Friday, December 2, 2016

The 2016 Christmas Ornament

Will be revealed soon.   How about a give away?  To be entered into the drawing leave me a comment with the completion of this sentence.  My favorite Christmas was________ .
What is the ornament?  It is a woodcarving, it is carved from basswood and if you ask me it is a beauty.

My favorite Christmas was in 1998.  We spent that winter in Florida at Tyndall AFB.  We were living in the camper at that time. Our girls were married and had their own Christmas Traditions to begin with their families (Trica was pregnant with Paige, and Jennifer was pregnant with Noah.) Christmas Eve we went to the small church on the Base.  The next day  Far Guy and I slept late, walked the dogs…we had two dogs back then Shelties named Captain and G’Day Mate.  We left the dogs while we went to the Officer’s Club on Base for Christmas Dinner…a buffet.  We came home and sat out on the picnic table in the sunshine, late in the day we went for a long walk again with the dogs.  That year we sent Christmas Cards but we didn’t decorate or bake anything…we didn’t have to be anywhere at a certain time…there were no expectations to be met.  We called our daughters and my parents and Far Guy’s Mom sometime during the day.  That Christmas was relaxing…no rushing around with your head cut off like a chicken…flopping all over, going here there and everywhere.

It may sound like a terribly selfish kinda Christmas but it remains my favorite. The warm weather and the sunshine might have had a lot to do with it!   Far Guy on the other hand, hated Florida and the people there and he was very lonely that Christmas Day. If that was my favorite Christmas it was his second least favorite. His first least favorite is the year we spent in the ER when he was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Far Guy says “ My favorite Christmas was in 2012 and 2013 when all the grands were here.”

So there you go…in order to be entered in the drawing…Your Favorite Christmas was ____!

I will draw names…at least two on Monday night at 9PM Central Time.  The winners will be revealed on Tuesday December 6th. 
Shiny Brite Ornaments on last years upstairs tree.
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  1. My favorite Christmas is all of them as I am able to celebrate Christs birthday. Happy Christmas to all of you.

  2. My favorite Christmas was in 1988. My Mom was still alive and my grown sons were still little. My side of the family all got together without knowing we only had such a short time with my Mom. Wonderful memories of both my parents at Christmas time. They loved that time of the year. They always went overboard with gifts for everyone that they gathered all year long. Little things and big things with special meanings for each of us. Special ornaments for the tree that I enjoy touching and remembering while hanging on each tree. I miss them both but now I have three grandsons that I have started traditions with and hopefully they will think of me as I think of my Mom when I'm gone.

  3. Morning Connie, my favorite Christmas was in 2000, the last Christmas my Father was alive..... Love those Shiny Brites!!!! Blessings Francine.

  4. Hello Connie, Similar to you, My favorite Christmas was in 2008 which we spent in warm(er) South Texas at South Padre Island. Our three kids (young at that time) got to play on the beach and go swimming on Christmas Day. We had taken a Costco tenderloin in the cooler and it was delicious for Christmas Dinner on paper plates, after a stress-free, relaxing day spent in the sunshine.

  5. My favorite Christmas was 1955, we lived in a small town in Illinois and my brother and I took our Advent Calendar, hid behind the couch and opened all the doors, looked at the picture and then carefully pushed them shut again. We were stinkers!

  6. I honestly can't name a favorite Christmas. I am one of seven children and there was always a lot of extended family together at Christmas. The Christmas I will never forget was the first one I had to miss as I was working as a nurse at the VA hospital in Milwaukee. We all cried as mom and my younger siblings dropped me at the bus station to go back .

  7. I also cannot think of a favorite Christmas, but the ones I cherish in memory were when both of my parents were alive and we would dash downstairs to see what was under the tree for us. My sister Norma Jean and I once snuck into the closet an found our wrapped presents, and we carefully unwrapped them to see what we got! We had to act surprised when we actually got to open them. :-)

  8. My favorite Christmas was 1961. It was the last Christmas my dad was still living and I was 15. However being blessed not having any bad Christmas holidays is my normal with my large family of eight of us siblings. As we get older each one is more precious since the last with all of us still here.

