Sunday, October 27, 2013


One day this week we had sunshine.  It was a day to celebrate!  The sun felt so good!  It almost blinded me, I had to run for my sunglasses.

Chance and I captured the Tamaracks (Larix laricina) or Larch as they changed color.  Tamaracks are coniferous and deciduous.  Their needle like leaves turn a golden yellow in the Fall and drop to the ground.  They will appear naked and dead all winter long. In the spring the buds will pop and form greenish blue needle like leaves.

IMG_3509 A familiar road just two miles from our home.


My other baby brother says “When the Tamaracks lose their needles we have two weeks till it snows.”  We will see.

I finished the rest of the leaf mulching yesterday.  I have a few areas yet to rake, if they get done fine, if not it will wait until spring.  The yard looks good, the leaves are pretty much gone from the trees.  The crazy wind on Friday our sunshiny day blew most of them down.

Far Guy felt good enough to take us all for a ride yesterday. No sun, only clouds.


After the Tamaracks are done we will just have brown, grey and then white to celebrate.


So I will embrace the golden while it lasts:)

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  1. We have larches here on the eastern slopes of the mountains. They are so lovely at the golden stage. We're still in full leaf color here, but come November they will fall fast. Thanks for the lovely pics!

  2. I didn't realize there were trees that are both coniferous and deciduous. Interesting.

  3. Very pretty scenery/trees around you. Happy to hear that you all went for a ride.

  4. I lived in a dorm at Iowa State named after the tree, Larch. No one in Iowa knew the tree and not computer back then to look it up. I hope the surgery guy is feeling better soon. I have been there and it is not a good thing. Ate a lot of jello, applesauce and pudding. We saw sunshine today.

  5. Lovely scenery all around you! Great shots.

  6. Those are they are few and far between, rather rare, imagine having a whole forest of them.


  7. I am so glad to hear Far Guy is feeling well enough to go for a ride. Your pretty trees are lovely now, and I guess you'll not feel like you have to rake those leaves, eh? :-)

  8. So cool to see your tamaracks - we have have them here too but they are harder to find. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog and glad you are still with me! I am reading yours all the time but sneaking it in at work so can't comment (they blocked that go figure).

  9. Lovely photos and an interesting story, Connie. I hope the needles hold for you. ♥

  10. Beautiful scenery! Sending warm autumn thoughts to you!
    Hugs, Noreen

  11. Tamaracks stand out as they are usually near spruce. Nice shot with the road and tamaracks.

  12. The trees are beautiful. How interesting about the 2 week thing. Do let us know! There are a bunch of beliefs from our forebears that hold true. One that we lived by was that if it was raining in Atlanta when a hurricane was offshore, we had better watch out. We had two hurricanes in the 34 years we lived in SC and both times it was raining in Atlanta!

  13. How golden! Those are some colorful scenes you've captured.

  14. Oh, I love the golden this time of year. Wonderful shots!


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