Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wistful Wednesday :1955

This is a photo that Far Guys Mother saved.  She put a little x above her sons head.  The other little boys remain a mystery.   I asked Far Guy if he could remember...he was only I guess not.  This was taken in the winter, obviously, in front of Hazels house.   Hazel was a shirt tail relative.   Every fall when Far Guy was sent back to Park Rapids with his sister to start school.  Hazel would take care of them.   He loved Hazel, but he hated her cooking.   Hazel made lots of vegetable soups..Far Guy will not eat vegetable soup, and he usually fed his to the dog..a tiny little chihuahua. That poor little thing was often subject to vomiting and diarrhea for some "unknown" reason.  Every fall Hazel would knit Far Guy a pair of mittens, even when he was a teenager she knit him mittens.

Sarah (Sally) and Ruth were Hazel's teenage daughters..they often babysat for Far Guy and his sister.  We see Sally in town quite often..she is a Great Grandma now.  Ruth is coming to visit next summer, she wants to see Far Guy. The connection to our family is through Great Grandma Martha Jane Aleck. Hazels father was Martha Janes brother ( John Xaver Aleck who moved into and began farming in this area in 1912.)

Hazel was married when she was 29 years old, she birthed six children ( 4 boys and Ruth and Sally).  She was widowed at the age of 51, at that time her children's ages were 20, 18, 16, 14, 10 and 8.  It must have been a tough row to hoe all alone with six children.  She died in 1982 at the age of 88, she never remarried.  I remember her as a tiny little lady who was very fond of Far Guy:)


  1. It's wonderful that you have collected all this family history and have it all recorded for your family. I wish I'd done that while my Mom was still able to pass on these stories. p.s. Love the new header!

  2. There are many of us that only have verbal family histories left. It's sad that we don't record more history, I did try when I was a teenager, but we didn't have the resources then that we do now.

    Great post, I love those memory stories.


  3. Boy, Hazel popped kids out every two years like clockwork. I wonder if they all had birthdays close together. Very interesting information about your family, Connie. I can't imagine trying to raise six kids all alone, although the oldest two were almost adults in those days. Sounds like Hazel's vegetable soups were not exactly inspiring!

  4. Far Guy was such a cute little boy. That is a heck of a lot of snow they were standing on. Hazel must have been a strong woman with lots of determination to survive such a profound loss and be left to raise that many children.

  5. I have a pic of my Hubby and his two brothers that is so much like that one it's downright spooky! I love it when you can get a story behind a picture. What a treasure you are leaving for your families next generation in you blog. Not suggesting your goin' anywhere soon, Heeeheehe! Thanks for the great story Connie.

    Have a wonderful day! :o)

  6. Hey FarSide...great blog...I love family history.
    I am trying to do the same kind of recording for my family, since I am the last one left who knew all the old folks and can remember the stories.
    Blogs are wonderful for that and I hope to publish and give all the kids copies. That will probably eat up my entire estate....I wonder if they would rather have the money.....

  7. What a heart warming history of Hazel. I had a favorite Aunt Hazel. And now I have a grand niece Hazel. Yearly mittens, that is so cool! That is auntie love for sure.

  8. What a great story about Hazel! She sounds like my grandmother who made the most awful soups - pepper soup we called them as they blew the roof of our mouths off!


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