  9. My least favorite Christmas was the one where you were in Florida. I was pregnant with Noah and Andrew's Grandmother died. We spent Christmas in a dumpy hotel room in International Falls and buried grandma Fern the next day. I have never felt so alone at Christmas...

  10. My favorite Christmas is when I get to spend the Holiday with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson.

  11. My favorite Christmas as a child was in 1964 and I was four years old. We were at my grandparents farm in central North Dakota. Between my Uncle, Grandpa, Dad and with some neighbors help, they were able to rig something up that looked like Santa in a sleigh with Rudolph leading the way. It was very dark out in the country so all we saw was Santa and a red light out ahead. We heard bells and Santa's ho ho ho as he drove away. It was magical!

    As an adult, I absolutely love worshipping together at our Christmas Eve service with our daughters, son-in-law and two grandsons.

  12. My favorite was 1978, we were living above a barn near Stuttgart, Germany, sharing a Kitchen and a bathroom. It was our 3rd tour of Germany and none of us was exactly thrilled to be going back. It was a cold winter, but as a treat Mac wanted to take us to the Nurnberg Christmas Market. We ended up driving trough a snowstorm to get there, but it turned out to be wonderful. It was like something out of a Christmas card painting.

  13. My favorite Christmas was when I was a child of about 10 years old. For the first time, we were all invited to my Aunt and Uncles for Christmas. They were the "fun" Aunt and Uncle and I remember feeling so happy because going there was an adventure. They traveled and always had something new to share and they were the only family that had the money for a camera that took movies. After eating and gift exchange, the projector came out and it was wonderful. Films of their travels and family films of previous picnics and such. I remember how shocked I was to see myself on the screen. And the films of different countries was like opening a door to the world to me. I have been fortunate to have done a fair bit of traveling in my lifetime and now I wonder if that wandering DNA was given a little push on that Christmas day. Thank you for the opportunity to win a hand carved ornament. I am looking forward to seeing this years design. Ranee (MN)

  14. My favorite Christmas was when I was a young boy of about 6-7 years old and we got 20-30 inches of snow on Christmas Eve - the world was very white Christmas Day. My brothers and I spent a couple hours shoveling the very end of the driveway and the walk to the front door - and then - despite the odds... both sets of my grandparents arrived for a Christmas Day visit.

  15. I have always loved Christmas so it would be like choosing between children, I think--LOL! The last 12 years or so my beautiful, peaceful, quiet Christmases on the actual days are just me and Karma, but I dearly love our little private McFamily Christmases after the fact. Probably those are my favorite now that Ian is a new member of the family. :)

  16. I'm not sure I have an actual favorite year, but favorite parts of many years. Video of the Christmas cookie party in the barn and hanging pine cone bird seed ornaments in Chicago top the list.

  17. My favorite Christmas as a child was when I was about 5 years old. My parents were still together and it is the only Christmas that I can remember in my childhood where we were all together and happy.

  18. My favorite Christmas was 1977. Our only child had just been born on December 13th and it felt like we were so blessed.

  19. for and My favorite Christmas was when I was nine...the whole year was a good one. I got to ride a lot that year and wanted horse ornaments for Christmas and I got them. It was a happy one too as my dads side of the family joined us...funny how I can remember that part.

  20. The years my parents were alive and with us those were my favorite Christmas my parents loved Christmas we lived on a farm and my dad would make dear tracks a sleigh track and big boot prints in the snow for all of us little ones and then our kids to see that Santa has been on Christmas morning every year he was always the first one up on Christmas morning . Thanks for sharing lovely decorations and trees you have , Have a good weekend

  21. My favorite Christmas was 1963, my first year in the north and first Christmas away from home. We all pitched in to make a good Christmas for ourselves. We were about 20 people.

  22. Since I love all Christmases it's hard to pick just one. One that does stand out was when I was about 6 or 7 years old and Dad took me Christmas shopping for the other kids. He wanted me to tell him what I thought the other kids would like, and I was ooohing and ahhhing over a walking doll. Dad sharply told me we weren't shopping for me that it was the rest of the kids that he needed to buy for that day. I put all thought of that doll behind me, sadly. On Christmas day..... my gift was that doll. I think my eyes were big as saucers when I unwrapped that big box. My dad liked to surprise us and he sure got me that Christmas.

