sounds like she is feeling better and ready to go! Good to hear!

  13. She is a beauty. So alert and ready for life.

  14. So glad Cee Cee is looking better. Poor baby and poor mommy. Both must be exhausted! Such a trying time to be at a hospital with all this going on. Praying for recovery and homebound soon.

  15. I am so glad she is doing better! I, too, hope she has turned the corner. I thought of you this May Day and how you always make May baskets.

  16. Wonderful news for Cee Cee and her family! I hope she is able to go home soon.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. Oh I'm so glad to read that Cee Cee is doing better. It hurts just to see the IV in her arm. She is a beautiful baby, even sick.
    You are so full of energy. Almost done cleaning! I haven't even started any spring cleaning at all. I probably won't. Just keep up as I go. My back doesn't let me do much else.
    Take care my friend.

  18. Glad to hear baby Cee Cee is improving. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

  19. I'm so grateful to hear CeeCee is doing a bit better. She remains in my prayers. I remember the difficulties of having a baby sick in the hosiptal. My youngest was in for two weeks with bronchiolitis at nine months of age. It is quite difficult for both baby and mom. CeeCee is a beautiful girl and I pray she will be home soon!

  20. I am so glad that she is getting better. Even a bad cold or infection can make a baby irritated. I am sure she id getting a lot of attention. Send more prayers.

  21. I thought of you yesterday and how that this year you wouldn't be able to deliver the May Day baskets you have done in the past. It's too bad.
    Great news that CeCe is doing better.

  22. Good To hear! Babies are a lot tougher than they look! Ask any parent who has had their sleep patterns ruined by them. Luckily, the only stay babies for about 18 years.. so they eventually grow out of it and become weak like the rest of us.

  23. All the cleaning keeps your mind of the virus.

  24. Great news about Little Miss Sassy CeeCee!
    I thought of you on My Day, wondering if you had anyone you could make a basket for. You are the only one I know that keeps that tradition alive. I want you to keep doing it - next year.

  25. You are a one woman deep cleaning machine. AND Cee Cee keep improving little one...don't worry your mamma so.

  26. Just want to let you know, I was praying for Miss Sassy Cee Cee and will continue to do so!! I love her hair, it's awesome-cute! Blessings to all in the family that it's over soon and can be together again!

  27. Continued prayers for Cee Cee. It's hard enough to have a sick infant, but it seems like it would be far worse in these times.

  28. I'm glad CeeCee is on the mend. I hope she is home soon!
    I knew you would miss May Day! So did all your recipients, I bet. ;)

  29. I'm so glad CeeCee is doing better and tested negatice for the virus. She is such a beautiful baby. I know you all have been worried. Sorry you missed the May Day baskets, but that sure was sweet of Far Guy. Hope you made him a basket. :)

  30. that is good news - sending more prayers! and hopefully heading home soon!

  31. I'm glad to hear the news. That was funny about the May Baskets. I remember as a kid we really went all out for May Day, making baskets from oatmeal and cereal boxes, cone shaped construction paper etc. It was quite an event in a small town.

  32. So happy to hear that little cee cee is on the mend. Will continue the prayers for the sweet little one! The lime outshine bars sound divine.....I have heard that the coconut ones are good too and I'd like to try the strawberry! You really are doing such a great job with your spring cleaning.... Don't know when I'll get that ambitious. I bet your house just sparkles! Take care you two.

  33. I thought about you and your baskets yesterday, and knew this May Day was going to be very different for you...just had no idea how different it would turn out to be! Glad Maddie's little baby is turning a corner. Hope she is well and home soon.

  34. So glad Miss CeeCee seems to be on the mend. It's so hard when the little ones are sick. I haven't really been in the mood for spring cleaning!

  35. LOL I rather like te-kill-ya :))
    Happy to hear that Cee Cee is improving xx

  36. Hope Cee Cee continues to do well. If you didn't make that May basket for Far Guy, you could make it now and call it a middle of May basket. Be sure you run slow.

  37. Glad to see Cee Cee is getting better. Nothing worse than a sick baby :-(. I thought of you and your May Day baskets. One of my very favorite things I've learned from you :-).


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