Saturday, May 23, 2020


I mowed the front yard.  I left the dandys on the side yards for the bees.

There is a good crop of dandys on the side yards.

Little Violets that took up residence against the house.

A Trillium about to open.

We had a busy day.  Visited two cemeteries and left flowers.  I am still working out in the greenhouse/woodshop...Far Guy has lots of stuff treasures. I have been delivering buckets of kindling to the neighbors fire pits and stacking like kinds of wood together on top of the benches. I am about 2/3 done out there.

The suitcase was repacked with some summery clothing should the call for new lungs come. 

Far Side


  1. Good Morning, It's almost too hot for us to work outdoors now. You be careful. Glad you got the suitcase repacked. I wish you two a nice, safe weekend.

  2. Hope that phone call comes soon! Your wildflowers are beautiful.

  3. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend. And I too hope the call for the new lungs comes soon.

  4. We've been working outside too, but we are taking today off to visit with our son and grandsons. I hope the new lungs call comes soon.

  5. By the time the rain stops here I will be overgrown! It happens every year. That is so nice of you to take kindling to the neighbors and to leave the dandys for the bees. The violets are lovely! Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend and I hope you get a call soon!

  6. Today, for the first time this year, it will reach 80. Almost too warm for us! Especially Katie...lucky girl, she has air conditioning. So far, though, we're just keeping the doors and windows open. Nice to hear the birds that way. Love your dandys! I always take a few (few dozen) photos of Katie in the 'yellow flowers' each spring. I'm always on the lookout for a good photo shoot spot for doing that. Yours looks perfect!

  7. I followed someone home who left a comment on my blog. Then I followed some of her favorite blog roll and found you... isn't it interesting how we find like minded people? She blogs at sprintturnover, and has the nicest blog roll, you included. Best of luck with the transplant, I had a sob after reading the underlying fear in your words. As if the operation itself weren't scary enough, now the virus hangs over us like the sword of damacles. Best of luck to you all.
    LeeAnna at Not Afraid Of Color blog

  8. I like your dandelions and the violets. Very pretty.

  9. You're so kind to the bees. I've noticed I have several bumblebees visiting, perhaps it's the new flowers as I tend to dig out the dandelions.

    Fingers crossed for that phone call!

  10. When the Wake Robins ( Trillium) bloom, you know that spring has surly come. Enjoy your flowers as you pick up sticks.

  11. You have been busy doing a lot of hard work! Don't overdo it, especially if it starts to get hot there. (although that may be a ways off for you guys!) I sure understand the "treasures". We have a two car garage filled with woodworking treasures!

  12. I’m glad to see you left some dandelions for the bees. I read recently that the blossoms are good chopped up in salads. I don’t know where to find any that I can be sure are not sprayed but I would like to try them. Hope that important call comes soon!

  13. Probably a good thing you made it early for the holiday trip with flowers. Sounds like you have been very busy. Glad you are both feeling well. Have a nice weekend. :)

  14. We have a big crop of violets at the lake too. They spread like wildfire. It sounds like you're getting a lot accomplished. I'm praying for a call soon for Far Guy. Take care and no more wasps!

  15. Sounds like life is humming along for you folks.... us too. May the call come exactly when it's supposed to, for Far Guy's new lungs. Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. Your dandys are so pretty. I love them even though they are a weed. How can you not love their bright yellow faces? They always look like they are smiling. You've given me a good idea for a road trip. We're still pretty locked down but you can certainly social distance in a cemetery. The Mister is antsy so a trip to bring his mom some flowers would be a good thing to do. Araignee

  17. I like to leave some dandies for the bees too!

  18. Glad you're keeping busy. Loving all the flowers in your yard....even the dandys!

  19. With dandelions either we all control them or nobody controls them.

  20. I love the way your violets invade every nook and cranny.

  21. The bees will be loving you :)
    Funny how guys always have 'treasures' and not 'stuff'!!!

  22. Pretty spring flowers. I have a big dandelion growing inside the garden that I can't bear to dig up. Just read your posts way back to the rhubarb jam. It looks so delicious!

  23. I'm late with a reply, but it seems if we mow, the dandys duck their heads and come right back up! Of course they are just about done now as are the Trilliums!

  24. I enjoyed your flowers. They are lovely. The wild ones are the best finds.


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