Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Legs and a drift

First the drift.

snow drift

This spot will drift everytime the wind blows…unless it rains then the snow will get a crust on it.  The roads were pretty good.

We had to go to town for my Physical Therapy session.  They think it is more than just my Hamstring Tendon that is injured…time will tell.   I can sit by the dining room table as the bench is wood and supports my leg/butt…but sitting in a soft chair or on the couch…forget it…the only reason I can sit in the car is because of the heated seat!  I have no pain walking or standing, just sitting, until recently I had no problem laying down…but now I have pain most of the night.  Heat and Aleve and Extra Strength Tylenol help.  I am supposed to avoid  movements that cause pain.

I have finished the legs of my sock…actually two socks.  I knit at the dining room table.

Knitting progress

The  two on the right are ready for the “Heel Flap”…I watched the video and it seems pretty easy.  I am hopeful that I can do it.  I also have written instructions and made my own recipe card for socks.

On the left…I splurged on two sets of bamboo needles for my Schachenmayr REGIA sock yarn and I have begun a cuff. 

We have five appointments this week…one down …four to go.  I am not real thrilled when it is an appointment week….especially dental appointments.

Far Side


  1. Sure hope you get some relief soon. Socks are starting to really look good.

  2. I can't sit on a couch very long either, but not for the same reasons you are talking about. I sure do hope you and PT get something figured out for your comfort. I hear there is a drift across the road I take to town that looks like a snow tunnel now that they cut through it! I'll see this morning!

  3. Sorry to hear that the leg isn't getting better. I do hope they can figure out what's going on. At least you can sit at the dining room table. That is really a bummer. You are making real progress on those socks anyway.

  4. So, Dirt is right after all? He is always saying, "if it hurts to do that, dont do that." I am so sorry you are in pain, especially at night, the worst!

    Your knitting looks fantastic!

    Take good care this week, appointment week. I took care of one yesterday, was going to be in town for a ob appt for Bet, so I called and had them "squeeze" me in for a belated mammography.

  5. Your socks look great - soon you'll be wearing them! Have you tried Tylenol PM? It helped me get some decent sleep after my knee surgery.

    1. Yes but the PM Tylenol makes me really sleepy for about 20 hours:)

  6. I hope your leg gets to feeling better. I've been struggling with a hurt tailbone for about two weeks now. I think its from sitting for 5 hours at a stretch watching grand kids play basketball ---I even use a padded chair, but oooo, it does hurt.

    I love your socks! You are so very talented, Connie!

  7. I could do without the nasty dental appointments.

  8. I certainly hope the physical therapy will help reduce your pain. It does not sound pleasant at all and when it starts interfering with one's rest it isn't good.

    Have fun with the socks!

  9. I’m sorry about your leg Andrew hope it is figured out soon. With my back, the only place comfortable to sit is a recliner. I do understand pain. Take care.
    Your knitting is beautiful. I like th yearn colors. They remind me of autumn.

  10. I'm so sorry you are still having so much pain. I hope the PT will help you. I hate any kind of dental appointment. I had to get a tooth pulled last week and I am still in pain and going back to the dentist tomorrow for dry socket. I guess it's all part of aging but dang!

  11. Your socks are coming right along. But you are just getting to the “interesting” part! After the first pair, it will be a breeze. I love the bamboo and wooden needles and i don’t use anything else anymore. They feel so much nicer than metal in the hand.
    I hope the physical therapist can figure out how to help your leg. ASAP!

  12. Being in pain at night when on is trying to sleep is horrible, I am sorry you are suffering so much

  13. The leg pain sounds awful.
    That's a lot of appointments in one week. I hope the roads are good for you.
    I am fascinated by your sock knitting!

  14. Hope your leg gets better quickly. Being in pain all night has to be frustrating.

  15. Aw, I hope you get relief soon. I have insomnia, anxiety and depression and often have muscle pain.
    I hear you.

  16. You are fortunate that your roads can be so well cleared of snow. We get wet, heavy stuff that melts an bit during the day and freezes to roadway ice over night.
    Pain at night is no fun.

  17. So sorry that you are in such pain. I hope it subsides soon. Your socks are coming along nicely. My mom used to tell me that turning the heel on socks was the most fun of knitting socks.

  18. Poor you! Hope your leg gets better soon.

  19. Sure hope your leg gets well soon. Those aches and pains that keep you awake at night are the worst, and why does it get worse at night? Your socks are looking good. I keep thinking I will try to learn how to crochet something simple like a dish cloth, on line. Don't know if I can follow video instructions. Take care.

  20. Three socks going at one time?!? Time for the home lol ;-D.

    1. Disclaimer - I'd rather knit a whole sweater than a sock ;-).

  21. Oh man, Connie.... sitting in a comfy chair = one of the nicer joys in life. I hope they get your pain figured out soon and that it's a fairly easy fix. I wish much comfy-chair-sitting in your future!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  22. Sorry you're in so much pain, but glad you're having fun with the sock knitting.

  23. Could it be a pinched nerve? A chiropracter maybe? They're good at that pinched nerve stuff. It's awful to not be able to sit or lay down comfortable especially to sleep.
    Loving your socks! We can be sock buddies now! Or knit buddies or something.


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