Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Shell Lake and River

When we went for a drive on Monday we found ourselves over on Shell Lake always a favorite spot of mine.   Luckily there are no huge changes happening to the lake or the river.

Shell Lake where the melt has started. This is looking west..  The Shell River leaves Shell Lake at this point and travels under the road...and heads for the Smoky Hills.

Shell River looking East.

You can see the Smoky Hills in the distance. And yes they were truly smoky that day.

We haven't been out since Monday.  We should be crossing off "stuff" on our lists left and right...but I crochet and watch TV and Far Guy woodcarves and plays computer games.  I knit on my socks for a short time yesterday just to change things up then I had a nap.

Anyone else out there feel like they are stuck in limbo...waiting for the axe to fall?
We are supposed to get warmer weather soon....perhaps that will help

Far Side


  1. I feel the same way. I can't seem to commit to anything with the enthusiasm I usually have. I should be cleaning out closets and organizing things with all this time but what do I do with all the stuff? I already have boxes all over the place. Cleaning and cooking are the only things I do with any gusto and I can't keep that up because I am afraid of running out of supplies. Araignee

  2. Yes, I find I am more puttery and not feeling like starting a bigger project. Spending too much time watching the news or escaping into books and shows. But it is supposed to get a bit warmer out so I'm also planning flowers for my planter boxes and pots on the patio--that's fun. Just hanging in there. I think so many of us are. ;)

  3. I feel the same way you do - stuck in Limbo Land. My hubby is working from home 4 days a week and that is driving me crazy as I have to be real quiet because of his work. Since we live in a 1000 sq foot house this makes it real tough for me. And being isolated from my Church and my friends is getting me down. Sure hope this doesn't last too much longer. Just thankful I have friends out here in "Blogger Land".

  4. I've been stuck here before, but really miss my 'new' social life at the gym and yes...waiting for some sort of shoe to drop.

  5. I, too, am hoping for warmer weather so I can start cleaning up the gardens. I didn't get it done last fall, I can't remember back that far to know why not. These days I have taken an idea from you, and I'm making 'cards' to mail to folks. I blogged about it yesterday and gave you the credit for the idea. I've only made three, mailed one yesterday, one today, so only one left, will have to get cracking!

  6. My usual exercise haunts are all cut off, and I find myself battling depression. I cannot seem to get motivated to do anything much. This is totally abnormal for me. Thanks for the pretty picture of Shell Lake.

  7. Yes - definitely feel like I'm in limbo. I suggested yesterday that going out for a drive and to get some take out food (for my birthday) would be fun. But it didn't happen. The hubbie went out by himself and had a drive. And there was no take out food involved either. Major case of cabin fever in my brain.

  8. Right there with you. I took advantage of early senior shopping at the grocery store this morning - lots of seniors there all with a look of disbelief at the empty shelves. I scored some PBtr and other protein sources. I wanted eggs, but didn’t want to purchase a carton of 18, so I left them for others.

  9. Limbo describes the feeling well. Like waiting for something to happen, but it never does. It is almost like going into a shock and denial mindset. Hopefully folk will reach out to each other digitally and over the fence, so that the community can get through these times safely.

  10. We're not doing much either. I've gone back to leaving a jigsaw puzzle set up to work on in the basement. I work on it when Tom is settled in his chair in the living room watching TV. Our daughter works at Kroger as a second job and has been keeping us supplied with groceries when we run out of salt, milk, etc.

  11. Wow! I just read all of the comments. I thought it was just me and there was something wrong with me that I can't seen to focus or concentrate on anything for very long. Life seems to have just paused for now. I don't know whether to say I'm glad I'm not alone or startled that everyone is feeling like this.
    Your photos of the lake and river are so pretty. We woke up to a couple of inches of snow this morning! Not in the forcast at all. It was supposed to be 57F! Just another weird thing happening around here.

  12. So far, I've been able to keep myself busy with painting and cleaning but I must admit I'm starting to wonder how much more of this I can tolerate. I do need to run out tomorrow morning to grab a few items at the grocery store - I'll try going early with the hopes it won't be busy. However, a friend of mine in England has been asked to self-isolate for 12 weeks! While we're being asked to stay at home, thankfully we're not in lock down.

    Take care and stay well!

  13. Yes, stuck in limbo and waiting for whatever is next. At least when we read other comments we know we are not alone. Any kind of motivation to do anything is a real challenge. It really helps being able to communicate with others through blogs.

    These are beautiful pictures of the lake and the beginning melt. I'm glad you two got out for a drive. Please take care!

  14. I like to stay home a lot so this quarantine is nothing. But, it does help to have my hubby in the same house.

  15. Yes. I expected to get alot done but it isn't happening.

  16. I have to keep reminding myself it’s still cold up your way! I am the oddball I guess as I am actually getting some things done. I do alternate between sad, scared, and optimistic — probably depending on the news I can’t avoid hearing. I hate being so far from my kids. My daughter working in Germany is in her third day of having the virus. She lives alone in an apartment in a big city, has asthma, and I am very worried about her. So far she has not been hospitalized.

  17. I think we are fairing better than most here. Spring has arrived, we've had some decent weather. Lots to do outside. The garden centers are doing on-line and phone orders so you can have it put in your vehicle in the parking lot. No venturing inside if you don't want. We have enough projects here to keep us going for years. We walk around the property each morning and around the block each evening. Last time we drove anywhere was last Thursday, when we went to a regional park to walk in a different spot. I had done a bit of grocery shopping that morning. I'm trying to hold off shopping until Monday. Running low on produce, but I think we can stretch it out, as there are greens in the garden to be picked. I commented to Larry this morning how happy I am that we are in Spring now and not heading into winter. That would get depressing very fast. My son is self isolating near Edmonton with possible Covid symptoms. The symptoms he has had for over a week are not really matching up with a normal cold or flu. They are mild though. Stay safe.

  18. We totally need that warmer weather. Part of the Problem with this cabin fever is the inability to enjoy the great outdoors in the best way. ( I hate bundling up for a simple walk....) But I do have hobbies o occupy a little of my time indoors.

  19. The fact that we have some sunny days and warmer weather helps a lot. I can be puttering outside which is what I like most to do. I hope Spring arrives out your way very soon.

  20. I am used to staying home but not used to not seeing people every day

  21. Yes, I think that's why I went to bed yesterday...that virus takes the hope right out of you especially when they keep saying it's getting worse and all those poor healthcare workers who don't even have the equipment they need! Makes me mad at the incompetence in our government...we've reached a new low. My daughter is volunteering to hand out food at her school for those students and parents who have food insecurity. I pray she won't catch it but who knows as we don't even know who has it because there's not enough tests. Tomorrow is supposed to be 81 here! I'd better get my summer clothes out fast! Take care and stay well!

  22. A beautiful ride you had, we are trying to stay busy, doing a lot of praying, and so thankful for our medical professionals! Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.

  23. We're stuck in limbo, but managing to keep occupied.

  24. Thank you for the beautiful pics of your lake and river. Nice to see the thawing beginning. Maybe you'll even see a flower or two one of these fine days. We have alot of fog coming across our lake today...and lots of melting going on! Glad you've got your special projects to work on these days...and can even get a nap in! Stay well you 2!

  25. What a lovely place, thanks for sharing the photos. Stuck in limbo... yeah, I guess. I'm having some pretty sad days of late. I miss seeing my kids and grands and I miss hugs!

  26. We keep busy. Having spring here means Tom keeps busy in the yard. I have been doing things inside. But these is always an underlying sense of tension.


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