Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1953

I didn’t know the story about this photo before.  So I called my Aunt and asked her.  She being sharper than a tack, knew exactly the photograph I was talking about.

Arnold and Anna 1953 June

Arnie and me in ‘53

This is my Uncle Arnold and my Aunt Anna, siblings of my fathers.  Their Mother  (My Grandmother died in June of 1953.) This photo was taken at the train station in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.  Uncle Arnold had been home for the funeral and he was headed back to Norfolk Virginia where he was stationed.  He was in the Navy.

I had never heard my Uncle Arnold referred to as Arnie before, when I asked my Aunt she laughed and said “I did it just to irritate him.”

Aunt Anna celebrated her birthday on Monday.  She was 18 years old in this photo in 1953. Uncle Arnold was 21.  Uncle Arnold died of a massive heart attack in April of 1992 he was just 60 years old.  He was a wonderful man with a great sense of humor, he was a farmer and a carpenter.

My Dad and my Aunt Anna are the only siblings still living, out of fourteen only two remain:)

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  1. What a wonderful photo and that's cute that she called him Arnie to bug him!

  2. Morning, always look forward to Wednesday and your wonderful old picture story post, loved this one, Blessings Francine.

  3. I was eleven in 1953, so we are not that far apart in age. They look very happy in this picture. I also look forward to your Wistful Wednesdays. :-)

  4. Love the photo and love the story behind it. You are very fortunate to still have someone to ask about such things.

  5. I bet you made your Aunt's day and brought back some wonderful memories for her by asking about this photo.

  6. I like this photo and this is a great story ~

  7. I wonder how long the train trip from Detroit Lakes to Norfolk, Virginia took! That must of been at least a two-three day trip!

  8. Great photo, and they look so happy. The story behind it was not quite what I expected:)

  9. Love old pictures of family. We have so many with no information about them. I personally wish I'd had a camera that dated my pictures for me.

  10. Lovely photo ! It is interesting to find out about ones family's history ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  11. They made a cute couple! Lost my mom two years ago...she was the last of 9 children and was born in 1920.

  12. Wonderful memories for you and your aunt! I love old photos.

  13. Glad you aunt was able to give you the information about the photo!

  14. You are doing the right thing by asking questions. I'll bet you get much more than what you asked for.

  15. That is a wonderful photo! Glad she was able to shed some light on the picture.

  16. Hi - I found your comment on Beth's blog and liked the name of yours blog, so thought I'd come over and say hello. Your old photos are great, and I love going through things like that. You are wise to ask a lot of questions now while everyone is alive. I wish I would have started that sooner as my parents are gone and all that's left are two aunts close to my age who don't know much more than I do when I comes to family history.

  17. After your cranky Tuesday, this is a very sweet Wednesday.

  18. I found it so strange to not have the last of the family's generation alive. It makes the cousins the oldest of the families now. I like seeing the old train car in the background. I use to see them as they traveled through Murray and Osceola. Now it is Amtrak we see and many coal cars from the west.

  19. How sweet to know the Arnie backstory. :)
    Happy belated birthday to Anna.


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