Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Yarn Stash

Last week when I was stocking up on supplies, I had a few extra minutes to stop by the local yarn shop.  Yarn was purchased.

I figured it would keep me out of trouble for a few days and it has.   The red is another shawl, the beautiful fluffy Hawaii blue color is a fancy scarf for around your neck ...it is like crocheting with cotton candy.  The red shawl is being blocked and the fluffy Hawaii blue is almost finished.

It is kid mohair and silk...soft and fluffy.  I am anxious to see it completed.

Far Guy and I are getting along just fine.  We enjoy each others company very much.   I crochet and he woodcarves and household tasks are shared.  Our weather is quite cool, I sat outside for a short time yesterday...no sun...it was a gloomy day.  High was 33 F or 1 C  eh!

I watched most of Instant Hotel on Netflix...kind of a cool show.
Far Side


  1. The yarn colors are so pretty. I can just feel that fluffy blue yarn against my face, so soothing. All is well here. Hubby is being forced to work from home - taking over my kitchen for all his computer stuff. Sure hope we can get back to normal soon. Glad you both are okay.

  2. I love the blue yarn, looking forward to seeing the finished scarf. We are all doing what we can to stay well at this difficult time. Glad you are ok and good to have some hobbies you do together as well.

  3. Beautiful! I was gathering things for making more stick houses,...and then I started working on stuff in the shed. I guess this is a good time to start that as the weather warms.
    I think after today, we will be 'Shelter In Place'.

  4. I am just waking up and reading my blog friends' posts. Happy St Patricks Day to you and yours, dear friend! Love the pretty blue cotton candy yarn. :-)

  5. Once when they were predicting a huge snowstorm here in the DC area I stopped in to buy yarn while everyone else was lining up for milk and bread. First things first.

  6. Those are going to be beautiful! Red is my colour and I love that shade of red.
    Hope you get some warm days soon, sunshine is the best way to cheer up after a dreary winter.

  7. I like the mental image of crocheting cotton candy. The color of the yarn is beautiful and the finished scarf will be, too.

  8. What beautiful yarn you have found! That blue is really something, I bet it feels dreamy. I'm so glad you are still able to get yarn.

  9. I've been working on a shawl myself. Started it weeks ago for a friend who is going through chemo. Now I won't be able to deliver it to her...but perhaps will mail it. I'm glad you are feeling content together, that's the way to get through times like these. I, myself, feel quite content now that all the things I had committed to have been cancelled. Sort of peaceful if I don't turn on the news.

  10. Glad you and Far Guy are enjoying each other's company while working on your various projects.

  11. Those colors are very pretty. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  12. Glad you enjoy each other's company. I'm sure there are WAY more folks out there who are not used to so much togetherness! Very pretty yarn choices. My kind of colors!

    I still plan to go out and get my hair cut tomorrow morning. It's a small salon so not likely to have more than 3 or 4 people in it and the chairs are far apart. Then I'll probably make a swing through the grocery store afterward to pick up a few items like fresh fruit and milk. I may need to check into our grocery store's new Pick Up process.

  13. Hobbies certainly help to keep u busy and our minds off the virus.

  14. Love the yarns, especially the blue which looks a bit like gossamer to crochet. Stay safe, Mxx

  15. Both yarns are so pretty! Yarn doesn't last long in your stash, does it?

    Have a good day!

  16. Those are both such pretty yarns. I'm glad you have it to play with. That blue is so soft looking. I sure wish Dennis could be home with me too. I worry about him going to work every day. I did go to the grocery store at 5:00 am this morning. There was nothing there! Lines out the door and the shelves were empty. Oh well, we do have what we need to eat for a couple of weeks.

  17. Sometimes I miss woodcarving. It really passed the time and you never even realized it. You get sucked into another world.... And you have a nice carving to show for it at the end!

  18. We have been using our cable a lot this last two months.

  19. Both colours of yearn are lovely. You're never at a loss of what to do!!
    We're staying home even more than usual. Thankfully the weather is nicer this week and we've begun a project in the back yard that will take a while ( and some help from able-bodied sons).

  20. Oh, look at that beautiful yarn! I have no local yarn shop but that's probably a good thing! LOL! You have one shawl done already and another one on the go? You are amazing! I am so slow plus I cannot even listen to the radio much less t.v. or I mess up.

  21. I have to say that looks like the softest scarf in the world!
    You have been busy and this will keep you going for a while.
    Stay safe, you two! :)

  22. We are learning to slow down. We get up late, diddle around reading social media and Internet, read through late breakfasts, I do my physical therapy exercises, and since I can't walk yet because of my messed up back, which is not painful, but just very stiff, I have started doing miles on my stationary bike out in the garage. Tom worked on one of his Bonsai trees at the work bench at the same time. Blogging and Face booking fill time and keep me connected. We watch TV in the evenings and then read in bed until midnight. I look forward to when I can work in the garden again. Spring is happening all around us.

  23. Both of your yarn colors are just gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished results! Glad you're both doing well and keeping busy with fun hobbies. I bet your trips to the Bingo parlor will be cancelled for awhile. How sad. I fear so many business failures and job loss across the country. What next? Take care friends.

  24. So glad you and Far Guy are doing well in the midst of all this. You certainly are getting a lot of creative stuff done. And that red!!! What a beautiful color!

  25. Beautiful yarns, and beautiful colors. What fun to work with. I miss trips to the wonderful yarn shops in Minnesota. But I do save a lot of money!

  26. Wow! That is beautifully coloured yarn. I can't wait to see the end product.


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