Monday, March 23, 2020

Projects finished

Two of my crochet projects have been finished and the third is being blocked. 

The fluffy Hawaii blue scarf is finished.The blue yarn is super kid mohair and silk it is a Canadian Yarn.

A red shawl was finished also

I attempted to take photos outside but it was windy.  So I went inside,

Both of these yarns drape beautifully.  The red is Extrafine Merino, Baby Alpaca, Silk and Yak made in Peru.

I have enough red yarn left over for another shawl.

In the meantime I started a different shawl in a  different mindless pattern.  I say mindless because I can crochet and watch TV at the same time. 

I still have two pair of socks on the knitting needles...I find that knitting takes much more concentrating for my old brain.

We had a quiet Sunday at home.  Not much new here.
Far Side


  1. I absolutely love them, especially the red one. It seems to be the exact color to show off that design. Isn't it funny how different brains approach crocheting and knitting? Knitting for me takes far less brain effort than crocheting does. I can crochet, I just usually choose to knit.

  2. They are both just beautiful!! :)

  3. The scarfs are absolutely beautiful - especially the blue one. Wish i was able to crochet and watch TV at the same time. I always seem to need to watch what I am doing. It seems to be getting duller and duller around here. Can't wait for this stupidity to be over with. Especially the run on toilet paper. How about leaving a roll or two for me. Don't relish having to "wipe" myself with a corn cob.

  4. The shawls are beautiful. I can't decide which color I like best.

  5. Not much new here either. I did a lot of outside work. Fresh air feels good.
    Your projects are beautiful!

  6. I love the red shawl. Was hoping that the wind would loosen it and it would fly over and land at my house. But, no luck. It's raining here, no wind.

    1. What a cute comment! I would like the blue one to fly over and land at my house! :)

  7. I actually got my steps in yesterday, for a change. I walked to town, three miles, with so little traffic I could walk on the sidewalks and stay safe. Not many people out. I love both of your pretty shawls. You are a fast worker. :-)

  8. I loved the blue one when you showed us - then I saw the red one! I can't knit but I can crochet - maybe I need to make one for myself! Where is the pattern?


      Scroll down and you will find it on her page:)

    2. Thanks! Now to select some yarn.

  9. They are beautiful. Perfect for an 'older' lady that is wearing a sleeveless dress but wants to hide their upper arms a little bit, or needs a bit of extra warmth.

    1. That's just what I was thinking, being an "older lady" myself.

  10. Gorgeous shawls! No news is good news.

  11. Both shawls are gorgeous! Just think - you are getting some Christmas and birthday gifts ready early. LOL

  12. These shawls are beautiful! I especially love the red one. That is such a pretty shade of red. You are so talented! Is there anything you can't do? Love, Henny

  13. How lovely to see them hanging with the snow in the background! I know you are sick of it but for those of us who didn't get winter it's always so nice to see. Araignee

  14. You are so talented! I love seeing your projects. Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. The shawls are both gorgeous. The blue one looks like a cloud! I love both crochet and knitting equally. I always have something going for when I'm watcing TV. I have to have my hands busy or I can't concentrate on the show.

  16. Only he clicking of needles going on there! It's a good way to keep busy.

  17. You are so talented. When I was young, I used to knit, but gave it up because I got tension headaches at the nape of my neck.

  18. Both are pretty, but I just LOVE the blue shawl. I bet it feels wonderful, too. Yeah, socks take my full attention, too.

  19. Your shawls are so pretty. They would be lovely to wear on a summer's evening.

  20. The shawls are lovely! You are very creative and fast.

    Stay well!

  21. Those are so beautiful! That blue one looks so soft and silky like a scarf for an angel! I'm keeping you both in my thoughts.

  22. Wow! They're gorgeous. Hope you guys are ok.

  23. The scarves are so great. The wind would love to spin those around and back and forth. Your staying at home is giving you a lot of creative energy. Again that scarf pattern is very artistic.

  24. Your two finished shawls are just gorgeous. You sure do have talent. I never learned how to crochet so I greatly admire the people who do! With the weather warm-up coming, I hope to see less of that white stuff all over your yard. Here too. Have a good week, you two. Stay well!

  25. You are skilled at so many things.
    In our current turmoil a quiet day is a good thing.

  26. You have the golden touch on everything you create! Can almost feel the softness of that blue shawl. And the shade of red is just perfect.

  27. Great you were able to get a couple of your projects finished. That's one good thing with being stuck at home... Plenty of time for those kinds of projects.

  28. I'm knitting a triangular shawl, it's sort of mindless because it's mostly garter stitch. I haven't knit in a lot of years, so it's perfect for me...though it's sort of oddly shapped and since I used crazy yard (all different colors of yard spun together, the way the yarn company use up their remnents) it's a bit odd in color too.

  29. Your shawls are gorgeous! You are in crocheting! LOL! The blue one looks like part of the pretty. I can't seem to do much of anything and watch t.v.


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