Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Deep Freeze and other crap

Most all of the schools in Northern Minnesota have closed today and tomorrow for the unprecedented cold temperatures that are decending upon us.   It will be 30 + BELOW zero, with dangerous windchills.
We have no place to go today or Wednesday…good thing!  I may break out another puzzle.
This was The 1960’s puzzle that we finished in six hours last week when Jen was here.

Now for the other crap…Doctor’s visits.

Somehow I managed to injure my Hamstring Tendon, possibly from a fall…who really knows for sure.  I am miserable enough to go to physical therapy…it is a real pain in the butt.  I have no pain when I am standing or laying down…my time at the computer is limited…no matter what I sit upon I can only take the pain for a short time.   I have had x-rays and nothing is broken or cracked….yeah for small favors.

Since one thing wouldn’t be enough I have a growth/several growths on the palm of my hand that may require surgery or not…we will see… I have seen the surgeons assistant and had an ultrasound and have a nerve study scheduled. The growths have affected my grip strength and my hand goes to sleep well before I do. We do not have a definitive diagnosis yet...just possibilities.

Far Guy still has a cold and a cough…he is on antibiotics and steroids again…hopefully he can shake it this time.
Far Side


  1. Sorry about your leg and hand. Hope both issues can be resolved soon. Hope Far Guy gets over his cold soon too.

  2. So sorry to hear about your troubles. Sure seems the older we get the more that goes wrong with our bodies. Prayers for you both.

  3. I am sorry to hear of all your troubles, even though I am a new reader. Getting older is not for sissies! We have had a couple hard hits in the past few years, Roger a stroke in 2016, and I felt last year on Feb 12....so have seen some rough times here, too.

  4. Well that's a load of....bad news. Hope the hand thing can be resolved without surgery and the ham string just gives up torturing you soon. Please don't send that cold over here to Michigan. Oh wait. Looks like you already did.

  5. Well, bummer. I had hand surgery last January. No fun at all. And the other injury - well, crap. Hope that all this indoor activity helps you both feel better and heal.

  6. Oh goodness! It's always something! Dang! Sounds like you both need to be inside and warm these deep freeze days.

  7. I can not comprehend -30. I do know that our hight tomorrow will only be -11. Compared to your temps we are having a heat wave. Most schools and colleges are going to be closed today and tomorrow Some diehards did have school but I wouldn’t want to be responsible if a bus broke down in the country.

  8. Yuk! Hope everything resolves quickly. That is a lot to be dealing with all at once. Best wishes to you both.

  9. What a terrible cold snap you are having. I really hope you can get to feeling better soon. Spring will help lots with feeling better, at least with me it does. Hugs

  10. Funny how we get such painful conditions and have no idea what caused them. I have a torn rotator cuff. You don't want to have that...painful.

  11. I'm impressed with the time it took to finish the puzzle. I would need a lot of coffee to do that one! But... I'm sending good wishes to both you and Nice Guy for your health issues. Stay warm, too. Heckuva cold snap here in Minnnesota, ya?

  12. I hope you both get better. Why are the colds so hard to get rid of? Take care on your sitting problem!

  13. I am so sorry to hear about all your health stuff. What a pain. Literally. You know I can relate to you very much. I’m also sorry to hear that Far Guy is still not feeling well. Prayers going out to both of you. Stay inside my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  14. Oh so cold indeed far from cold here
    Sorry to hear of your pain

  15. Sorry to hear about your health problems. I've had the " not being able to sit because of the pain" one. Luckily Physical therapy exercises cured it. Hope the same is true for you. Hope the medications are working for Far Guy. That was an impressive puzzle. Not sure I'd want to try it.

  16. Oh no! It seems like it's always something and with us here also. Sure hope things get better fast for you both! Sharon

  17. Connie...that is awful and they don't know how to fix it...that's just great! NOT! I think the physical therapy is probably good but the hand thing.....that's not fun at all! I hope they figure it all out and that you get better and Gene too.
    Stay in and stay warm! My daughter (the teacher) in Iowa and all the grands are off also because of the severe cold. They say there will be records broken. I wouldn't even go get the mail if I were you. Take care!

  18. Pain is not fun, and not knowing the cause of your maladies is worrisome. I hope more info and help is forthcoming soon.

  19. Good greif you are having a time of it. I have to consider myself reminded it is not that cold here in Kentucky. I am officially a wimp.
    Great puzzle by the way.
    I will add you both to my prayers. I hope they find the answers to your problems. God bless and keep you.

  20. So very sorry FG is sick and I hope the meds work quickly. I hate that you are having pain with your leg and hand. Pls keep us posted with the results of the tests. John and I were discussing your frigid temps earlier today. God bless you both.

  21. diane in northern wisJanuary 29, 2019 at 8:37 PM

    Oh dear.. so sorry to hear about your aches and pains and doctor visits and also that Far Guy is still battling his nasty cold. Hope you both are doing much better soon. I hate going to the doctor, but fear I will have to soon, to check out a couple of things that are going haywire in me. Ugh. But when I read your blog and how brave you are, it makes me feel like I can visit the doctor and see what's going on too. So I will plan to do that as soon as things warm up a bit. Thanks for giving me a push Connie!

  22. I hope you both get on the mend soon. This miserable cold doesn’t help either. It is minus 20 here tonight already. But I have no where to go tomorrow.

  23. You must have to stand to do those puzzles. I hope that tendon heals up fast. I wish you could use the CBD cream we get here in Washington State. It really helps with things like that. I remember once being in 21 below temperatures in Colorado. It was too cold to do much of anything! Stay warm and remember it will be gone by the weekend. I hope anyway. :-)

  24. I agree the CBD cream can help. I just found it had to be applied often. My DH has back problems, I have stomach issues. Chronic pain is really taxing on us. Prayers that you both are better soon.

  25. So sorry about your injuries. It sure does seem that when we turn a certain age our social life is at one doctor's office or another. I sure hope you and Far Guy are feeling better very soon.

  26. Well, I had to come back here to find that I had done read what therapy was for...makes me feel a complete idiot.


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