  23. My favorite Christmas was 1982. We were stationed in Germany, our first child was 3 months old and it was just the three of us celebrating the holiday far from home but it was magical.

  24. My favorite Christmas was, just about any year when my parents were still alive and we gathered the whole family together at their house to celebrate. It was in Minnesota and there was always snow. I can still remember where everybody used to sit during present opening. Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful carved ornaments far side. Blessings to you this holiday season.

  25. My favorite Christmas was my first Christmas with Richard. He couldn't believe I had never gotten a teddy bear when I was a child. Sitting under the tree on Christmas morning was a nice white fluffy teddy bear. I still sleep with it on occassion.

  26. My favorite Christmas was in 1976. This was the last year my Dad was with us and we had made it so special for him. My other favorite Christmas was in 2006. We nearly lost my Mom just before that and we were so blessed that she was with us to have another Christmas to make wonderful memories! Miss them both so much! Thanks for all your stories about your lives! I am happy you share them with us all. Merry Christmas.

  27. A favorite Christmas that comes to mind is the first one we spent in Colorado and the first time we were grandparents. Isaac was 11 months old and just the cutest little kid. Having a grandchild to celebrate Christmas with brought the magic back, a feeling that had been missing since our kids had grown and left home. And we had snow!

  28. I find this to be a difficult one to answer. I really like Christmas a lot but I go into a tizzy of thinking trying to remember them. For a season that I like so much I really have sad feelings of how the family is never together. I am not saying this to get sympathy I just know that I have had to balance Christmas with two sets of in-laws and my parents all at the same time for a lot of years. By the time things should have settled down the two kids were married and living in other sates . I am going to state that this Christmas 2016 will be my best Christmas ever. We have been very blessed this past month and we are starting a new life now.

  29. My favorite Christmas was in 1979, the year I married Romeo (ha ha not his real name). We were living in Corvallis, Oregon, and had bought the most beautiful Christmas tree we've ever had. We had no ornaments though, so we made plenty (like stringing popcorn and cranberries). It was magical. I still have many of the ornaments we made and the few we purchased, so I can recall the wonderful scent of the branches, and how lovely it was every year we put up our now fake tree.

  30. From Ann Z
    I'm not sure why I can't leave a comment on your blog . I tried again. Mine was when I was a young teen. My mom lost her jack knife . That Christmas dad let me go shopping with him ---this was the only time . I told him he needed to get a jack knife for mom. He let me pick it out . A Buck! She used it up to the last 6 months of her life. I have it now .

  31. So hard to pick one when you are on the far side of 60! Remembering the wide eyed anticipation as a young child and then as a new wife and a whole new perspective as a new mother. Now I get to see it through my young grandchildren's eyes. Each and everyone of these Christmases has been magical!!!
    Always reading you in RI

  32. My favourite Christmas must be the ones seen through my children's eyes!

  33. Every Christmas is my favorite Christmas! I love the season. I love the carols. I love the snow. Then, as soon as the holiday is over, I'm ready for the snow and the carols to go!

  34. Favorite Christmas was many years ago when our large family all got together and sang carols in the neighborhood and at the local care center.

  35. My favorite Christmas was when I was a child and my Mom and Dad would have all the relatives over for a turkey feast. Lots of aunts, uncles and cousins and I loved it. She did this for many years.

  36. My favorite Christmas was in 1954 and we were living in Robbins, NC. Our favorite aunt and uncle and cousins spent Christmas with us. It was a big Christmas and we all got a lot. I got the prettiest girl doll that came with a chest of clothes and everything needed to fix her hair. I also got a little red sewing machine that would actually sew. Our family was happy.

  37. The drawing is now closed Thanks for sharing your favorite Christmas with me! :)

  38. The winners are Red and Kansas Kay. Please email me your address. My email can be found in my profile, just click on the yellow flower! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie