Thursday, October 17, 2013

Puppy Sitting

We puppy sat the other day.  Chance was a big help…herding help. He ran circles around the pup in the yard, around the house and around the garage.

He did real well with the pup.  Her name is Jade,  she belongs to Savannah’s boyfriend.

A visitor

She is a chewer and took every dog toy out of the enamel pan.

Chance and Jade

Chance shared his food, water and toys.   He missed a couple of his naps, because they were outside running around in the rain.

We lost her once.  It was quiet, no gnawing noises and no pitter patter of puppy feet.

Asleep on my shoes

She was asleep on the landing using my shoes for a pillow.

I had forgotten how much work puppies are.  Yes they are cute, but you really have to commit to training and taking care of them.  We didn’t have any accidents, she went to the door and barked when she had to go out…of course we took her out after she ate and after her naps…that is a secret of training puppies, setting them up to do well and giving them lots of praise.

Jade Chance was exhausted after she left so he had a good long nap.  Keeping one eye on that pup was a good job for him:)

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  1. Jade is a beauty and Chance is a good sitter. Chance earned a good nap, for sure.
    The puppy next door keeps them up at night whining!

  2. Morning, oh my, Jade is adorable, what a face......What a good puppy sitter Chance is, Blessings Francine.

  3. Jade has a sweet face. Looks like she is a black lab - a gentle and sweet breed. Yes, consistency is the key to training a pup. Sounds like Chance didn't mind having a little one underfoot.

  4. What a sweetheart! I love that picture of her sleeping on your shoes. She obviously likes your scent. And Chance is good at everything he does, so I'm not surprised. :-)

  5. Fun and good job Chance, You can't keep and good herder down...:)

  6. She IS cute! But I hear you about all that work, that's why I would never have a puppy. I prefer older dogs.

  7. A cute puppy, but lots of work and energy to train them. Thank heavens for Chance, or you would have been as exhausted as he was!!!

  8. What a cutie! Chance looks almost like he doesn't know what to do! Glad they took care of each other...with your help.

  9. That is a cute puppy. Poor Chance, now he knows how a parent feels chasing after the kids. Hahaha

  10. Such a cute little puppy! They do have lots of energy and "crash" hard when they nap! I'm sure Chance was lots less bored with this visitor!

  11. Sounds like that puppy is off to a good start. Barking at that age to go outside, awesome! I have the same crocs as you, and Calli would carry a shoe or two to her bed for a pillow, and be sleeping just like Jade. Very sweet:)

  12. Once in a while I think I might like to get a puppy to join my four dignified adult dogs and have some puppy fun. But then I remember or read a blog post about the realities of puppydom.

  13. Jade reminded me of my beloved Bella. Good for Chance both in helping you as well as really helping Jade. Lovely.

  14. I'm wondering if Chance was the only one who had the nap after she left. She is stunning...I want a puppy....


  15. Puppies are cute, and they are a handful. I hope Chance has survived. Isn't it funny watching dogs get older and not handle the puppy thing as well as they used to. Martin used to love the shenanigans of puppies, now he's just verging on a grumpy old man dog.

  16. What a precious little Labbie! They may take time to train, but then you've got a bundle full of unconditional love!

  17. She is adorable :) -- I love to puppysit! Oh you know I just love puppies!

  18. Some breeds are worse than others. some just get you going and train you. that's me. I'd get trained. Not the dog.

  19. Sounds like you know a lot of puppy training skills. Love that Chance and Jade wore each other out!

  20. Oh, the minute I saw that announcement, I thought about Chance. Yeah, I bet he got a good nap afterwards ;)

  21. I love the sleeping puppy pic. What a good dog Chance is!

  22. No wonder Chance liked the puppy. She's adorable!

  23. I love that look on Chance's face!!!


  24. Chance was a great help. Puppies are a lot of work! :)


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