Sunday, March 8, 2020


It is melting and getting icy in the yard.  Mom and Dad stopped by to visit. They called us from the vehicle when they first arrived to make sure we were home.  When I answered the phone Dad was already walking on the ice.   I hate that they walk on ice.  When they left I drove the car to the end of the walk so Mom could get in and then she could turn the car around and let Dad in from the walk where it wasn't icy.   It worked and no one fell. 

Most of the snow finally came off the roof of the house.  Spring must be coming!

I am NOT looking forward to the time change,  I get crankier than normal.  I wish they would just leave the time alone.   Sure it means more light at night but it is too cold to be outside and just think of all the little kids that have to get on the bus in the dark mornings.  Makes no sense to me at all.
Spring like flowers at the store last week

I worked on some crochet wildlife nests I am sure that the Rescue Organizations will be needing them soon. 

Far Side


  1. I am not usually a fan of the time change. 34 hours ago I fell iny kitchen. I broke my humerus bone and a trestles up like a turkey. I have not slept since. Losing an hour moves me one hour closer to a doctor appointment on Monday.

    1. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your fall and injury.

  2. I like this time change but I also like getting up way early. I'll be able to change my workouts now to earlier in the morning and be home by chore time and still be home before hubby wakes up.
    Most kids here are in their parent's vehicle waiting for the bus at the end of a gravel road, so that is a bit different here.
    I'm pretty please to have more evening light. But then I am weird.

  3. The time change doesn’t make sense to me either. The Wyoming Legislature has debated changing it the last two sessions, but I guess they need neighboring states to buy into it as well.

  4. I think more and more places are abolishing the time change. In Canada, the Yukon has, and I believe our province of BC will this fall, so that we are back on normal time. Here in Creston we don't do the time change and after 11 years living here I must say that I really like not having to deal with that silliness, so once the whole province is the same it will help not wondering what time it is in the next town over!

  5. Beautiful flowers!

    Changing the time is weird. Why do we do it?

  6. I'm glad your Mom and Dad were safe with no falls. When everything glazes over that is a huge concern.
    I like Daylight Savings Time and wish they would just leave it permanently there. The extra hour of light is great at night and few kids are out around here in the mornings when it's dark. That's just me though. I don't like changing it back and forth. That hour makes a huge difference and I remember how hard it was with little kids.

  7. Well, I'm up on this first morning of DST. We had a late night last night and then couldn't get to sleep, so with the hour lost if made it an even shorter night's sleep. But since it's already 9:00 in the morning, I'll manage.
    Our state voted to go to permanent DST but can't without federal permission. It doesn't make sense to me. If we go for not changing the time twice a year, it should be left on standard time, which most closely reflects sun time. But no one seems to be asking me or agreeing with me.

  8. Don't your folks have those YAK TRACS? You put them on a pair of shoes or boots (and leave them there because they are too hard to get on and off!). They have spikes in them so you can walk on ice. They should give them out when you retire! Actually I gave them to all my kids too. Why are we still doing the time change? Really....who's in charge of our government? I thought it was "we the people"? They listen to nothing we say...I've never met anyone in all my years that was ever in favor of the time change. Some states don't have it...Arizona? Anyway....I'm getting too old to care and since I'm retired I can just ignore it until it comes to appointments which I know you have lots of.

  9. It doesn't make sense to me either! I am with you, leave the time alone.

  10. I think daylight saving time will soon disappear. we have two choices. Keep standard time or daylight saving. Now comes the problem.

  11. I'm ready to get rid of DST too! Yay for the snow off the roof and Spring coming! Oh my, I am so scared of people (especially elderly) walking on ice. Too many people do not realize how dangerous it is especially if you have black ice. I'm glad you got a visit with your parents and I'm also glad you made it safer for them to get in their car when leaving!

  12. I always think about the kids out there in the dark waiting for the bus again. Did you sign the petition to federally stop DST? I didn't save the link, but I'm sure you could search for it. I hate it, too. Throws me off for many days. :(

  13. I'd rather just pick a time and stick with it. Though I have to say this morning it was nice when Katie got me up at her regular 5 a.m. that it was actually 6 a.m. and time for her breakfast. No arguing about it for an hour! Of course tomorrow she will be back to trying for breakfast an hour early again.

  14. If my mum walked on ice she would end up falling over, damn I would fall if I tried to do it

  15. Pretty flowers! Sometimes I think the older people get the more obstinate they are...much like a 2 or 3 year old. "I do it myself!" Glad they made it safely in and out of the vehicle.

  16. I'm so glad that your folks didn't slip and fall on that ice. Every morning we have a skating rink out back where things have melted from the day before. It's treacherous to say the least. Oh....those flowers are so pretty....I'd love to have them in my home! Take care of each other and don't slip and fall anytime soon!

  17. Sure a good thing your parents didn't slip and fall on the ice.
    No one likes the time change. I hope we can settle on one time ( hopefully standard) and leave it like that permanently. BC is waiting to see which Washington, Oregon and California are choosing and we'll go along with their choice.

  18. I thought about you when we moved the clocks up Saturday night. I'm not crazy about missing that hour of sleep, either. But I do look forward to more sunlight each day!

    I'm with you about walking on ice, too. That's why I moved to California ;)

  19. Glad to know everybody got around safely. I like DST myself, but I am an early morning person and don't have any problem losing that hour of sleep. I just go to bed earlier the night before. It's in the fall when we go back to ST that I have a problem with it. :-)

  20. I am glad you are melting. It has seemed like a really tough winter up there. All you need is someone to fall down on ice. We are having a messy day with rain and wind.

  21. Glad you're seeing signs of Spring, and that nobody slipped on the ice.

    Our clocks haven't changed yet. They do it on the last weekend of March. Always the last weekend of March and the last weekend of October. It doesn't make a huge difference to me - I'm not good with routines anyhow - but I don't see why they bother still doing it these days. I get why it was started, but it seems pointless to continue with it. But it's not up to me to decide, so I guess it will keep happening. For now anyhow.


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