Friday, May 15, 2015

Spring Snow

My cousin Chuckie was telling us yesterday that his Tuesday morning fishing  time was interrupted by two hours of snow…it melted as it hit the ground.

It turned cold enough to snow.  One morning on the way into town there were chunks of snow on the roadway.  Far Guy and I looked at each other to confirm that we weren’t both crazy seeing things.  It was SNOW. Dropped off by trucks or cars passing through from North Dakota or South Dakota.

Then we had this…

Spring Snow on the ground

Don’t get too excited.  These are flower petals.

Spring Snow

Malus X ‘Spring Snow’  A sterile flowering Crabapple.  It only has flowers no fruit.  It has a real strong fragrance…Far Guy noticed it right away.

Then there is this kinda fluff.


Aspen/Populus species/ Piss Popple/Cottonwood fluff.  The fluff carries the tiny seeds all over.  Chance carts them all over and into the house.  The fluff lays in snow drifts over the lawn…and we only have a few trees.  When the wind comes from the North it looks like it is snowing.

Our grass is turning green…finally!  It rained all day yesterday…not enough but it is a start to help out with the drought.

Blog Signature

“To me an ancient Cottonwood is the greatest of trees because in his youth he shaded the buffalo and wore a halo of pigeons, and I like a young cottonwood because he may some day become ancient. But the farmer’s wife (and hence the farmer) despises all cottonwoods because in June the female tree clogs the screens with cotton. The modern dogma is comfort at any cost” Aldo Leopold


  1. You know snow and fishing together sounds very silly don't you think? :) Hug B

  2. Thankful you received some rain and hope you get more soon. Love those pretty blossoms.

  3. We have had snow here in June in Ontario Canada many years ago but not this year it is to warm both air and land . Thunderstorms for us now today and lots of rain . Our crab apple tree is close to blooming it's wonderful fushia pink flowers and has tiny berries on it when blooms are done the birds just love them ! Lovely photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. I love the way petals drift down from flowering trees. We're in lilac season here. I can smell them the minute I step out my backdoor.

  5. We are in Lilac and Crabapple season now. It is so pretty. Those white petals do look like snow. The cottonwood trees haven't been too bad so far although it may get worse. Glad you finally got some rain. Have a great weekend.

  6. We get that cottonwood fluff a little later in the season, and yes, it does look a bit like snow. And, as always, thank you for the Leopold quote. :-)

  7. Funny, I call white tree blossom "precipitation" snow too! :)

  8. LOL!!!! We call it snow here too, Blessings Francine.

  9. The cotton is flying here, too, as my allergies begin to flare. I need to purchase stock in a tissue company!

  10. That's the best kind of snow to have:-)

  11. Glad you didn't get the snow that my parents in Rapid City, SD got. They had 13" on the ground on Mother's Day!

  12. I love that kind of snow. We are miserable again today.

  13. I remember the spring time in Minnesota when the cottonwoods unloaded the fluff onto the world. We have one some where in town as we do see some of the fluff in the air on a windy day. The silver maple has dropped so many seeds this year the I can hardly see the patio. I sometims use the snow shovel to get rid of them if not a broom. I suppose when summer hits, it will be just very hot with not warm time.

  14. Here in our part of the south there are many huge Cottonwoods. FDR had work camps in the late 30's and 40's
    that planted them.

  15. I love these photos and the ones in your header...definite signs of spring in your part of the state. I love flowering trees but this year they are stirring up my allergies again. They are beautiful anyway.

  16. There are some downs to spring like snow and fluff from trees. Yes, my favorite tree is the poplar.

  17. Glad to hear you are finally getting some moisture. Lovely flowers, crazy weather.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  18. That flower blossom "snow" doesn't fool me at all...that's the only kind of "snow" we see around here in California! And that cottonwood stuff? It's really popular with my friends who have allergies, round about this time of year ;)

  19. We are currently enjoying our cottonwood "snowy days in May" here on the west coast too. Fortunately that is the only snow we're getting.

  20. I believe it was cold enough for snow! Was back down in the 30s.
    We had a male cottonwood tree with the sticky pods when I was growing up. I never quite understood how that male female thing worked with cottonwoods--LOL!


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