Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Same old stuff

Not much new here.  I worked in the woodshop/greenhouse for awhile.  We got the shade cloth up without falling off of ladders or breaking any bones.  I piled up some lumber.

Far Guy woodcarved outside and watched the birds.  We walked to the mailbox.   I watched Mirror Mirror on Netflix...a different kind of movie I give it a 7 out of 10 stars.  I had a long nap.

A Trillium and a Feather both carvings by Far Guy.

Supper was "freezer"  a day we both enjoy.  Far Guy ate the last of his Gumbo and I had hotdish.(hamburger, veggies and potato) No fuss....Far Guy got it all warmed up and then woke me up!

I am looking for a different pattern for my next shawl. 

Yarn Chicken =That is when you may or may not have enough yarn to finish a project. So you crochet or knit on until you win or lose.

Far Side


  1. Glad you cleared up yarn chicken. I'd never heard that term before. I love naps. I want naps. But naps are frowned upon at work, even though I'm the boss. 😏

  2. Your day sounds a lot like mine. Get up, play on my computer, take a nap, go for a walk, take a nap, fix supper, take a nap, watch tv, then go to bed. repeat same next day. Hahaha, just glad you are staying healthy.

  3. Sounds like you are feeling better. I get enough sleep during the night that I don't think I could make myself take a nap. I might have to try it, though. :-)

  4. Far Guy is such a talented carver!

  5. Happy to hear you two are staying healthy and you can be outside on the warmer days. We must have the same interest/taste in movies as I enjoy all of the ones that you give a higher rating to. When I am not sure what to watch on Netflix, I just look and see what you have recently watched and I always enjoy it.

  6. "Hotdish" - such a comforting Minnesota word. It made me smile.

  7. That carving reminds me of a beautiful piece of Capodimonte porcelain a friend brought me back from a trip to Italy. It is a flower and it is one of the most exquisite things I have ever seen.

  8. FarGuy's talent is just amazing.
    You guys sure do stay busy. I thought you were supposed to be resting--LOL! ;)

  9. FG’s carvings are fabulous! I especially like the feather. I seldom win at yarn chicken, but I still try.

  10. Oh I know all about yarn chicken. I usually have enough, but sometimes I crochet faster to try to get it done before I run out! LOL! Love the feather and trillium!

  11. Yarn chicken - that makes me laugh and oh yes, I've had that problem more than once.

  12. Before I opened your post I saw the flower and thought it was real! Then I had to enlarge the picture before I realize it was one of Far Guy's carvings. He is one talented guy! I hope you both have a good day!

  13. I never hear the term "hotdish" out here in the northwest. We used it all of the time in Iowa and Nebraska so it must be a midwest term. Soda too. We always called it "pop".
    Far Guy is so talented in his carvings. How wonderful that he is so generous with them too.

  14. I'd never heard of "yarn chicken" before.... but nice to know. Far Guy's trillium is fantastic

  15. Crochet chicken made me laugh. I guess i am playing that game right now with the edging on the baby blanket and definitely not wanting to buy another whole skein of blue!

  16. Check out the unconditional love blanket on Ravelry. It looks so cool! It is crocheted. Far Guys carvings are exceptional. I'm exhausted after shopping and disinfecting! LOL! Take care!

  17. Some days are just so ordinary. The Trillium is anything but ordinary, it is beautiful.

  18. That carving is superb. Job caring and painting.

  19. Yarn chicken? You learn something new every day.

  20. Yarn chicken....hahahaha that is a daring game.
    Far Guy's carvings are wonderful and just something else.

  21. So you got the shade cloth up....good job! You got a walk in .... far guy did some woodcarving...always so beautiful...and you got a nap in too. Supper sounds good too. Take care you two!

    1. We just had trilliums blooming this month in the woods!

  22. Sounds like a very productive day.


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