Saturday, April 29, 2017

First Blooms

The Marsh Marigolds or Cowslips or Caltha palustris is blooming!


There may be hope for Spring in Minnesota afterall.

The snowbirds that were here, took off as soon as the snow melted.  Yes the snow melted but it is still cold.

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  1. That is a sure sign of spring! I just saw them this week here in Wisconsin. It's coming! Enjoy. Btw, how is that new grand Baby? Our first is soon to be born, we're waiting for the call to go to Milwaukee .Bags are packed. So exciting.

  2. Wow, spring comes even to the far north! A very pretty yellow, someone's favorite color. :-)

  3. So happy to see color in your neck of the woods. Wishing you and FG and Chance a nice weekend. xo

  4. I guess you don't want to know that it is already 75 degrees outside just before 10 a.m. The forecast is for the high 80's. We live near Chattanooga, TN. Summer is not my favorite but if this oak pollen will ever quit, it will be more enjoyable. We have already had the horrible yellow pine pollen. Pollen - - the price we pay for the beauty of the Earth!

  5. Here's hoping your snow stays gone. I don't like real hot weather, but snow this late it out of line.

  6. Hooray! Those marsh marigolds really add a spot of spring color to the marsh.

  7. They are such a neat color, strong yellow, and really can only grow int the wild. I wished to bring some home with me and came to my senses that I could never duplicate the growing conditions.

  8. Pretty flowers, I think yellow is such a welcome colour after all the dreariness of winter.

  9. Those flowers are so pretty! I would pot some up and plant them in my yard! I hope you get some nice deserve it!

  10. Just hope for you that means no more snow!
    We are wet and getting hot after last weeks storms.

  11. I haven't even seen any dandelions!

  12. Our spring has arrived with much beauty, as you know, but still we await real warmth. We were at a soccer match tonight and it was so cold, as rain once again pelted the city of Seattle.

  13. If you happen to visit my blog and see what I call Cow Slips maybe you can tell me what it is I'm actually growing. I bought my original plant at a small plant sale and was told it was a Cow Slip.

  14. You can have some of our temperatures; we're expected to zoom up into the nineties for this coming week. Don't know what happened to spring...but I'm just not ready to fire up our air conditioner yet!


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