Saturday, October 26, 2013

Birthdays and Surgery

Far Guy had his oral surgery yesterday, his last wisdom tooth and a fistula were removed.  He feels like crap.  He rests when the pain lets him.  I suspect it will be a slow recovery and I am hoping that he doesn’t suffer with a dry socket this time.

Chance had a pretty good birthday, he went for two rides and played ball several times.  We took another birthday photo.  The wind was blowing and someone was shooting ducks down on the river both things tend to make a Border Collie nervous.Chance Nine Years old

I captured him doing one of his favorite things.

Chance looking out the window

We left Far Guy home to rest when we went for our late afternoon drive.

Happy Birthday to my other baby brother today!  He is getting pretty old.

Here he is propped up on the couch when he was about 2 months old in 1960.

Jody abouit two months old

He was a good baby, he gave me lots of babysitting practice:)

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  1. Hope Far Guy can rest and that he won't get a dry socket this time.
    Happy Birthday to your brother.
    Chance looks so happy riding in the car.
    Take it easy today and give our best to FG.

  2. Ah the joys of growing older. Sometimes I wonder why they call them "the golden years." So far though I'm hanging on to all my teeth....:) Hoping for a quick recovery for Far Guy.

  3. Oh poor Far Guy, wishing him a speedy the picture of Chance in the wind, so nice........Sweet baby brother, Happy Bday to him, Blessings Francine.

  4. Hoping its a quick recovery for Far Guy!!!

  5. Happy birthday to your baby brother and hoping for the fast recovery of far guy.

  6. Bake a cake for your brother and Chance! Although there might be some disagreement over the ingredients.

  7. Hoping Far Guy has a speedy recovery. Happy Birthday to you baby brother!
    Looks like Chance had a happy birthday.

  8. Happy Birthday Far Guy! Sorry to hear about the oral surgery. Ouch.
    Hopefully by now you are feeling a wee bit better and can enjoy your beautiful fall day (I am hoping the power of positive thinking delivers that day to you!)

  9. Sending Far Guy lots of hope to recover soon. It's awful to have that surgery. Glad it wasn't me, but I'm sorry it was him!

  10. Poor Far Guy -- mouth pain is the worst! Chance is so beautiful -- I'd love to cuddle in his fur! Your baby brother looks like a little doll!

  11. Happy B day to all, and to FG I certainly hope that you are up and feeling totally fine very soon.


  12. Sending healing thoughts.

    Chance is a contented Border in that vehicle.

  13. Great photo of Chance. Hope your husband recovers quickly.

  14. I wish Far Guy a speedy recovery. Happy birthday to your brother. I always like your old family photos as lots of times I see things that are exactly the same as we had. Today it's the chrome chair.

  15. I hope far guy recovers from the surgery with minimal pain.
    Happy Birthday to your brother!

  16. What a wonderful day for Chance. Happy Birthday to your baby brother!
    Hoping Far Guy heals quickly!
    Have a wonderful Sunday! ♥

  17. Your brother looks like a beautiful baby doll - - - and he is still young! I worried about Far Guy when I saw your previous post about his upcoming surgery. I will try and keep him in extra prayer. It's hard for him to suffer and difficult for you to watch and not be able to change things for him.

  18. Awww - happy birthdays all round! And a big hug to Far Guy - hope he recovers soon.

  19. I hope FarGuy is doing well.
    Funny how Chance doesn't like a windy day but loves the wind from a car window--LOL! ;)
    Your brother looks almost like a big baby doll I had when I was little.


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