Monday, March 30, 2020


We had another warm in the 40's day.  We lost another two inches of snow at the snowstick.

7 inches at the snowstick 

My other baby brother and she who sees Robins first saw a whole flock of Robins down at my baby brothers home.   They stopped by and visited ( staying 6 feet plus apart) and brought us a bag of carrots and gave us the grocery store report.  They made a grocery run and drop off for our parents also.  There still isn't TP at the store but they said that the canned goods were starting to rebound, not much left for pasta either.

The carrots were excellent with a pork roast, potatoes and gravy for a Sunday meal.  Comfort food at it's finest and we have leftovers for a few meals! 

Far Guy worked on his woodcarving project.  I did some laundry and tore a crochet project apart and started it was just too one would have enjoyed wearing it.  

Proof that planes are still flying...some idiots are still going places. 

We are safe at home, happy with each others company. 
Far Side


  1. I'm sure the UPS and Fedex and the jet fighter pilots are still flying. I'm sure there are others that need our government workers (is that an oxymoron?). Not me...I like staying home and I like my feet firmly on the ground. I'm like you 2 except it's just me....I enjoy my own company!LOL! Stay well!

  2. I'm glad the grocery store situation is starting to improve where you are.

  3. Well the snow is melting there! Wow! I'm thinking I am going to have to get that lawn mower out soon here!

  4. That sounds like a good meal. Nice to have relatives to shop for groceries for you.

  5. When the robins return, spring is in the air! April is right around the corner, so your snow, even June, should be leaving soon. :-)

  6. Love the new header, thanks for keeping Chance in there.

  7. Seven inches is a lot of snow to still have but one day soon you will see green grass and be out mowing! I hope that's a happy thought!💖

  8. We only got about a third of our order on our latest delivery. I haven't been paying too much attention but now that you mention it I haven't seen too many flights over our house lately. We are not too far from BWI, Andrews, Reagan and Dulles so we usually get lots of flyovers. It has been quieter than usual. Reminds me of 9/11. Eerie. Araignee

  9. So glad they are getting groceries for you two and your parents. :)
    Stay safe! Your dinner sounds delicious. :)

  10. Neither of us has been the grocery store for over a week now. It's almost time to do that to replenish some fresh foods like veggies, bread, etc. I'm hoping they have eggs again as there weren't any the past 2 weeks.

    The grass is turning green here and the birds are chirping. Time to open my office window again for the day.

  11. The weatherman said another cold system is working it’s way south and will likely bring snow and COLD temperatures for the next two weeks. 😏 I’d like to sit outside and soak up some sunshine, but that’s not going to happen.

  12. The snow stick is going down quickly now. A roast and vegetables sound good. You can't beat comfort food. It's good to hear you are both staying busy. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Your homestead sounds like a comfy oasis "in the storm", Connie. Your needs are met by helping hands and you are finding peace in the comforts of home. We have an airport near our area (not for commercial flights) and the skies are usually fairly full but not anymore. There's not a plane or helicopter in the sky... and no noise overhead either, which is wonderful. Our little corner of the world is usually quiet anyway but now you can hear a pin drop. I do miss hearing an occasional car door slamming shut & the car engine starting. I also miss hearing the occasional game of b-ball out in the cul-de-sac, played by the neighbor's visiting grandchildren. But this too shall pass. Continue to stay safe, my friend. Love, Andrea XOXO

  14. A slow melt is good - we still have lots of snow in the yard. The juncos were here this morning and I saw a couple of purple finches.

  15. One wonders when there will be shortages as I suspect there might be problems with supply or transportation.

  16. Yes, liking each other is critical in love.

  17. I have a grocery order in at Walmart right now with a pick up scheduled in a couple of hours. So far they have only subsituted one item but then I didn't order a lot of things that were marked "out of stock". No eggs, meat, pasta, bread or cleaning items to name just a few. I'm glad that I have always kept a fairly well stocked pantry. I was just trying to replace what we've used this past couple of weeks to keep the stock up in case this lasts awhile.
    The snow is disappearing quickly at the snowstick now. Spring must be trying to make an appearance. We have a rain/snow mix predicted but it's in the 40's so it won't stick around if it does appear.
    Take care and I'm praying for you and Far Guy. Well, all of us actually.

  18. Our supermarkets seem to have been able to restock their shelves - with everything except flour! There seems to be a nationwide shortage of flour, and nobody knows why. I stay home all the time now, and son is our go-out-if-needed person so he gets the groceries each week.
    We used to have passenger planes flying over us for the local airport, but not any more. The only air traffic we have now is the occasional helicopter taking a sick person to hospital.
    Stay safe :) xx

  19. Our snow is pretty much gone, but then we didn't get much this winter either. I saw my first robin yesterday morning, so exciting!

    Take care and stay well!

  20. The planes are still flying into SC. We read there are flights from as low as $13 from NYC (didn’t fact check that). I guess i would want to get away from there, too, but I wish they weren’t coming “to the beach”. We haven’t been to the store in a week and a half so I have no idea whats there and what isn't. We will have to do it in the next couple days. Good to see that snow pile going down. Take care!

  21. No snow here in Kansas for several weeks now... even at that it's been piddly amounts for many years. So glad we're in the 60s nowadays, waiting for those 70s though!! Woot! Yep. idiots still going places... and idiots still not practicing social distancing or good hygiene. I'm afraid for my kids at their jobs because of those people who think they are impervious to the virus. Keeping you guys in prayer for safety and health! Blessings!

  22. Good food, good company, makes the enforced staying at home quite bearable.
    Good to see your snow is slowly disappearing.

  23. Enjoying each others company is important as well as being comfortable with one's own company as most of my family are

  24. You commented on my post of yesterday about our common evening meal. Comfort food is great, and having leftovers is even better. I'll soon be warming some up for today's evening meal.
    We are having rinse and not quite dry weather here today, one squall after another, with brief sun breaks in between, and 45 degrees. March may be going out like a lion.

  25. Ditto here in Iowa. I'm very happy I married someone who's company I truly enjoy. Stay safe!

  26. The snow at your snow stick is going down fast. I guess that's good although my guess is way down the line in April! Your yummy meal sounds great! I'm feeling like chow mein...might have to make that tomorrow night. Glad you're both working on projects, although sorry you had to tear apart and start yours over. I still haven't seen a robin! Hope I do soon. Take care.

  27. Our burn barrel has a whole foot showing now. So, a little over two feet left to melt. I stood on the back porch while the dog did her evening exploration. I could hear water running in all directions. Our creek is flowing too!

  28. The snow didn't just slide in on you. You had some really heavy snow falls. Birds coming back and things will start to sprout. The Hope is still there even though we are impatient.


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