Tuesday, October 22, 2013

One of those days

I broke the printer this morning…it is not just sick..I killed it.  We have had it a good long time.  It was a good printer, something went clunk. I tried to fix it, Far Guy tried to fix it..it is beyond repair.  I put it on the shopping list and a replacement is sitting here in a box.

Whilst I was trying to get some other “stuff” done Far Guy was wrestling with the vacuum cleaner.  He was hoping it would be broken too so he could replace it..but it lives yet another day or two or three to aggravate him some more.

Far Guy wanted two simple things at Wally World..blueberries and printer paper that you can print stickers on.  No such luck.  When the gal asked him if he found everything he lied and said “yes.”  Then he said (I was so proud of him) “I lied I did not find everything”  She said “That’s okay sometimes I lie too.” ( She never asked him what he couldn’t find.)  Customer service at it’s finest.

I was asked to do something extra special for the museum.  I politely asked a third party to email me a photo. She is a ditz and said “I cannot email photos but I will mail you one.”  I asked her to mail it to me at home, she replied “I already sent it to the museum”…lets see you want me to drive how far..28 miles because you are S.T.U.P.I.D. ?? Apparently.  I drove to town, the photos are bad copies or blurry..go figure.  What a waste of my time.  I don’t have any nerves to get on anymore they are all shot.

I think I might need to hibernate just a tad to improve my mood…  I may not get up till noon and I may not answer the freaking phone all day long:)Wagon in town

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  1. The perfect day to hug your dog and appreciate his superiority to humans.

  2. Hibernation sounds like a good solution - I've considered it myself recently.

  3. Sometimes days like that are great, Love the wagon, looks so beautiful, Blessings Francine.

  4. Enjoying some solitude is good for the soul. Hope tomorrow goes better!!!

  5. Some people are just that: unthinking and dense. I love your picture, it is just right for the season. :-)

  6. Hope things get better! At least the gal at Wally World asked a question. Down here in NC the clerks don't smile or speak. A visit to Wally World always leaves me feeling depressed!

  7. I've had days like that and that is when I seriously consider hibernation. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up until this world gets better. Hope things get better soon by you. Love the picture.

  8. Well, you have one solution to a crappy day...cover your head and go back to bed. The other solution is to write...good therapy!

  9. Some days are diamonds, and some days are stones. Did you snow melt already?

  10. Cold and wet and windy means stay inside. Don't answer the phone.

  11. I have slept until noon more days than I should admit. I have spent entire days in my jammies when I wasn't even sick. It can be the perfect medicine. Oh, and I'm about to get a new Shark vacuum cleaner, the lightweight one, as a Christmas present just because I hate the old but still-working one we have. I figure someone else can "enjoy" the old one.

  12. Love the photo of the old wagon. You are entitled to sleep in and hibernate if you want too. Hope tomorrow is better.

  13. Just close your eyes, whirl around 3 times, and say out loud, "I lived to see another day." :-)

  14. Print stickers on? Like mailing labels?

    Sometimes it best just to go back to bed....

  15. If you're near a Staple's, they have every kind of sticker/mailing label you could want. Morning naps are good! love the fall photo.

  16. I had to laugh at your post, sorry. I have had those kind of days for sure. I hope the sun comes out and brighten your gloomy day and stay away from Wally World...that will help a bunch!

  17. You are funny. Hope you feel better after your nap. We just have to deal with 'crazy and stupid' and go on about our business. At least we aren't 'crazy and stupid'.

  18. Argh! I had a day like that yesterday.

  19. *hugs*
    If you want to make stickers, go to Staples or some office supply place. You probably want something made by Avery, and it should come with software for your computer.
    Hope tomorrow is better for you. ♥

  20. I recommend chamomile tea and losing yourself in a good book!

  21. Sounds as if you need a pyjama day doing nothing!

  22. And hug Chance!!! He understand!!!



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