Saturday, March 14, 2020


The lost bunch of carvings were found.  I looked everywhere...they were hiding from me.  Persistence paid off.  I moved a box and there they were....right where I must have put them last Fall. 

They needed a a little fine tuning so I joined Far Guy at the table.

Later in the day I painted them and put a sealer on them.  Cross something off my to do list!
Far Guy's rose is taking shape.

We had a quiet day.  We facetimed with Cee Cee in the morning and got to ohh and ahh about how beautiful she is...and we got to hear her cry as she was getting her clothing changed for a photo shoot!

We went for a walk. I wore my Yak Trax and Far Guy took his walking stick . It was sunny but very cool.  We had a high of 26  F or -3 C eh and a bit of a wind.  Snowflakes were in the air every once in a while but no accumulations to speak of.

Far Side


  1. So in awe of your gorgeous wood exciting you. Were able to visit that darling baby via technology.

  2. Your carvings just astound me! How you can take a hunk of wood and turn it into something so beautiful is pure talent! I am not creative...I need specific instructions and even then I mess up! LOL!
    How wonderful that you can "face time" and visit with little Cee Cee! She is a cutie too! How's Hey Mikey dealing with it? Glad you got out in the sunshine and fresh air. It cooled off here after 78 before the storm the other night and then down to 45 and we'll be in the 30's again but not freezing. It is nice to walk here with above freezing and no ice or snow. I'm starting to appreciate it after all these years. I think it has to do with age.....mine! LOL! It's raining here. If I order groceries to pickup at Walmart do I have to have a cell phone or is there a bell or button I can push when I get there? I don't have a cell phone.

    1. I am not sure how Walmart works their pickup but you might need a phone.

  3. Oh wow! You are very talented.

  4. You are both so talented!!!

  5. The little houses are adorable! Glad you were able to go for a walk even though it was cold.

  6. I just love your little houses! You are so talented. People are crazy here. Nothing left in the grocery isles...

  7. I'm glad you found those wonderful wood carvings. It would have been a shame to lose them completely. I'm amazed at the beauty that you and Far Guy can make from a piece of wood.
    I don't know what we would do without FaceTime. We talk to our kids all of the time with it and it's FREE! When technology works it is truly wonderful.
    We're having a mini-blizzard here. Not a lot of snow yet, about 3 inches but the wind is howling.

  8. You made a good find when you found the carvings.

  9. I'm glad your carvings turned up. It would be a shame if they were lost.

  10. How exciting that you got to face time with Cee Cee! And don't you just love to hear their little voices! I'm glad you found your carvings. They had to show up eventually, right? They look great as does Far Guy's Rose. The many, varied talents between the two of you are just amazing. We've got a cold, wet day here with snow a little north of us. At least last week it was a little warmer. Take care - both of you - and enjoy your weekend!

  11. Love the carvings that you found! A Facetime with Miss Cee Cee, such joy! Far Guy's rose really is coming along... he works fast. We went for a walk today too... the wind was bitter but when it stopped the sun was lovely.

  12. There is a gentle, peaceful tone about your post today: lost and found, projects completed, baby noises, walks. All good things.

  13. The carvings are beautiful! Glad you got outside....stay safe!

  14. We had cold weather here too. I'm ready for a warm up sometime soon! Love your wood carvings and that rose looks like it's going to be a dandy! How fun to face time and see and hear the newest member of your family. What a blessing. Speaking of blessings … Stay warm and stay well you two!

  15. I seem to remember those little houses from last year. I'm glad you found them! And I look forward to seeing how the rose turns out. FG is really good with flowers. :-)

  16. It is stunning how a little bit of paint and color brings the carvings to life! Those are soooo cute! FarGuy's rose is really coming along.
    I am self-isolating, too. Glad to have face time with Ian on the laptop. Having that with brand new little CeeCee--awesome!! :)

  17. Poor Cee Cee! A photo shoot already? Not a moment to rest!

    Glad you found your missing carvings. So frustrating when those things are lost in plain sight.

  18. These are simply beautiful and amazing!

  19. Your carvings are very nice! Being able to Facetime is wonderful, isn't it? I enjoy having time with my grandson without actually being there.

  20. Sounds like a great day. Glad you found the carvings, and were able to finish them and cross something else off your list.

  21. Your carvings are a lot of fun. I am glad you found them. I was going to start work on a piano stool but couldn't find the seat. A day later during one evening I went down and moved some things and found it under a table. I have not lived here long enough to lose things but I did. My wife too is very anxious about the virus.


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