Friday, April 14, 2017

Miserable signs of spring

The Populus deltoides or Cottonwood or Piss Popple have catkins. 

Piss popple is blooming

I think this is a male tree along our driveway.  The female trees will bloom next and then the fuzz flies all over. 

Time to get out the allergy pills.

Poison Ivy berries

Poison Ivy berries.

We have a good supply of Poison Ivy Soap, if we use it after working in the yard then our chances of getting it are slim…but still possible.    I still have some of the very expensive Zanfel on hand, it works wonders when you first notice the rash is itching.

Poison Ivy is some wicked stuff. I am going to try to kill these berries before birds eat them and drop the tiny seeds all over the place. Birds are never bothered by the urushiol that causes the intense itching. Lucky birds.

Piss popple fuzz gets all over, the dog carries it into the house, it rolls across the yard in waves, if it stops someplace where there is dirt and water it will sprout almost overnight.

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  1. The cottonwood tree in our neighbors yard has already started dropping that crap all over the place. I can't sweep the driveway enough. Spring is here I guess. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  2. It's one of those things that happens in the springtime. It's why I am taking Flonase right now. Spring and fall I get allergies that would drive me crazy otherwise. :-)

  3. I've been taking my allergy medication since mid-March. It helps to start it before everything starts to bloom.

  4. When i was younger I was never bothered by poison ivy, then a few years ago I got a bad patch of it. My doctor says that our immune system changes as we grow older, aren't we lucky.

  5. You are right about our immune system changing as we age...I've never had so many allergies as I do now! Hives, sneezing, you name it!

  6. I'm so glad we don't have poison ivy here- at least, not that I know of.

  7. We are in the midst of the miserable yellow pine pollen - - - gets EVERYWHERE for about two weeks at least. It does not even pay to try and keep stuff outside cleaned off until it stops. It is so nasty. Then afterwards, we will have the strings of seedlings that drop from the trees and clog the gutters. I said we barely get to enjoy the spring weather before the yellow pollen starts and then it's almost impossible to sit outside with a mask.

  8. On the positive side there are so many beauties of spring and for most people it is their favorite season.

  9. I spent an hour this morning washing that awful yellow pollen off the back porch. Oh, and I read your last post on the big flood. That is amazing. I would have been scared to death...afraid to stay and afraid to go. It looks like the houses were sitting out in a lake.

  10. We had those awful trees at one place we lived
    had one we cut down. Never heard them call piss poplar
    but that is a good name for them.

  11. It's hard to keep the house clean in Spring. Still, it's lovely to have more pleasant weather.

  12. We have poison oak here, but not poison ivy. When the cotton woods pop, I call it a snowy day in May. Fortunately I am not allergic to it, but I am to some of the pollen of the evergreens that surround our house.

  13. I'm with Red! Fortunately we are not allergic to any of that stuff, well the pollen or cottonwood fluff. I love Spring, every thing coming up fresh and new. Not so fond of all the Spring rain we have had though.

  14. I have poison ivy in my front yard and have to spray it each year. I hate using sprays but when I get it I have to have's bad stuff for sure. the dogs get the oil on them and then I get it on me. Thanks for reminding me! I'm not too allergic...I don't take anything but my eyes and the girl's eyes are all red and itchy. We all sneeze too! LOL! Stay safe!


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