Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chance: Summertime Treats

Hiya!  It is me Chance, possibly the smartest most handsome blogging Border Collie in all of Minnesota.

I have had a good summer…full of all kinds of treats.  I get to lick all of the ice cream off the bottom of a Sundae cup at Dairy Queen…only Far Side’s Cherry Sundae..not Far Guys Hot Chocolate one…it is a rule.  I get to go to the lake and play in the water sometimes in the evening.  I chase squirrels and crows and chipmunks, if they come in my yard I chase them away.

I have my own private pool.

Chance and Summer

That’s it in the background..it sits on a concrete slab so it doesn’t kill the grass.

Chance and his pool

Far Guy keeps it full of clean water.  Far Side says that next year I need a new pool cause this one has seen better days. That blue Maxwell House Coffee container is my drinking water.  I share with birds that think it is their private water supply.

Chance in his pool

I love my pool.

Last night at supper I could barely contain myself.  I knew what was on the menu ..I watched Far Side shuck some corn… I heard them talking about how good it was..then I heard them gnawing on those cobs and I could smell that fresh cooked corn..and I did it..I yipped…to remind them that “Hey I like corn too!” 

Chance and the corn

I have watched them eat corn on the cob for years.  I know how to eat it too..Far Guy holds the cob and I bite the corn off with my front teeth. I am a corn eating machine, sometimes Far Guy cannot turn the cob fast enough for me!  I love corn on the cob almost as much as spaghetti squash.  I would eat the whole cob if they would let me.

What kind of summertime treats do your dogs like? :)


  1. Oh Chance your a cutie ! Miggy loves to chase stray cats out of the yard as well as squirrels, crows and chipmunks ! Miggy's fave summertime treat is playing with her friend Shadow ,playing in the sprinkler and eating butterscotch ice cream , we give her a little scoop in her bowl and she gets to lick our bowls before they go in the dish washer . Isn't summer time fun for you pooches. Awesome post and pics . Have a good day !

  2. I didn't know dogs like corn, Chance, but I am not surprised that you know how to eat it, since you can do almost anything! And that new pool that's coming next year will be lucky to have you in it.

  3. Chance, you are one funny, lucky dog. Also the handsomest border collie. I have never seen a dog eat corn on the cob, but knowing you and how smart you are it didn't surprise me.

  4. Oh Chance - you are so funny and adorable!

    Oscar sometimes gets a lick of ice cream or a few drops of beer!

  5. Good to hear from you again, Chance. When Rufus was still with us, he loved cabbage and broccoli, either raw or cooked, he didn't care. Like you he waited patiently; thining 'gimme some soon' Good job keeping those crows out of the yard. Don't let em' peck you in the nose!

  6. Sadly, no dogs here any more, but Penny loved bananas, cleaned the peel right down to the yellow skin. Molly loved pancakes, with maple syrup, please. Bridget loved pancakes, but couldn't wait for syrup. Love the photo of you and FG!

  7. Chance, you are a cutie pie. I don't have a dog, but I love corn on the cob too!

  8. Oh Chance, now you've made Boo jealous, but then again I doubt he would eat corn...lol.

    You are such an amazing dog, and you blog so well.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. Chance, do you like watermelon? Dippy Trippy likes watermelon! And peaches!

    And you don't want to eat that whole cob! It does not do good things to the insides of dogs. Sometimes they even get stuck! Which might mean a trip to TED. (the evil doctor)

    Love your posts!

  10. Weaslie got into the cobs I threw to the chickens the other day. Can verify above comment... :-/.

  11. You are a lucky dog. The humans around here get in a tizzy when there is barf on the carpet and the dogs are relegated to dog food and treats only.

  12. So glad you had a good summer Chance that makes happy people that love you.

  13. Nice pool, Chance - you're a lucky boy. 20 years ago I was owned by a cat who loved canned sweetcorn. Probably not as good as the fresh stuff, but we didn't have the option in Scotland then :-) Jo

  14. I could believe you chance, that you had a pool but I never thought you'd swim in it. Nice story.

  15. We had a dog who dug carrots. Baily like them but does't help herself. She's a good girl. My sister dog Moose helps himself to slicer (cucumbers) out of the garden. Julie doesn't mind as long as he's only in to the really big ones. Ann

  16. Hi Chance. You are such a pretty dog and I'll bet you are really smart. I have an Aussie Cattle Dog and her name is Hiker and I know you and she would get along. She says to tell you hi.

  17. Oh what an adorable post!! I love Chance, and he is amazing with his corn-eating and pool rolling!!!

  18. Impressive, Chance! You are so talented! ;)

  19. You have some awesome treats and photos here, Chance. Love to see you enjoy corn on the cob. We bought Harriet a pool but she is afraid of it. I'm so happy you enjoy yours.

    Far Side: my sister's 3 yr old granddaughter was missing her mom and big sisters and my sister asked her what would make her happy. K responded, I want to go to the zoo to see the SQUIRRELS!!!!!!!! Don't know where that came from!!!

  20. THAT is a hoot. Sterling says he is glad you like the pool, he is donating his to his girlfriend the lab.

  21. I am laughing when I am thinking about Far Guy trying to keep up with the rotation of the corn to keep up with Chance's speed of eating. It reminds me of the "song" that I can't find at this point on the internet - - - that sounded like typing, complete with the bell on the return key - - and it had music behind it - - I think - - but a definite good rhythm to it.

  22. What a dog! This is so funny - Odda and Putzer's new treat is green grapes. I'm not sure if they're good for them, but when carrying groceries in yesterday, I dropped one bag, and that is where the green grapes were. Some spilled out, and guess which little dog was the first there to snap them up!!! Then Odda thought she needed some too. They only ate a few, and so far, no trouble.

  23. The DQ in Apple Valley gives out free ice cream for dogs here. Jake and Max get one trip a year to the DQ and seem to know what's coming!

  24. Reba and Tess also have a pool, actually a shallow water trough. Tess loves it to cool off in but Reba had to be told to get in to cool down. One of their favorite treats is the bits of Romaine lettuce that I trim off when I make Ceasar salad.

  25. WHAT A HOOT! Fuzzy and Boomer don't like sweet corn, but my other dog, Vixie loved it and would even go pick herself corn whenever she wanted some!


  26. Oh, when I was a kid our dog (mutt) loved corn on the cob, too!!! And she'd eat it like that. OMG! That brought back memories I hadn't thought about for decades. Thanks, Chance! Oh, and love your pool. ;)

  27. Wow! Corn on the cob....Annie and I didn't know about that! I think, Farmgirl Sam has been holding out on us although in her defense there really isn't good midwest sweetcorn down here but I'm sure when we get back up North she'll share with us now that she knows we like it. She lets us lick her plates and the pan with the bacon grease (she says it's good for our coats). Guess what? We have a pool just like yours! We don't like water as much as you do as she uses ours to give us a bath in although sometimes she gets wetter than we do! Ha! Ha! Glad you had a good Summer and are still enjoying the lake too!


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