Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Owls and Cowslips

My baby brother has no squirrels in his yard.  He has two Owls. 

This one is high in a Norway Pine.

This one is hanging out on a dead tree ( we call them dead heads as the top of the tree is gone.)

My baby brother says he thinks they are Barred Owls and he thinks the one on the dead head is a youngster.
Interesting to see.  They watch their little dog closely when they are outside!

The Cowslips are in full bloom down at the lake...also called Marsh Marigold it is Caltha palustris and it is in the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae Family)

Far Side


  1. Reminds me of Beatrix Potter's story about Squirrel Nutkin :)

  2. Yes, I'd watch the small dog outside! Aren't they beautiful birds, though.

  3. The owls are so cute. If your baby brother needs squirrels I'll be happy to send him a whole bunch of the ones from my yard. I have way too many.

  4. We've got one that I can hear in the woods sometimes too but it's the darn eagle that worries me. Since they showed up we see very few predator birds anymore. I haven't seen a hawk in ages. Araignee

  5. Charlie stays close and most of the places we are at won't allow an owl to swoop down through the thicket. The eagles have moved out as the Turkey Vultures have moved in. Bah...those things are ugly!
    Anyway. Those cowslips are beautiful! Ours have faded and we have Wild Geraniums blooming now.

  6. Perhaps the owls dine on squirrels? I'm glad to know they are keeping a close eye on their dog. I do think they are barred owls. :-)

  7. Your lucky brother!!! I love owls. We used to have barn owls and screech owls on the farm but rarely saw them. Obviously I don't have any here because there are lots of squirrels....human and otherwise! LOL!
    Love the cowslips! I haven't seen any of them by our lake here.

  8. I live in town and we have so many predator birds! My neighbors with tiny toy dogs watch them very carefully.

  9. We hear an owl quite often but I haven't actually seen one since we moved into this house years ago. We used to see them frequently when we lived out in the country. However we do see bald eagles fairly often in this area. And lots of big hawks.

  10. Great photos! And fun to see the owl!

  11. Oh I love those owls! I haven't seen one in person in a long time.

  12. Hubby & I had the opportunity to tag along to an owl banding recently. It was very interesting talking with our guide about the owls nesting process. Just had a flock of yellow finches feeding on dandelions in our yard. Yellow flowers look so bright this time of year.

  13. That's very cool. I've only ever seen a live owl in the wild once, out west at an Indian ruin many many years ago. We stopped by the ruin this past February and there is still a pair of owls nesting there, we could see one on the nest this time. Must be a perfect location for them. I think that pair is a great horned owl. I went on an 'owl walk' last winter at a local park. With 65 people tromping through the woods of course we didn't see anything. Would love to see one around here someday. I'm sure we have them, we seem to have everything else!

  14. Agreed, it is a Barred Owl. Love the cowslips.

  15. I love the owl pictures! I hear owls but never see them.

  16. I agree that the owl on the dead head is a youngster. He’s probably working up the courage to get down.

  17. Beautiful owls although they would worry me around a little dog. We have some here at the lake and I love to hear them at night.

  18. That is quite a deal with the owls. I would worry about the dogs and cats for sure. I remember seeing the march marigolds in the spring. I remember how spring was just starting with lilacs and peonies right after we would arrive to Grand Rapids.

  19. How fortunate your baby brother is to have the Owls living nearby. No squirrels? I for one wouldn't miss them.

  20. I'm sure the reason for no squirrels are the local owls. I would definitely be concerned for a small dog. Love the cowslips - they are very pretty!

  21. Yeah. They look like barred owls. We have barred owls here and I see them once in a while and hear them often but we are still inundated with squirrels.

  22. Sure glad they're watching over their little dog. Me thinks those squirrels met an untimely end. Wow ...Leilani...I'm surprised you still have squirrels around.

  23. Interesting on the Owls ~ neat to see. We saw many of those swamp flowers when we were headed out to eat on Friday. Pretty :)


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