Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A bloomer and a feeder

Spring has come to our yard.
I remember when I was a child my Mother always said we could go barefoot when the Dandelions came out.   Well I am still wearing socks with my crocs and even gave up coordinating colors. Yesterday it was turquoise socks with red crocs:)

I trimmed some brush back along the driveway. Then I spent about three hours in the woodshop/greenhouse.  I will be out there most days until it gets too warm in there.  Me and the shop vac are making progress....years ago we put a landscape fabric floor in there.  Yesterday the huge wild raspberry canes that grew in one corner were eradicated...I had raspberry canes stuck in my hair...I had a whole garbage can of canes that went into the woods. I ran onto two slightly dehydrated mice and lots of spiders. Yuck!  It is a big project....but little by little I will make a difference.

There was a report of  Orioles in an area south and west of I got out the feeder that my Dad made for me many years ago.  The best thing I ever did was to paint it a gloss orange color.  It just has Grape Jelly now, I will add oranges on top of the screws when the birds come.

We are staying safe and busy at home.
Far Side


  1. Goats love blackberry bushes. We were infested with wild canes. Then we got goats. They ate the whole thing. So get goats. Lol. Oh and be careful with those crocs. I broke my tailbone with crocs. Slipped and fell down the stairs. The nurse at the hospital had told me they are very dangerous. She was wearing them at work and was electrocuted. So be careful.

  2. Oh what a job that must be! Sounds like it will be a tough one. Dust and dirt are my main complaints about cleaning the large shed. And now I have no time it seems when I should have time!

  3. My sister just bought a house with a gorgeous stone greenhouse. She's been sharing photos of all the work she is doing to clean it up. When he sold dad's house the worst job was cleaning out his greenhouse. It is amazing how many critters go in them to die. Ugh. It was icky. Araignee

  4. Thanks for reminding me to put out my Oriole feeder. They should be here real soon.

  5. Good heavens, you are a busy woman! Your energy level is so much higher than mine.

    Take care and stay well.

  6. I look forward to the first oriole pictures. And yes. painting that feeder bright orange was brilliant! :-)

  7. I love red and turquoise together! I wish I had raspberries....I should get some. I never thought I would be down here this long! LOL! I love orioles. We had a nest in a tree out in the pasture in Iowa. How wonderful to have a green house. You go girl!

  8. I think turquoise socks and red crocs would be quite fun and whimsical! I will picture you with colorful feet dealing with old dead mice. ;)

  9. I love that you enjoy colourful shoes and socks. :)

  10. Does the grape jelly attract certain types of birds? I'm sick of the blackbirds chasing off my song birds from the feeders this year.

  11. You do keep busy. I cleaned out Tom's round prairie bed this morning.

  12. I always enjoy reading about your keep so busy! I would not want to find dead mice and spiders though.
    We had a gorgeous day in the mid 70's yesterday and today it's only supposed to be low 50's and pouring rain. I enjoyed all windows open and woke to cold! I forgot to shut the kitchen window. The furnace was going full blast. Oops. I think it was 36 outside at the time. It was like watching dollar bills fly out the window! :-)
    Take care and lots of rest breaks.

  13. Dealing with the raspberry canes would be a lot of work - bending and squatting, especially. I think turquoise and red are coordinating colors! Have a safe and productive day.

  14. I have pink & blue socks on to keep my toes warm

  15. It's really nice to be out and do some yard work.

  16. I look forward to the first oriole photos too. Here in Seattle socks are almost year round for me. They are just lighter weight and shorter in summer.

  17. At the day's end it is a good feeling to have accomplished a big job. Crocs and socks sounds like a Minnesota fashion statement. Phil

  18. I love your oriole feeder....what a great color! We used to get orioles every May. Just love those colorful birds. Hope you'll share pics if you get some! Take care. Stay well.

  19. I don't remember if you've ever shown your greenhouse on your blog. It sounds like quite a big place if it also serves as workshop. Aren't shop vacs great? I can imagine those desiccated mice being vacuumed up.

  20. A gal after my own thoughts! I was wearing rainbow hued socks in my bright pink Crocs.

  21. How great that your father made the feeder for you. I am looking forward to your oriole photos - they are not a bird that we have here and I will be interested to see what they are like.

  22. I remember that feeder. It is a good color.


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