Saturday, August 26, 2017

Finance and Fortune

I must be known as a board game hoarder collector.  Rick was cleaning out some of his “stuff” and sent out some old board games for me.

The next best thing if you didn’t win the mega bucks in the lottery this week.

Finance and Fortune

The Finance and Fortune game is from 1936. The Inventors is from 1974.  I don’t have either in my collection.

I got one number correct in that big lottery but no power ball number 4.  I saw lots of people on television all lined up to buy a ticket, I just walked in the store and bought mine…no waiting in line…of course I had to drive 14 miles to buy the ticket.

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  1. I forgot to buy a Powerball ticket, so I guess that's why I didn't win. It was a single woman who won. It should have been me! Or you. :-)

  2. I love old games also, but only have a few that I have collected. I saw that woman on tv that won the 700 and some odd million. If that had been me, no one would be able to catch me for a tv appearance!

  3. Can you imagine $700 + million's so huge I have no way to understand it.

  4. I couldn't believe that woman worked at the same place for 32 years and said she just rang up to say she wouldn't be coming in to work again. Not very thoughtful.

    Do you have the game Movie Maker? I used to play it for hours and hours with my school friends.

  5. I have an Antimonopoly game from the 1970s. There was a big copyright lawsuit, and the games were supposed to be burned. Maybe it will be worth more than it was when I bought it new waay back when.

  6. Never heard of either of these games. Not having regular TV anymore I never hear about things like big lottery prizes. ;)

  7. I've never heard of those games...nor Movie Maker that Georgina mentioned in her comment. Sounds like a fun collection you have.

  8. I love board games. I played many games with my kids. Now do you know how to play all these games?

  9. Being a history teacher Trivial Pursuit was my thing. Monopoly was hopeless for me then and now...:(

  10. I've never seen either of those games. They look kind of serious. Chutes & Ladders is more my speed. No thinking involved!

  11. Laughing over "no line" but 14 mile drive!
    Could have walked three blocks to buy one but didn't.
    That 1936 game must have some monetary value, besides making this collector happy.

  12. I closed my eyes and tossed games. None of them were that old nor collectible. Most were little kid games that were pretty cheap and simple. I did save a lot of old stuff though. I don't think I have ever heard of those two that you now have.

  13. I love the graphics of the old games especially the one from 1936....I think it's the feeling I get when I see sure seemed like a kinder and more innocent time. I didn't buy a ticket....I don't want that much would just cause problems but I would give a lot of it away. I'm always reminded of the saying...."Be careful what you wish for!"


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