Saturday, February 2, 2019


We spent all of Friday morning in the Emergency Room.  Far Guy woke up with extreme shortness of breath.  As it happens an IDIOT Dr was manning the ER.  Not sure where he got his degree or if he has one.  Bottom line was your lungs are a mess but your blood work is okay so you can go home.  Thanks for nothing.   Reluctantly I brought Far Guy home and as the day progressed he improved a little.  I guess I can do the same thing for him as the hospital…except a nice dose of Solu - Medrol would have helped open up his airways and would have made breathing easier.   X rays were done…but no MRI for blood clots.  With Far Guys history a MRI with contrast should have been done…in my non doctor opinion.  Rest assured if he gets worse I will call first to see which Dr is on duty and if the same idiot is there I will go to a different hospital.

Far Guy says “ I stayed out of the hospital a whole year.”

We came home and napped in the afternoon, Far Guy watched the UND Hockey game in the evening.


Some kind of Hawaiian flower.

Far Side


  1. Wow, that's more than frustrating, that's life and death! I think with his history you probably know more than the doctor did, as you guys have been through it all already. I hope you find another doctor soon!

  2. Very frustrating! Is it possible to meet with your regular doctor? It doesn't seem you can rely on the ER doc.

  3. He sounds like a horrible, incompetent doctor. I hope FG finds some relief from his symptoms, soon. You need a better doctor, for sure. I am frustrated along with you. :-(

  4. Hoping Far Guy will improve as today goes on. Prayers!

  5. Emergency rooms can be scary. Spent way too much time in them this year.

  6. Some one once told me that half of all doctors graduated in the bottom of their class. This one proves it true. If you aren't paying attention to the patient, you aren't doing your job. So sorry you guys had this experience. Prayers for improvement. For many years my mother was the receptionist in our ER. I COULD call and find out the schedules. There were a few times she advised we wait for another shift before coming out.

  7. Keeping you and Far Guy in my prayers. It is good that you have been dealing with his issues for a long time and know what to watch for. I am not a fan of ERs. I've had some unpleasant experiences in the one in our county.

  8. I had much the same thing happen until I started pulling all doctors and nurses to the side and grilling them. The ER doctor said my MIL was fine to go home and I requested he call her regular doctor right then and there at midnight. MIL was admitted and transferred to Rehab ... anyway.
    I've done the same with my husband. I didn't let a doctor brush us off yesterday at the local clinic.
    I even pulled psych doctors out of the hallway and gave them a peace of my mind and yet they stared at me and as I predicted I was back in two days and they admitted my hubby.

    That said, I am upset and frustrated and hope you guys are doing okay.

  9. Glad he's got you to keep an eye on him. Hope he either gets better soon with just your care, or you can get him seen by a decent doctor.

  10. Isn't that maddening when you know more than the 'experts' but they won't listen? If I ever get sick down her I'm probably done for. Although I have hand picked my doctor and after our 'little talk' I think he is taking me seriously now...I hope so at least. There's a reason they call 'the practice of medicine' more by some than others! Take care and I am sure glad Gar Guy made it despite the lousy care at the ER.

  11. P.S. I can spell but I sure can't type! LOL!

  12. I’m SO sorry for this experience. We had much the same happen when my dear hubby had surgery a couple years ago. I took him to the ER and the ER doctor wanted to admit him immediately for surgery, but the surgeon said to call and make an appointment with his office and discuss a date for the surgery. I just looked at the ER doctor and then looked at my husband, unconscious on the gurney. He agreed and said there was no way he was going anywhere. He called another surgeon who performed emergency surgery. We were told laterthat another 24 hours and Dennis would not have made it. So glad I insisted on staying. You definitely have to take an active part in your own health care these days. Blessings, Betsy

  13. So sorry for the bad experience. It seems the hospitalists they hire are often not good physicians. I would have died from a massive GI bleed had my own husband not been with me. He is a retired physician and since then we have decided you shouldn't go to our emergency room unless you take a doctor with you. Keep on being the advocate for his health. You know more than they do.

  14. With Dagan and his rare heart defects we have had to deal with several doctors who were not, shall we say, the A or even the B students in their class. One of the reasons Dagan goes back to Mpls for his surgeries and check-ups. Even when you have a good doctor if the problem is really rare (like Gene's, too) they might not know how to properly treat them. If you have a doctor with a god-complex they won't admit they don't know the answer or have made a mistake--ever. There are also times when one has no other choice but to get really aggressive and demanding. Everyone needs an advocate (protector) to oversee what's happening in clinics and hospitals with loved ones. Not everyone is blessed with one. Gene has you, thank goodness!

    Smart to see who's on duty if you have to go again and you have another option. I'm sure you won't forget his name any time soon! I hope Gene is breathing much better.

  15. ER experiences can be very frustrating. We use to take my father-in-law to ER because his doctor told us to when he had certain problems with his heart. The ER saw a very elderly man and had no desire to take him in to the hospital. Sent us home every single time. I hope Far Guy is breathing better now.

  16. Very scary and frustrating when you don't get the help you need, and enough precautions aren't taken. Hope FG is back to normal today.

  17. WOW! What a mess! I hope you can get some REAL help next time. This is not good.

  18. Frustrating when you meet somebody whose incompetent or thinks he/she knows better than all the records of the patient.

  19. OMG! I am so sorry you had to deal with this! I spent nearly 20 years working with doctors and believe me they are not all what they would like you to believe. There are excellent doctors out there though and I believe in trusting your instinct. If you are in a situation where you can not demand to see a different one then I would go to another hospital. I hope Far Guy will follow up with his regular doctor just to be on the safe side.

  20. Yes there are some idiot ED doctors or non doctors who are still learning and really don't know what they are doing.

  21. I'm so sorry. You both will be in my prayers. xo

  22. That is so frustrating. Hope Far Guy is feeling better now.

  23. That is frustrating...I will say a prayer for him. After Roger was home from his stroke ...oh, it was probably 4 or 5 months later he was feeling horrible so took him the ER...had a young doctor there and he did not want to listen to me...luckily, Roger got to feeling better and he had a nurse that was there when I took him and they found his brain bleed. I felt better that he was there...I cannot remember what all they checked. That has been probably 2 yrs ago and I really don't have half a brain since his stroke.

  24. Oh my sorry to hear this I do hope he feels better soon and that neither of you have to go through this crap with Dr's ever again .

  25. I agree, some ER doctors need to go back to school!

    Is that a Bird of Paradise?


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