Thursday, February 7, 2019

Stormy Days

I moved some snow yesterday to make room for more that is forecast to blanket our area.

Far Guy bought a power snow shovel, it is electric and works great to move snow!  It blows the snow about twenty feet!  Much easier on my shoulders than a regular shovel.  I still need to use the ol’ scoop shovel in some areas.


The best thing since sliced bread.


I keep trying to clear half the patio and a path to the bird feeders.  The other half of the patio will just have to melt…it got ahead of me while we were gone to Hawaii.  I suppose the big hard on shoulders snow blower would do a good job on it but I just don’t have the energy to man handle that snowblower.

We are supposed to get 12 plus inches of new snow…we will see.  We are having a blizzard today. 12 more inches could be a snowstick record.

18 inche Feb 6

We are staying busy.  Far Guy has been woodcarving and walking inside the house…round and round he goes.  I am working on a couple of requested crochet projects.

Far Guy says “It’s time to wave winter goodbye and guess which finger I’ll be using?”

He gets irritated with me when I walk to the kitchen window and say “It’s snowing again or the temperature is____!”

Far Side


  1. 'i am like you in that I can't use the big snowblower - too hard on the shoulders. We have been having freezing rain the last 2 days. Sure hope it doesn't turn into more snow. I will be so glad when this winter is over. It has been a real bummer. Glad Far Guy is getting back to normal.

  2. We have one moderately OK day before yet another round of snow, wind, and cold (for us). It's nothing compared to what you are dealing with. I agree with FG's assessment of winter. :-)

  3. I fueled up the skid steer but we aren't supposed to get more than 5 inches. It is the ice sleet thing that is worrisome now. Makes the simple act of getting up and out of here onto the poor gravel roads a real challenge.
    I will sit this one out too. However, I still can go for a walk.

  4. I have one of those electric snow shovels and love it! Not only would I find a regular snow blower too heavy but I hate fiddling with gas powered machinery.

    I'm with Far Guy, winter needs to disappear and I'll be waving too. This morning is brutally cold with -33C and windchills in the -40's.

  5. The Power Shovel looks like the ideal machine for you to clear a path to the feeders. Be careful out there as you deal with the white stuff.

  6. I wondered how the electric snow blowers did...I may think about getting one. We dont have that much snow, but if we have a lot it is sure hard on us.

  7. WHEW! That snow is a big amount of work!

  8. The Blizzard is in full swing over here in Fargo. I have my own record snow. Even living in the wind vortex my patio is completely buried for the first time. Patio door is frozen shut so I can't feed the birds. If I could get it open about 16-18 inches of snow would fall inside on my carpet--LOL! (I do have a shovel and broom handy.) Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get it open and do some shoveling. Your electric shovel sounds fabulous! :)

  9. I did not call mime a blizzard as it is too bright out there. I bet the snow shovel works good. My free Toro is one one of the smallest one they make and it does work well. I have never heard of the shovel before.

  10. You guys are really getting lambasted. Keep warm.

  11. That is quite a snow you are getting there! You may need a bigger snowstick! That power shovel makes a nice little trail to feed the birds. We have a Toro like that for our driveway. We've had an ice storm here for the past two days and now snow on top of ice. We're not going anywhere! I think we are making up for the mild winter we had last year!

  12. My goodness you guys are getting a lot of snow this year. We are in a winter storm watch starting tomorrow morning through Saturday. We’ll see what happens. I hope not much! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and our sweetheart banquet at church is Saturday night.
    We have one of those big snowblowers and I love to use it. Since I fell snowblowing a couple years ago and it fell on top of me and I broke my back, Dennis won’t let me use it anymore. I wonder why? Take care and stay inside and warm. Blessings, Betsy

  13. If you don't make your snow stick record and your really want to... you are welcome to the 11 inches of crap I just took off my patio. This weather makes me want to knit, bake, and nap.

  14. Your first sentence made me laugh. I have been thinking about whether we should be out scraping ice off the front walk before we get the next snow storm predicted for Friday night. But we don't use the front walk and neither does the mail man or the newspaper deliverer. So, no, we won't bother. We thought we were going to have a mild winter. Ha! Now it appears we have a wave of cold storms lined up out over the Pacific. Still, I'll take my winter over yours.

  15. I like reading of the snow in places I will never visit as I sit here sweating

  16. I would welcome the snow today... we had an ice storm last night and we were just encased in it! I love how Far Guy is going to wave goodbye to winter... I think I'll join hime!

  17. Those are nice paths to the feeder and beyond. Maybe you should extend your snow stick and put a little flag on top in case you get all the snow predicted!

  18. We're already tired of winter and we've only had really cold weather and snow for about 10 days!
    We're always checking the temperature and announcing it to each other.

  19. diane in northern wisFebruary 7, 2019 at 8:11 PM

    Yes...we're getting bombarded by more snow has probably come here from you folks!!! Oh well. Just so we don't lose power. We have trees hanging on the power lines now, due to the ice storm we had last week. yikes. Just wondering how many steps a day far guy is supposed to walk? I should increase my exercise here in the just wondering! Thanks you guys your blog! Always interesting and many times downright funny!

    1. He does 5,000 a day some days more :)

    2. diane in northern wisFebruary 8, 2019 at 8:35 PM

      Thanks so much for the info. I'll see if I can muster up a few steps here. I won't come anywhere near what far guy walks though.

  20. Oh dear that snow stick! Do you have a plan if you need more snow stick? I have thought about a small snowblower at times for our deck and sidewalk to use before the man with the tractor gets home. May need a report on how your snow shovel works :) Stay warm the next few days - Mother Nature could forget about the cold days!

  21. That's an incredible amount of snow. I was commenting on L.D.'s blog that we had to drive to Atlanta yesterday. It was 82 there. Just crazy for this time of year. So thankful the elec. shovel makes the work a little easier for you. I wish you both a nice day.

  22. Whoa Nellie! You got a good one! I'll trade you! I will have to remember that snow blower/electric shovel , when i go North...I have a feeling I'll need it! I've heard Toro's are good products. I wondered about you shoveling....probably not a good idea. Stay warm and take care.

  23. I feel you on the snow. We were supposed to get a light dusting this morning. So far we have 6 inches and it’s still coming down heavy. Oh, and it was supposed to stop over four hours ago! I drove to the top of the Southhill for my physical therapy this morning and I’m safely back home and not planning to go anywhere. Spring can come anytime. Blessings, Betsy


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