Thursday, October 10, 2013

The List

I began on the dreaded Fall work list.  Cleaning my garage took the better part of a day.  Good to have that one behind me.  I suppose I should clean it more than twice a year.  I have some “stuff” stored out there that should be sold or donated and some projects that are “someday” when I get around to it.     

I put some lawn ornaments away, and brought other stuff out.  I hope I remember the rain gauge before it freezes and busts.  The weather has been wonderful the past few days..70’s F or 21C  just perfect!


One scarecrow was in pretty good shape.  As you can see there are lots of leaves to mulch, that is on todays list.  There are still lots of leaves in the trees too.  Rain is forecast and dry leaves mulch much better than wet ones. ( I am certain I will look like one big dirtball by the end of the day.)

We straightened bird feeders.  We looked at them from every angle and discussed at great length what we could do to hamper the squirrels.   Far Guy cut some branches that were part of the squirrel highway.  The Chickadees were very upset with us, they will adjust. 

Today Chance visits the spa.  Yes, he was on my list too:)

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  1. Lucky Chance - I love my spa day. I've been doing a lot of Fall cleaning around here also. Some things just need to be cleaned out. I'm lucky with the leaves, our lawnmower has a built in mulcher so I just have to mow the lawn and it takes care of the leaves.

  2. Morning, beautiful weather here too, love it.....great picture of Chance and the scarecrow.......I have been doing the same, cleaning the yard up, feeders out, enjoy being out when the days are so nice........Blessings Francine

  3. The weather has been wonderful here to all though chilly in the early mornings wakes ya up though lol Yes I am slowly working on my fall list to every year I find it takes me longer lol either to much stuff or getting old lol. Nice photo . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  4. Iris needs to go to the spa too, Chance. You are good dogs!

    Who the heck cleans their garage twice a year??? Oh wait. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea ;-).

  5. When we lived in the suburbs of MPLS a few years back, I had a power mower that mulched the leaves in the fall. I loved that! Before that I was raking leaves and one fall had 70 of those large black yard bags filled with leaves. That was an awfully hard job and I was so glad to get the mower/mulcher. It has a side discharge so needed no bag. The minced up leaves made good fertilizer for the lawn and sort of dropped down into the blades of grass so was not unsightly. It does take several mowings to get all the leaves done but I thought it was worth every hour I put into it not to have to deal with those bags and raking
    By the way Gene, sweating does bother my TN side of face! Cold does too as does wind or breeze. I am sure you know all that!
    Shirley H.

  6. Lots of giant maple leaves down here. I use them to mulch my raspberries. Maybe I should get at it while they are still dry. Unfortunately there seems to be more important things on my list:(

  7. Love that scarecrow. Our Kasey is afraid of scarecrows -- silly dog.

  8. Oh that dreaded list - they seem to never go away!

  9. It is fun prepping for the new season. One of the times change is fun!

  10. Good for you to be getting some of the Fall work done! The scarecrow is cute. Love seeing Chance with it.

  11. I finished tow frame jobs yesterday and I am in the process of throwing away all my garden magazines. Old magazines of all kinds are going to be ditched before winter. It is good to get the stuff off of the list.

  12. Does Chance like the spa very much? I sure do!

  13. The picture of Chance with the scarecrow is so cute!

  14. I've said this before: You have a much greater work ethic than I have. I'd kinda like to just burn down the garage and start over because there's so much junk out there and it's so hard to clean around it all. :)

  15. A delightful picture.

    Is this a "Get all your work done and you can go play" list?

  16. I have to rake leaves! They do go into a city compost. I mulch at the lake.

  17. If Chance had known your plans, he might have eaten the list!!
    How are you liking your new heating system? Or maybe you posted about it already and I missed it.

  18. Yes, the fall clean up is beginning here too. We removed the bedraggled geraniums for the front porch yesterday and today I planted some flowering kale and some winter pansies.Tom will start tearing out the sagging vegetation in the vegetable/flower garden. Flower beds will have to be cut back and mulched with shredded leaves. I think I'll start with collecting the yard ornaments and storing them in the shed and attic. Maybe by thanksgiving we'll be done.

  19. Your garden is looking lovely!

  20. I bet someone is all silky shiny and someone else is beat up tired at your place today!! I hope you aren't aching too much FarSide.

  21. So do you have one of those leaf blowers that is a leaf sucker too? I really want one of those, sometimes the blowing of things causes problems for me. Isn't it funny how the wildlife can get just as used to things being "just so" like the domestic animals. I get scolded by birds a lot.


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