Sunday, February 3, 2019

Gnomes, Far Guy and shoveling

When I put Christmas away I left the gnomes. I thought they looked wintery.  Jen made the gnomes, they are sewn by hand.

The Gnomes

Never mind the nails on the mantle they are for Christmas stockings.  Still have not found a “the” perfect spot for Chance’s canvas…then again maybe the mantle is the perfect spot.

Far Guy is a bit better, we hope that he will improve everyday.  He will see his regular Doctor on Monday…or at the very least talk with him on the phone.

We are getting a snow storm later today that will go into Monday.  Just what I need in my life more freaking snow.

Yesterday I got the path to the small garage door shoveled and the path to the bird feeders all cleared out.  No path to the sauna yet…I ran out of shovel muscles. Luckily my other baby brother snow plowed a path back to the LP tank so I took a broom and cleared snow off the tank so I could read the percentage.  I made a trip to the landfill (we go every three weeks or so) and recycled.  So much for Saturday jobs…thank goodness the weather was warmer…I think it got up to 24 F above zero…practically shirt sleeve weather.

Far Side


  1. Hope Far Guy continues to improve, and that the snowstorm isn't a bad one.

  2. Ah, I wish you good health.
    We're expecting freezing rain today. sigh.

  3. Winter air is difficult for those with compromised lungs. I hope Far Guy's regular doctor can help provide some relief, so FG can breathe easier.

  4. What's an LP tank?
    Sounds like your shoveling will be coming all undone. :-(

  5. Just being above zero was a treat! Now--more snow coming.
    So glad Far Guy is feeling better!! :)

  6. Bad weather when you have other challenges in your live really makes things tough.

  7. Just catching up on your posts.... hope the stupid cold goes away soon for you and that Far Guy is ok now. It's tough to breathe when it's that cold outside!

  8. I'm beginning to know how Far Guy feels. In 4 months at home, I've been under the weather for half the time. I guess when my immune system is shot, minor illness catches on easily! You take good care of those gnomes now!

  9. Glad to know he is feeling better! Don't hate me, but on the coast of Lake Erie in Ohio we went from 45 below last Tuesday to 52 degrees today. No kidding. Other than a muddy mess, we think it is summer - kids riding bikes through the puddles and short sleeves. Crazy! So sorry to hear you are getting more snow. I am over it. (I think we have a reprieve all week).

  10. Small steps for FG towards getting completely better. This is way better than the alternative. I am still keeping my fingers crossed that he'll be well soon. Sorry to hear about more snow, but glad it's "warmer" if you can call it that. :-)

  11. I like those gnomes so damn cute, pleased to read Far Guy is improving

  12. I love the gnomes - they look like they could live in some of the little cottages you carve out of bark. I also really love the canvas picture of Chance. The mantle is a good place for it. Don't overdo the shoveling! I hope Far Guy keeps feeling better each day.

  13. Warmer here too, everything is sloppy. I'm not complaining .

  14. I continue to pray for you both. I love the sweet canvas of Chance. Hope you both have a restful night.

  15. Oh I hoe Far Guy continues to get better and the cold and snow give you a break soon. We’re supposed to get several inches tonight. Somebody slid into Hubby the other day and took off. Luckily we have good insurance. The estimate for repair is just over $3000. Have I mentioned I hate winter? Take care of yoursleves.

  16. I about laughed out loud at your comment about 24ºF being shirtsleeve weather...and it about is. But we had temps in the 60's this day! And sunshine. But tomorrow brings rain. Those gnomes are so cute...I bet my granddaughter would love them. I think that is the perfect place for Chance's canvas.

  17. It is sad when 24 degrees is a heat wave but I know you will take it. I really like the gnomes. I would put a know in my yard but I married someone who would not be happy about that. I am glad that that cold is going away. Sometimes the colds just wear out. Deals and I each had kids with bad cols in our ss classes today. Not a good deal.

  18. It was warm enough today that most of the snow melted and will now freeze into a lumpy icy mess. I think it was 40 degrees however the fog was intense.
    Good thing FG is doing well.
    Gnomes, I just learned they are also called Nisse?

  19. diane in northern wisFebruary 3, 2019 at 8:40 PM

    Just love your gnomes and that big pic of Chance too! We are supposed to get a big ice storm tonight....are you? Praying that we don't lose power. It's going thru 3 pm tomorrow. Yuck. Quite the interesting winter so far. Glad to hear far guy is slowly getting better. How about you?

    1. Ice is forecast south of us, so I suppose that is what is coming your way. I am hanging in there.

  20. Glad things are improving. We are getting our version of the Polar vortex. Strong arctic outflow winds and cold (for us) temps. -22C wind chill tonight. It's a bit of a shock after our very mild (until this point) winter. We got a bit of snow today too, first of the winter, and then wind is blowing it all over the place.

  21. Glad Far Guy is better but will be happy when he can talk to his own doctor. The only thing about the snow is when you retire you should just be able to stay home and enjoy it but you still need to get out to the store and dr. appointments so there ya go....maybe not so great? I know even around here I schedule around the weather because I don't want to get caught in a storm. I almost got clipped by a tornado a few years back...and yes I was trying to get home from the store in Ash Flat. So weather is very important no matter where you live.

  22. Good that Far Guy is on the mend ( no thanks to the doctor in the ER).
    I hope the snow storm didn't dump too much snow on you. Keep safe and as warm as you can.


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