Friday, May 1, 2015

Eyes, Buds and May Baskets

We both had eye exams yesterday.  You could still drown in the dark pools that were my eyes late yesterday…I was thankful when the sun went down.  We both passed our exams.  I have to go back for some more testing, but that is nothing new I have to do that every year.  Far Guy had not been to the eye doctor since 2008…I thought he was there about four years ago…how time years had gone by.  Anyways we can cross that off our list.

Our Lilac has buds.

Lilac Bud

Our weather has been unseasonably warm this week with most every afternoon in the 70 F range or  21 C  eh!

Double Flowering Plum

My Double Flowering Plum is about to burst forth in blooms.

It was a busy week.  Garage Sales have started with the warmer weather so that is always an adventure! 

May Baskets

My May Baskets are filled and are ready to deliver later today.

Happy May Day!

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  1. I recently had an eye exam too. Ordered new glasses/script and could not see. Went back to the dr. and he had written the script incorrectly. Started process all over again!!! Hope the rest of your testing goes well.
    Happy to see new growth on your plants and I know you guys are enjoying the warmer temps. Your May baskets will brighten someone's day! Happy Weekend.

  2. Your May baskets are great and the buds and blooms are a pleasant addition to our sprngtime. Happy May Day! I hope the cheer you spread makes its way back to you.

  3. Buds on the trees as well as blossoms are a wonderful sight to see. You May baskets are so cute. I am sure they will be greatly appreciated. Have an awesome weekend.

  4. The lilacs on our bushes are just about done, and yours are just starting. I find that rather amazing. :-)

  5. Morning, we are having the same warm weather here, things are turning green. Sweet May baskets, Blessings Francine.

  6. I'll bet you are anxious for those buds to burst open. Trees are so beautiful when they are in full bloom in the Spring. Ours have already gone to the leaves, but we have had lots more rain than usual. Everything is very lush right now.

  7. May baskets! I haven't thought of those in years. I remember making paper baskets and filling them with wildflowers. My best friend and I would leave them hanging on the neighbors front doors, knock and run! It was great fun.

  8. I remember delivering May baskets when I was kid. So much fun! They don't seem to do this here on the west coast.

  9. Happy MAY DAY, Connie!!!!


  10. You are having warmer weather than we are here in NC! I would love to have a Lilac bush. Hope you will post a picture when the Lilac and the plum are in bloom. I need to read about May baskets. Yours are pretty.

  11. i was in Denver last week, and my niece's lilacs were in full bloom, but here at home, they have just started to show some growth.

    My eye exam is next week - I dread going home with dilated eyes as no sunglasses are dark enough.

  12. Happy May Day to you also! It's a lovely day here and I am about to get outside and enjoy it- have a super weekend!

  13. The year has flown by quickly as May 1st seemed like just yesterday. I need to get glasses and my wife needs to get glasses and then I need to go to the Wolfe clinic and see what they can do with the aged old eyes.

  14. We're having some nice rain this afternoon and I hope it's making everything grow. May baskets are such a fun old tradition. My kids always loved ringing the doorbell and then running and hiding when their friends came to the door. I'm sure your baskets will make some little ones happy.

  15. When spring comes to us it's very fast. We had 25 C (eh) 80 F last week for one day.

  16. The woodland wildflowers were gorgeous in the State Parks here today but no picking allowed so no May baskets . Happy Mayday anyway, Connie.....:)

  17. Hope you had a pleasant time delivering those May baskets--and didn't melt in that Minnesota heat! ;)

  18. I need to do that this summer. I'm sure you had fun delivering the May baskets. Was a beautiful day. :)


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