Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Isolation 2020

We decided that yesterday (Monday) would be Far Guy's last day in Pulmonary Therapy for a while.  It is located in a hospital and you must walk through a waiting area just outside the ER to get there.  Risk vs Reward was weighed.   After all he can walk and ride the exercise bike at home...there is also an elliptical in the greenhouse.   The risk out weighed the reward...and two out of the three nurses agreed.

Later in the day an advisory came out from The Alpha 1 Foundation  saying that all patients should isolate themselves.

I did the grocery shopping and should have enough for two plus weeks here at home.

Not sure how this photo got on my phone. 

Far Guy will go in for his weekly infusion because he has to.  Risk vs reward and reward wins as the infusion protects his lungs for 6 + days.

I will stay home also.  I cannot risk getting ill myself and giving it to Far Guy. We will do what we have to do.
We can go outside....we can walk outside, heck when the ice goes away we can walk the entire road back here in the boonies. We can go for rides.  On sunny days we can go to the greenhouse/woodshop and do "stuff".  There are just a few unfinished projects out there.

Wally world still had toilet paper and hand sanitizer  although the supply was limited.  There were no empty shelves....I noticed most everyone had water and toilet paper in their grocery carts.

Far Side


  1. I went on the first. Toilet paper, soap, baby formula, canned goods. I thought we were good for the month and could stay outta criwds. Did not factor in a twisty spill on the kitchen floor. I think you and Far Guy picked the safest choice! No nasty germs for you!

  2. Since we are both over 60 and I have asthma made worse by my bout with the swine fly when it came around we are doing the same. The Mister is going out today and getting the last of what we need then I am going to disinfect him and everything he brings in. I feel crazy being so worried but that swine flu almost did me in. I don't ever want to go through anything like that again.

  3. I think you both made a wise decision. No sense exposing your selves to who knows what. Stay well, both of you. Haven't seen any real shortages on the supermarket shelves around here yet.

  4. For the most part, I think people are making too much fuss. However, in situations like yours, with people at as much high risk as Far Guy, I think it's the right thing to do, and that you made a very wise decision.

  5. Better a bit safer than sorry and we have to remember that most inventories in stores is now Sigma Six optimized for maximum profits. Which means most of the time they have 3-5 days worth of inventory available. If the transportations delivery networks are crippled during this outbreak, there will be shortages of necessities, just the way it will work. It doesn't mean we need to panik, but prudent preparations are a good idea. You are thinking in the correct terms, risk/reward and making conscious decisions on the direction to go. We noticed that more than a few of the shelves at the local Sam's Club were looking mighty thin over the past week.

  6. I am on board with you, but we are very isolated here anyway. I'm the one that goes out does things. However we did cancel his appt for today walking through a 100 or so people to get to one clinic is not my idea of being safe?
    I wonder what the deal is with buying water? But we have a well and don't have city water.
    I can't afford to give anything to my husband either...so we will see how things go.

  7. Nobody wants to get sick with this awful virus. I'm being extremely careful, as I fall into the elderly category and sure don't want to spread it to my friends, either. If I get sick with anything at all, I'm staying home.

  8. I refuse to believe the hype that “risk is low.” If it was so low, why did it spread so much in Italy. It’s wise to self isolate and take precautions. It’s impossible to know who was “positive” when they touched surfaces. Be well

  9. I'm going to Walmart today. I'm such a recluse that I have little contact with anyone but I don't worry at my age. The old joke "if she dies, she dies"...I don't want to suffer but something is going to take me out some day and better me than someone who has a family to raise. My father lost both his parents when he was 3 years old from the flu epidemic back in 1918. I do think we have to be smart and do what we can but after that it is out of our hands. You are being smart about it especially with Far Guys illnesses. There's something to be said for living in "the boonies"! Prayers for all to be safe and remain healthy!

  10. You're doing the right thing by staying home. they are now saying that 35 -70 % of us could get the virus.

  11. Wise decisions especially considering Far Guy's health. Luckily you have warmer weather coming and can go outside more. These are certainly uneasy times.

  12. Hand sanitizer and toilet paper have all vanished in our little town. I think you are very wise.

  13. Only essential trips is a necessary move. Public places and doctor visits are the germiest. You have to do what you can. Stay safe, you guys! :)

  14. Truly, I have been hoping that would be your decision soon. You just can't mess around with this stuff especially with Far Guy's lungs.
    I'm isolating as much as possible but I do have to go to the bank and grocery store this morning. Dennis still goes to work every day since he can't work from home. I'm apparently in a high risk group because of my heart and I also had the swine flu when it went through. I catch everything. For the most part I stay home though and after today we should be pretty well stocked up on everything.

  15. I think you are being very smart... risk vs. reward is an excellent way to make these decisions. We always have a full pantry and could probably live for a month without going to the grocery store. We'd have to do without milk and fresh fruit and veggies but we'd be fine. Keeping you both in my prayers. Stay safe...

  16. You are wise to be considering your options and making good choices for yourselves. Take care, Mxx

  17. I definitely think you're wise to stay home as much as possible. Stay safe and well.

  18. Yes, good idea. We are limiting our contact as well. A trip has been put on hold.

  19. It really is a very good idea to limit contact. Though I must say, I don't understand the compulsion to over buy toilet paper. How much can you go through in a two week period? Bar soap is better than hand sanitizer except for those times that you don't have the ability to wash up. I was surprised that my sick day chicken broth and gingerale were in full supply. I wish you the best during these times. I know you don't need an added stress.

  20. Yes better to stay home then risk him getting sick

  21. Your decision is a wise one. We are conflicted. We are very healthy with good immune systems, but we are 75 and 78 and the latest information is that this virus strikes older people hard and leaves children alone. We were out and about, at the soccer stadium and on public transit on Saturday, being careful to wash hands and use hand sanitizer, and clean everything when we got back home, but now we are rethinking how much exposure we will allow ourselves.

  22. I think you were smart to make those decisions. No use taking chances when you don't have to. Things are pretty calm around here....nobody in the stores fighting over toilet paper or bottled water, like they are at my daughter's groc. store in New Jersey these days. yikes. Take care you two.

  23. I'm sure you're making the wisest decision especially about avoiding the ER and waiting room.

  24. They say that soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer. I always treat town like it is full of germs, even in the summer. Glad I live by a small town and not a big city. Good decision for you guys to stay home as much as possible.

  25. Risk vs. reward, it is a weighing act. Shall I go to Bible study this week? My friend's wedding? I am planning to go. Yet the university in my city cancelled physical classes until March 22 and my volunteer organization said to stop visiting nursing homes until March 22. Hard choices.

  26. You are making good decisions and playing it safe. The whole toilet paper thing is mind boggling. People probably have toilet paper to last sixth months, and food for much less than that. We are well set for isolation if needed. Some square dance clubs have shut down for the next few weeks. Most dancers are in their 70's and 80's, and many would have underlying health conditions. Our club hasn't stopped yet, but we were given extra time between dances to go and wash our hands. I washed mine so many times last night that they looked like lizard skin this morning. I didn't realize until I looked at them with my glasses on, and was horrified. I hope no one else saw them when I was out! We don't have any health issues, so we are being cautious and using common sense, but not isolating ourselves. Take care of yourselves.

  27. Definitely the right choice for you and Far Guy. I'm going to have to find out if we will even get to go do Therapy Dog in a few weeks at this rate. Oh well.

  28. This stinks! Been thinking about you guys - let us know if you need anything. (I can always pick you up some more yarn) :)

  29. I can't believe one nurse was a holdout on that one. Yes, I side with you: stay home and stay safe. Take care of yourselves. That's the most important thing.


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