Monday, April 10, 2017

Cooking Adventures

Last week out of boredom we tried a new to us recipe for salmon.  The picture in the magazine looked wonderful. 

Perhaps it was the missing miso.  Ours looked nothing like the photo and Far Guy belched salmon all night long.  The recipe called for mayo, lemon juice, black pepper, mustard and miso as a marinade and then you put more on the top of the slices of salmon and bake it.  Truth be known I scraped most of that stuff off my salmon before I ate it.

I guess I will stick with our plain old salmon recipe… just sprinkle it with salt and pepper.

Chance really liked it, and had small bits of it with his food until it was all gone.

One evening after a very long day, we picked up some beer batter fish fillets…10 Tums later I felt like I would live and the undertaker could be cancelled.  Chance liked those fish  too…Far Guy was not bothered at all.  He said we must be getting old finacky stomachs…and it is too bad we can’t get our stomachs on the same page.

We discussed it and decided that we won’t have any cooking adventures this week. I foresee a few nights of soup from the freezer so I made some half wheat/half white garlic knots without the garlic.  I have made them before, they are a tad heavy this time and could be used as a weapon.


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  1. Sometimes it's best to stick to the tried and true! We like some lemon and a smidge of fresh basil from the garden on our salmon and we poach rather than bake, which is easy, fast, and it stays moist.

  2. Our stomachs are finicky, too. What is really annoying is that the finickyness comes and goes. Always safest for us to stick to the mild stuff.

  3. I have found that as I get older my stomach gets less tolerant than it used to be. Hubby and I keep plenty of Alka-Seltzer and Tums on hand. We don't try as many new recipes as we used to either. Glad Chance liked the fish.

  4. I never put anything but salt and pepper on my salmon. It is interesting how our taste buds and stomachs get all finicky as we age, isn't it? :-)

  5. My boys used to groan when I tried to make biscuits, and ended up with hockey pucks. I never did get the hang of them. Guess I was never meant to be a southern girl! Lucky Chance!

  6. Glad Chance didn't have any tummy issues with the new foods. He's getting old, too--LOL! ;)

  7. Terry and I soooooooooooo understand!

  8. That was a disaster as far as food goes. I know I am much fussier about food compared to a few years ago.

  9. I second some lemon juice along with the salt and pepper on the salmon. So are garlic knots without the garlic....just knots? or garlic nots, haha! ;-)

  10. My husband likes salmon, I do not because unfortunately I don't want my fish to taste like fish. Yeah I know, why bother then.

  11. I have that trouble with some stuff repeating all day - - - especially if it has a vinaigrette dressing - - which I really love the taste.
    I have experienced the same thing with recipes but keep trying them and because of it, we have found some new favorites!
    Thanks again for sharing since we can all probably relate to those same things.

  12. Too bad your garlic knots turned out heavy. It's disappointing to put in the effort and have less than great results.
    Bracken was very happy to eat the BBQ'd salmon that we bought for the weekend. Neither of us cared for it at all. One more thing I won;t bother buying again.

  13. I prefer my salmon to taste like salmon, with salt, pepper, and a little lemon juice. In fact I like most things to taste like what they are. I cook things quite plainly and do fine. Eating out, I usually end up with a stomach ache.

  14. I have tried eating salmon several times and just don't like it at all...too fishy for me. But I am with you on the 'fussy palate' as there are several things I used to be able to eat but can't anymore or at least not as much of. My digestive system has gotten a little finicky over the last few years and I must respect it or I will suffer dearly! LOL!


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