Sunday, October 20, 2013

Last of the flowers

Usually we have heavy frosts by now.  I have not taken flower photos this time of year in a long time.

My roses put on a show all summer.   How they survive with no care and no extra water is beyond me, they must have deep roots. 

Roses still blooming October 17

The Gaillardia had a wonderful summer, it isn’t a fussy plant.

Gaillardia last of the bloomers

I have them in three colors:  Burgundy, Goblin and Golden Goblin (Yellow).  This one is Goblin.

Bird Bath  and Asters

We raked some leaves onto the septic system.  We moved the last of the wood pile to my brothers.  We took a nap.

Last of the Asters


The lawn furniture has been put away. The grill went to the greenhouse/work shop.  The three wheeler went away for the winter.  Far Guy will put Stabil in all the gas tanks soon.

I think the No Hunting signs are all in place, only one had to be replaced.  Some idiot keeps tearing the same one down every year.  The bum.

I hung up all the shovels and rakes and I know where a particular shovel is that we will be needing but I will not mention the “S” word yet.

Now to wait for the rest of the leaves to fall out of the trees so we can finish raking and or mulching leaves.  As soon as we have a hard freeze Far Guy will mow down all the wildflower gardens.


All photos taken October 17, 2013:)


  1. We are all getting ready for the "S" to come, it seems. I love your pretty flowers that are left. And your header is so pretty! Happy Sunday to you. :-)

  2. Still looks so pretty, love the Goblin, one of my heavy frost here either, yet....going to plant some bulbs today, Blessings Francine.

  3. Uck, I'm slowly putting summer away for winter, we really have not had a hard to the house frost yet...and I am in la la land over it. Let's just pretend that this is normal sunny weather, and we choose to wear a few extra layers.


  4. It's a big job to put everything away in the fall. then we have to look after plants and clean up. I like the fall stuff if we have nice weather. Last year snow came Oct 20 and did not melt! That put a stop to any yard work.

  5. Very pretty photos. I always enjoy the banter between you and Jen (Muddy Boot Dreams) about S!!!

  6. Same here - yesterday was a busy day... but also still waiting for that heavy frost here to do a couple of things.... We are covered in white this morning also ~

  7. The S word fills me with terror. :-) With snow comes ice and bad driving conditions. You have some very lovely late blooming flowers.

  8. I've had to use my S shovel a couple of times already. It still works, but I'd like to give it a break until late winter.

    All my outside duties are finally finished, so I am ready for whatever Old Man Winter brings my way. It sounds like you are getting close with your preparations, too.

  9. I hope you don't have a hard winter like last year.
    I think we may have early winter this year ,very mild last year.

  10. I'm so glad I got out of there just in time. I heard you had some of that S stuff already. :(

  11. Fall brings such beauty, and sadness, too. I hate to see everything prepare for winter... and snow... and being trapped indoors.
    We had our first snows. On Oct 4 it snowed a bit - it got cold enough to do in most of my flowers. Had I been home, I could have blanketed them - but that would only have put off the inevitable.
    Love your Gaillardia!

  12. I'm homesick....I just can't help it....I love seeing your pictures and Fall activities but it does make me homesick. Our leaves are just starting to turn down here and I am finally able to go out and work in the yard! LOL! Your yard looks lovely in the Fall and what pretty flowers.

  13. Sounds like here, except there was no 'we' in the winter preparations. I couldn't help this year. I did cut back all the flowers and hostas before I had surgery. Hubby doesn't do flowers!! We had a minor set back, the plow on the atv has a broken part. Please no heavy snow before the replacement part arrives and is in place. Stay warm.

  14. My dahlias are still going strong, took 11 bouquets to the market today. We've had a bit of frost, but not a killing one yet. Sometimes I wish we would just get one, then I am better at cleaning stuff up and pulling stuff out. Some years it just goes on and on and gets beaten to death by the rain.

  15. Found your blog when I was reading Farm Girls. I've been reading your posts (going backwards in time) for more than about an hour and I am now following and added your blog to my blog list. I suspect we are in the same age group.

  16. Sounds like you have been busy. Seems like we never are ready for the cold weather, we have had a pretty mild fall and I actually still have morning glories and a few sunflowers blooming. But this week the colder weather is coming our way.

  17. Lovely pictures!
    Hard to believe that just over a week or so ago we still had weather in the 90s, and today barely hit 70.
    And we have a heater on in the bedroom!
    Have a wonderful week!

  18. We still have a few things blooming, but it is take down time, getting winterized before everything goes mushy in the winter rain. For the first time in months I have store bought flowers on my kitchen table.

  19. What beautiful flowers! After a brief flurry of snow, we're back to minus 6 and hard frosts...

  20. Wonderful photograph. Being able to watch the seasons pass in your beautiful home is the next best thing to being there.

  21. That Gaillardia photo is super fantastic!

  22. What beautiful flowers and how wonderful that they work so hard and up to the very last minute.

  23. Hunters!!! It only takes one, and there usually is one! :(



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