Friday, October 4, 2013

Getting Older

I think we need a notebook.  Someone in this household is having a memory problem.  Just sayin’ I cannot remember or be in charge of everything so I think a notebook will be added to the list.   A very important paper was not lost..just hiding in a secure place…just not a real obvious place.  The property tax bill was not paid just because we talked about it…I wish it was that simple.

Sometimes we put “stuff” away so good it disappears forever.  Someday I may find all the lost socks, papers, photos, mittens and keys, just not today.

Maple leaves 

Sometimes we forget we have our snow boots on with a pair of shorts because our feet were just a tiny bit cold and it was a quick fix..until we had to run to the store and forgot all about our toasty warm feet.  Sometimes we have too many pairs of shoes near the doorway and go to town with two different shoes on.  Oh goes on.

I am tired of wondering who the heck that person was that was talking to me like I was their long lost friend.  Next time I will come right out and ask “What is your name..or I know you but I just cannot come up with your name at the moment.”  It might all be a false alarm, just some elderly guy/gal trying to mess with your already aged confused mind.

Many of our neighbors are moving to apartments and some to assisted living facilities.  Home places will be left behind, some have lived there all their lives.  Those places will never be the same even after new people move in…IF new people move in.

On the way to town, I watched an old farmstead all summer long.  The land around it was cleared for the corporate farmer, the trees went down one by one, soon I could see the silo like never before. It was like a beacon over the cornfield.   The house and barn were gutted and in less that a week all traces of that farmstead that was homesteaded back in the late 1880’s disappeared.  POUF just like that gone. No marker  to remember the spot…just another field put into the corn, potato, wheat, bean rotation.

Some things never change…like the white house with the blue trim where I stop to take photographs. Some days a little bit of normal with no change goes a long way:)

Mary's Tree


  1. Morning, sad but true, change it is a coming, pretty pictures, Francine.

  2. A pensive piece, beautifully written. Why is it that more and more, change too often means loss?

  3. Getting forgetful is synonymous with getting older. My hubby keeps asking me where I put stuff and I can't remember, but I know I put it in a safe place. I have "sticky" notes everywhere; but I love the idea of a notebook instead. Also, change and I don't get along too well either. I love the picture of the house with the blue trim. Have a great weekend.

  4. We battle about lost documents all the time. His fault, my fault uggg. Now the mister puts all the documents we need to keep on a pile. When I do paperwork, I file all those documents. After 40 some years our new plan is working, Hope I remember we have a new plan!!! Now If finding those early Christmas purchases would be so easy. I'm going home from rehab today. Still on Oxy and ice. Will do more therapy closer to home.

  5. I've put things in a "safe place" and they are gone forever! I don't do that any more, just pile them in certain places according to importance and it seems to work better. :-)

  6. I leave the important stuff in stacks on my desk, only to have a certain cat to shuffle them for me!
    Love your autumn leaves photos today. Two huge tracts of land were cleared near us for a grocery and strip mall. Sad to see the trees go. Hope you are feeling better and getting some well deserved rest.

  7. Sad, but true. Time rolls on. We've heard of two homesteads nearby that are being split up and sold off. Both were in their respective families for over 100 years.

  8. I've been using little notebooks for some time now. Sometimes it helps...just as long as I don't put them in a "safe" place. ;)

  9. Oh soo true .. I have saying for all this getting older stuff .. old enough to know better yet young enough not to care lol ! We put any important docks in a file cabinet well I do his lordship just piles them on the desk lol I think it is a shame lots of land is being dozed over I just wish humans and companies would leave it all alone . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  10. Things are so messed up on blogger today that by the time a get to the comment form I forgot what was in your post
    It's sad that these old farmsteads are just trashed. Ours is in the cross hairs as none of us are living on it. We still own it .

  11. I posted a blog today about a hand painted plate that I am now certain I blogged a year ago. It took a while but the brain finally recalled the fact that I am repeating myself. The two of us don't like to write down a grocery list so we try to remember seven things. We always get six instead of seven because we can't remember them all. Two bottles of ketcup later we now have met that goal as we placed the second one right next to the one we bought two weeks before. I like the blue and white house.

  12. Ahh, memory problems are here with me as well. I just have to laugh about it cuz it isn't getting any better if I cry. I have 4 months of mails pied around my office...I really need to dive in. I try to pull the important bills out and pay them but it doesn't always happen...oh dear! haha!

  13. At first I laughed, because my mantra is, "Yes, I do have a good memory,but I cannot remember for the two of us!" I should do a post about that...
    Your vanishing farms are like our seashore. All the cute shore homes have vanished and have been replaced with huge monstrosities. Sad...

  14. The farm where I grew up is just as you described: everything has been removed and/or destroyed. My childhood home and farmstead were erased. It was sad to see and saddens me still.

    Love the photo of the colorful leaves and the white house w/blue trim - lovely.

  15. Around here, the #1 reason for losing very important papers is that we put them in a special place where we'd be sure to find them.

  16. Well, obviously you are not alone! I hid some cash last spring when I would be away from home for two weeks. I finally found it a week ago! Good hiding place, huh?

  17. I'm lost without my lists anymore. ;)
    One day we will be sorry about what we've done to the land, but not anytime soon, apparently. Not as long as there is money to be made and hungry city dwellers (like me).

  18. Oh gosh. We make lists for everything. And I forgot 2 I was supposed to bring on the trip.
    Know exactly how you feel. Am worried what will happen when we can't keep up with everything any more.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, Connie.


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