Monday, February 18, 2019

Warmer Winter Days

We had some warmer days, anything above ZERO is appreciated.  Beware when it warms up it usually snows.


One day we actually had sunshine!  As you can see our ditches are full and there will be drifts across the road when ever the wind blows.


This snow drift/pile is as tall as the Catholic Church.   Believe it or not these photos were taken the same day.

We had a quiet weekend, Far Guy is woodcarving and I knit on my socks and took a online art class on Whimsical Drawing.  We blew snow away from the greenhouse/woodshop so we could open the door…we had a 3 foot tall snowdrift back there.  Far Guy is back taking care of the birds all by himself…he is getting stronger!  One day at a time.

Far Side


  1. I'm thankful FG is improving. How nice that you saw a little sunshine! You and L.D. have really had the snow this year. Hope you two enjoy the new week.

  2. We had a few hours of sun one day too and then the snow closed in on us again so I believe those pictures were taken the same day. Very glad Far Guy is feeling better! I am interested in your online art class, I will check it out!

  3. That is wonderful that FG is doing better! We take any little good thing that we can!
    More and more snow here and I shoveled around the house paths ... the township came in and did the driveway last night and then this morning the neighbor came and did it again. Ohhhh the relief!

  4. So glad to hear that Far Guy is feeling so much better. It snowed here again over the weekend. Shoveling snow is getting old fast. Hurry up spring.

  5. Wonderful to hear how much better FG is. And I know you have plenty of snow up there. I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of those socks. :-)

  6. This is the time of year when we northern souls begin to tire of snow and cold and grey skies. It snowed here all day yesterday and we are expecting more on Wednesday. Spring will be extra welcome when it finally arrives this year.

  7. Warmer temperatures usually usher in another storm, but I do enjoy the brief respite. What a blessing the highway department is this time of year: they work tirelessly to keep the roads open. Happy to hear FG is improving more each day.

  8. Even one degree about zero with sun is a huge help. I am so tired of winter here, I can't imagine living where the snow is HUGE and THICK and BIG on the ground.

  9. It’s wonderful news that Far Guy is feeling better. He’s had a lot of people concerned about him. It seems the two of you find plenty to keep you busy. Your outside looks a lot like what we have. It was -1F when I woke up this morning. This is getting a bit old. Happy Monday!
    Blessings, Betsy

  10. Warmer winter days are very pleasant but I haven't had any yet.

  11. We don't get snow so I like seeing posts like these

  12. It is so good to hear that Far Guy continues to improve! Even with the snow it is nice to see some sunshine to brighten your spirits. We continue to have one snow or ice event after another here. It's been a few years since we have had so much snow here in Missouri. This has been a winter to remember.

  13. I am so glad that he can get out and do that. We have another snow coming and I am not sure where it will be put. I guess it just goes where it wants to. I had to shovel my deck of 17 inch snow, falls from the roof. I got those two feeders filled and the birds were glad. Both of you need to stay inside though as it is just too much winter out there.

  14. The photos are so, so wintry! They make me want to curl up with a good book!

  15. The piles of snow and drifts are getting higher and higher! Wish I could sell the stuff.

  16. Let's hope we get warmer winter days soon!!

  17. Good to hear that Far Guy is feeling so much better. Hope the warmer weather sticks around, and the snow too!

  18. Wow, now that’s what I call snow. Over here a few flurries are instantly ‘snow storms’ and the whole country comes to a standstill. Keep warm and cosy.

  19. Hope it warms up for you soon. It looks so very cold there! I was looking at your knitting project. You can do anything! Thank you for the idea of using an old garden rake on the potting shed wall. I like it.

  20. Our snow is slowly melting. Wet and heavy, it doesn't blow around. We will have a lot of clean up to do once it's gone.
    Good news about FG!

  21. Can’t wait to see a photo of your first sock! YouTube videos should help with the tricky parts (heel and toe). That’s how i finally learned how to knit a cable — after many attempts reading instructions and failing. I hope some of that snow melts before the next round comes your way.

  22. Six inches at a time...that is our usual amount of snow. That's enough.

  23. Funny, my hubby is deteriorating one day at a time!
    His back is a mess.
    I've been gradually doing more. It's tough.

  24. You guys are really having quite the Winter! My daughter in Iowa is tired of shoveling and actually she has never minded it but she said there's just no where to put it anymore! She lives in Cedar Rapids (city) where the houses and drive ways are close together.
    So glad Far Guy is feeling better but don't either of you over do it!


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