Monday, October 28, 2013

Museum : Mystery Monday

Museum “stuff” still seems to take up much of my free time.  Even the off season is busy, I am certain the Board members have no idea how much work I do every week. ( mostly as a volunteer)

We have our annual meeting with elections coming up soon.  I hope people that actually volunteer time are elected instead of just figureheads that want to plump up their own obituaries.  The bylaws state that after two terms board members are required to take a term off.  Apparently that doesn’t apply…the same old people are there year after year…some have been on the board for five terms (15 years).  They have no new ideas, are reluctant to change and their get up and go gone up and went.  It is very discouraging to work with those kinds of people.

I have a new contract sitting on my desk.  I am thinking it over.

Here is the mystery item this week.

Mystery Item   What do you think it was used for?  What is it called?

Later today I will post the photo with the identification:)

Big Drumroll.  It is a Hog Whacker/Wacker (knacker).




  1. Hmmmm, not to sure, almost like a old bowling pin, Francine.

  2. Looks like my grandmother's potato masher.

  3. Don't have a clue!! Hope you can get some new blood on the board, sounds like you need it!!!

  4. Potato masher sounds like a possibility. Depending on its size, I was reading about a "Bat" that was used in the old days to pound clothes up and down when washing them. I don't know what forms the "Bat" came in.

  5. That's an interesting item. Potato masher seems like a good guess to me. I hope you get some new people on the board, too. :-)

  6. an old bottle made into a candle holder?

  7. Potato masher? Dumbell for lifting weight exercise? I haven't any idea other than those. Shirley H.

  8. I don't know; however, your Board/Bored members remind of several I deal with....I agree no fun!!!!

  9. A club for juggling is my guess.

  10. Our family uses something similar to the one shown in the picture during butchering. We use one, not sure on the official name but one could describe it as a wooden bat. We use it to push the raw meat (beef or pork) down into the grinder. That is my guess!

  11. Far Guys comment made me laugh! I don't have any idea what it is.

  12. Laffs at Far Guy (his tooth must be feeling better...)

    I think it's a wooden mallet - used to make wood shingles and bang pegs and vise pins.

  13. I was going to say fish bonker, but I think Intense Guy is probably right. You could use it to threaten some of those board members.

  14. Great feedback, they all sound plausible to me!

  15. Love your header . An old lawn pin for lawn bowling lol Oh I have no idea what that is . Looking forward to finding out . Hey use a a club on the board members lol ! Have a good day !

  16. Same problem with boards here. I am a part of it. However, we can't get young people or very many . I'm the nomination committee. I've been there.

  17. I would have guessed a masher for very large potatoes. I've got some of those from my garden this year!

  18. People politics are in every area of life. I quit school because of people politics but now I am back into it seeing many broken things going on in a school that won't be fixed by the established ones.


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