Ack my May list of things to accomplish is a tad lacking.
My May List:
Clean garage In process another day or two and I will be done.
Vacuum cars and wash windows. I got Far Guys vehicle all done.
Sleigh Bells…nope
Spring clean some kitchen cupboards…probably not all of them. Yes some are cleaned!
Trim some grass around some old grave markers. Yes the markers look better.
Visit some graves that I have not been to in a few years. Maybe someday in June when Far Guy is feeling better.
My June list.
Garage sale
Road trip to Buhl Minnesota. It seems Far Guy was bored in the middle of the night and bought a whole tote of train “stuff” and it has to be picked up. I have no idea where Buhl is..up north someplace in the boonies.
I can finish up “stuff” from previous months.
Wildflower photos!!
Large flowered Trillium or Trillium grandiflorum
You can see how dusty the foliage is along the roads.
Large Flowered Bellwort or Uvularia grandiflora one of two Bellworts found in Minnesota.
I think the prednisone that Far Guy has been on leaves him sleepless at night. He discovered how to sinc his Roku to his computer so he can watch his favorites on You Tube on his TV. I told him I didn’t want to be involved…my tech skills are already at their max.
It hasn’t rained yet, we are still waiting for a good rain.